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the ragged trousered philanthropists-第91章

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in buying back only a very small part of the things they produce。  Therefore what remains in the possession of their masters represents the difference between the value of the work done and the wages paid for doing it。 This systematic robbery has been going on for generations; the value of the accumulated loot is enormous; and all of it; all the wealth at present in the possession of the rich; is rightly the property of the working class … it has been stolen from them by means of the Money Trick。' 。。。

For some moments an oppressive silence prevailed。  The men stared with puzzled; uncomfortable looks alternately at each other and at the drawings on the wall。  They were compelled to do a little thinking on their own account; and it was a process to which they were unaccustomed。  In their infancy they had been taught to distrust their own intelligence and to leave 〃thinking' to their ‘pastors' and masters and to their ‘betters' generally。  All their lives they had been true to this teaching; they had always had blind; unreasoning faith in the wisdom and humanity of their pastors and masters。  That was the reason why they and their children had been all their lives on the verge of starvation and nakedness; whilst their ‘betters' … who did nothing but the thinking … went clothed in purple and fine linen and fared sumptuously every day。

Several men had risen from their seats and were attentively studying the diagrams Owen had drawn on the wall; and nearly all the others were making the same mental efforts … they were trying to think of something to say in defence of those who robbed them of the fruits of their toil。

‘I don't see no bloody sense in always runnin' down the rich;' said Harlow at last。  ‘There's always been rich and poor in the world and there always will be。'

‘Of course;' said Slyme。  ‘It says in the Bible that the poor shall always be with us。'

‘What the bloody 'ell kind of system do you think we ought to 'ave?' demanded Crass。  ‘If everything's wrong; 'ow's it goin' to be altered?'

At this; everybody brightened up again; and exchanged looks of satisfaction and relief。  Of course!  It wasn't necessary to think about these things at all!  Nothing could ever be altered: it had always been more or less the same; and it always would be。

‘It seems to me that you all HOPE it is impossible to alter it;' said Owen。  ‘Without trying to find out whether it could be done; you persuade yourselves that it is impossible; and then; instead of being sorry; you're glad!'

Some of them laughed in a silly; half…ashamed way。

‘How do YOU reckon it could be altered?' said Harlow。

‘The way to alter it is; first to enlighten the people as to the real cause of their sufferings; and then …'

‘Well;' interrupted Crass; with a self…satisfied chuckle; ‘it'll take a better bloody man than you to enlighten ME!'

‘I don't want to be henlightened into Darkness!' said Slyme piously。

‘But what sort of System do you propose; then?' repeated Harlow。

‘After you've got 'em all enlightened … if you don't believe in sharing out all the money equal; how ARE you goin' to alter it?'

‘I don't know 'ow 'e's goin' to alter it;' sneered Crass; looking at his watch and standing up; ‘but I do know what the time is … two minits past one!'

‘The next lecture;' said Philpot; addressing the meeting as they all prepared to return to work; ‘the next lecture will be postponded till tomorrer at the usual time; when it will be my painful dooty to call upon Mr Owen to give 'is well…known and most hobnoxious address entitled 〃Work and how to avoid it。〃  Hall them as wants to be henlightened kindly attend。'

‘Or hall them as don't get the sack tonight;' remarked Easton grimly。

Chapter 26

The Slaughter

During the afternoon; Rushton and Sweater visited the house; the latter having an appointment to meet there a gardener to whom be wished to give instructions concerning the laying out of the grounds; which had been torn up for the purpose of putting in the new drains。 Sweater had already arranged with the head gardener of the public park to steal some of the best plants from that place and have them sent up to ‘The Cave'。  These plants had been arriving in small lots for about a week。  They must have been brought there either in the evening after the men left off or very early in the morning before they came。  The two gentlemen remained at the house for about half an hour and as they went away the mournful sound of the Town Hall bell … which was always tolled to summon meetings of the Council … was heard in the distance; and the hands remarked to each other that another robbery was about to be perpetrated。

Hunter did not come to the job again that day: he had been sent by Rushton to price some work for which the firm was going to tender an estimate。  There was only one person who felt any regret at his absence; and that was Mrs White … Bert's mother; who had been working at ‘The Cave' for several days; scrubbing the floors。  As a rule; Hunter paid her wages every night; and on this occasion she happened to need the money even more than usual。  As leaving off time drew near; she mentioned the matter to Crass; who advised her to call at the office on her way home and ask the young lady clerk for the money。 As Hunter did not appear; she followed the foreman's advice。

When she reached the shop Rushton was just coming out。  She explained to him what she wanted and he instructed Mr Budd to tell Miss Wade to pay her。  The shopman accordingly escorted her to the office at the back of the shop; and the young lady book…keeper … after referring to former entries to make quite certain of the amount; paid her the sum that Hunter had represented as her wages; the same amount that Miss Wade had on the previous occasions given him to pay the charwoman。 When Mrs White got outside she found that she held in her hand half a crown instead of the two shillings she usually received from Mr Hunter。  At first she felt inclined to take it back; but after some hesitation she thought it better to wait until she saw Hunter; when she could tell him about it; but the next morning when she saw the disciple at ‘The Cave' he broached the subject first; and told her that Miss Wade had made a mistake。  And that evening when he paid her; he deducted the sixpence from the usual two shillings。

The lecture announced by Philpot was not delivered。  Anxiously awaiting the impending slaughter the men kept tearing into it as usual; for they generally keep working in the usual way; each one trying to outdo the others so as not to lose his chance of being one of the lucky one 。。。

Misery now went round and informed all the men with the exception of Crass; Owen; Slyme and Sawkins … that they would have to stand off that night。  He told them that the firm had several jobs in view … work they had tendered for and hoped to get; and said they could look round after Christmas and he might … possibly … be able to start some of them again。  They would be paid at the office tomorrow … Saturday … at one o'clock as usual; but if any of them wished they could have their money tonight。  The men thanked him; and most of them said they would come for their wages at the usual
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