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'Climbing mountains and wading streams; I ran wild about; I was 

burnt by the sun; drenched by the rain; and had frequently at night 

no other covering than the sky; or the humid roof of some cave; but 

nothing seemed to affect my constitution; probably the fire which 

burned within me counteracted what I suffered from without。  During 

the space of three years I scarcely knew what befell me; my life 

was a dream … a wild; horrible dream; more than once I believe I 

was in the hands of robbers; and once in the hands of gypsies。  I 

liked the last description of people least of all; I could not 

abide their yellow faces; or their ceaseless clabber。  Escaping 

from these beings; whose countenances and godless discourse brought 

to my mind the demons of the deep Unknown; I still ran wild through 

Wales; I know not how long。  On one occasion; coming in some degree 

to my recollection; I felt myself quite unable to bear the horrors 

of my situation; looking round I found myself near the sea; 

instantly the idea came into my head that I would cast myself into 

it; and thus anticipate my final doom。  I hesitated a moment; but a 

voice within me seemed to tell me that I could do no better; the 

sea was near; and I could not swim; so I determined to fling myself 

into the sea。  As I was running along at great speed; in the 

direction of a lofty rock; which beetled over the waters; I 

suddenly felt myself seized by the coat。  I strove to tear myself 

away; but in vain; looking round; I perceived a venerable hale old 

man; who had hold of me。  〃Let me go!〃 said I; fiercely。  〃I will 

not let thee go;〃 said the old man; and now; instead of with one; 

he grappled me with both hands。  〃In whose name dost thou detain 

me?〃 said I; scarcely knowing what I said。  〃In the name of my 

Master; who made thee and yonder sea; and has said to the sea; So 

far shalt thou come; and no farther; and to thee; Thou shalt do no 

murder。〃  〃Has not a man a right to do what he pleases with his 

own?〃 said I。  〃He has;〃 said the old man; 〃but thy life is not thy 

own; thou art accountable for it to thy God。  Nay; I will not let 

thee go;〃 he continued; as I again struggled; 〃if thou struggle 

with me the whole day I will not let thee go; as Charles Wesley 

says; in his 'Wrestlings of Jacob'; and see; it is of no use 

struggling; for I am; in the strength of my Master; stronger than 

thou〃; and indeed; all of a sudden I had become very weak and 

exhausted; whereupon the old man; beholding my situation; took me 

by the arm and led me gently to a neighbouring town; which stood 

behind a hill; and which I had not before observed; presently he 

opened the door of a respectable…looking house; which stood beside 

a large building having the appearance of a chapel; and conducted 

me into a small room; with a great many books in it。  Having caused 

me to sit down; he stood looking at me for some time; occasionally 

heaving a sigh。  I was; indeed; haggard and forlorn。  〃Who art 

thou?〃 he said at last。  〃A miserable man;〃 I replied。  〃What makes 

thee miserable?〃 said the old man。  〃A hideous crime;〃 I replied。  

〃I can find no rest; like Cain I wander here and there。〃  The old 

man turned pale。  〃Hast thou taken another's life?〃 said he; 〃if 

so; I advise thee to surrender thyself to the magistrate; thou 

canst do no better; thy doing so will be the best proof of thy 

repentance; and though there be no hope for thee in this world 

there may be much in the next。〃  〃No;〃 said I; 〃I have never taken 

another's life。〃  〃What then; another's goods?  If so; restore them 

sevenfold; if possible:  or; if it be not in thy power; and thy 

conscience accuse thee; surrender thyself to the magistrate; and 

make the only satisfaction thou art able。〃  〃I have taken no one's 

goods;〃 said I。  〃Of what art thou guilty; then?〃 said he。  〃Art 

thou a drunkard? a profligate?〃  〃Alas; no;〃 said I; 〃I am neither 

of these; would that I were no worse。〃

'Thereupon the old man looked steadfastly at me for some time; 

then; after appearing to reflect; he said; 〃Young man; I have a 

great desire to know your name。〃  〃What matters it to you what is 

my name?〃 said I; 〃you know nothing of me。〃  〃Perhaps you are 

mistaken;〃 said the old man; looking kindly at me; 〃but at all 

events tell me your name。〃  I hesitated a moment; and then told him 

who I was; whereupon he exclaimed with much emotion; 〃I thought so; 

how wonderful are the ways of Providence。  I have heard of thee; 

young man; and know thy mother well。  Only a month ago; when upon a 

journey; I experienced much kindness from her。  She was speaking to 

me of her lost child; with tears; she told me that you were one of 

the best of sons; but that some strange idea appeared to have 

occupied your mind。  Despair not; my son。  If thou hast been 

afflicted; I doubt not but that thy affliction will eventually turn 

out to thy benefit; I doubt not but that thou wilt be preserved; as 

an example of the great mercy of God。  I will now kneel down and 

pray for thee; my son。〃

'He knelt down; and prayed long and fervently。  I remained standing 

for some time; at length I knelt down likewise。  I scarcely knew 

what he was saying; but when he concluded I said 〃Amen。〃

'And when we had risen from our knees; the old man left me for a 

short time; and on his return led me into another room; where were 

two females; one was an elderly person; the wife of the old man; … 

the other was a young woman of very prepossessing appearance (hang 

not down thy head; Winifred); who I soon found was a distant 

relation of the old man; … both received me with great kindness; 

the old man having doubtless previously told them who I was。

'I stayed several days in the good man's house。  I had still the 

greater portion of a small sum which I happened to have about me 

when I departed on my dolorous wandering; and with this I purchased 

clothes; and altered my appearance considerably。  On the evening of 

the second day my friend said; 〃I am going to preach; perhaps you 

will come and hear me。〃  I consented; and we all went; not to a 

church; but to the large building next the house; for the old man; 

though a clergyman; was not of the established persuasion; and 

there the old man mounted a pulpit; and began to preach。  〃Come 

unto me; all ye that labour and are heavy laden;〃 etc。 etc。; was 

his text。  His sermon was long; but I still bear the greater 

portion of it in my mind。

'The substance of it was that Jesus was at all times ready to take 

upon Himself the burden of our sins; provided we came to Him with a 

humble and contrite spirit; and begged His help。  This doctrine was 

new to me; I had often been at church; but had never heard it 

preached before; at least so distinctly。  When he said that all men 

might be saved; I shook; for I expected he would add; all except 

those who had committed the mysterious sin; but no; all men were to 

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