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the ragged trousered philanthropists-第194章

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rain with real coal for engine; signals; red lamp and place to turn the engines round。'

Barrington closed the book: ‘So you may as well have your things now;' he continued; speaking in a matter…of…fact tone。  ‘We'll buy them here; it will save me a lot of work。  I shall not have the trouble of taking them round to where you live。  It's lucky I happened to meet you; isn't it?'

The children were breathless with emotion; but they just managed to gasp out that it was … very lucky。

As they followed him into the shop; Freddie was the only one of the four whose condition was anything like normal。  All the others were in a half…dazed state。  Frankie was afraid that he was not really awake at all。  It couldn't be true; it must be a dream。

In addition to the hair; the horse was furnished with four wheels。 They did not have it made into a parcel; but tied some string to it and handed it over to its new owner。  The elder children were scarcely conscious of what took place inside the shop; they knew that Barrington was talking to the shopman; but they did not hear what was said … the sound seemed far away and unreal。

The shopman made the doll; the tea…set and the needlecase into one parcel and gave it to Elsie。  The railway; in a stout cardboard box; was also wrapped up in brown paper; and Frankie's heart nearly burst when the man put the package into his arms。

When they came out of the toy shop they said ‘Good night' to Frankie; who went off carrying his parcel very carefully and feeling as if he were walking on air。  The others went into a provision merchant's near by; where the groceries were purchased and packed into the waggon。

Then Barrington; upon referring to the list to make quite certain that he had not forgotten anything; found that Santa Claus had put down a pair of boots each for Elsie and Charley; and when they went to buy these; it was seen that their stockings were all ragged and full of holes; so they went to a draper's and bought some stocking also。 Barrington said that although they were not on the list; he was sure Santa Claus would not object … he had probably meant them to have them; but had forgotten to put them down。

Chapter 54

The End

The following evening Barrington called at Owen's place。  He said he was going home for the holidays and had come to say goodbye for a time。

Owen had not been doing very well during these last few months; although he was one of the few lucky ones who had had some small share of work。  Most of the money he earned went for rent; to pay which they often had to go short of food。  Lately his chest had become so bad that the slightest exertion brought on fits of coughing and breathlessness; which made it almost impossible to work even when he had the opportunity; often it was only by an almost superhuman effort of will that he was able to continue working at all。  He contrived to keep up appearances to a certain extent before Rushton; who; although he knew that Owen was not so strong as the other men; was inclined to overlook it so long as he was able to do his share of work; for Owen was a very useful hand when things were busy。  But lately some of the men with whom he worked began to manifest dissatisfaction at having him for a mate。  When two men are working together; the master expects to see two men's work done; and if one of the two is not able to do his share it makes it all the harder for the other。

He never had the money to go to a doctor to get advice; but earlier in the winter he had obtained from Rushton a ticket for the local hospital。  Every Saturday throughout the year when the men were paid they were expected to put a penny or twopence in the hospital box。 Contributions were obtained in this way from every firm and workshop in the town。  The masters periodically handed these boxes over to the hospital authorities and received in return some tickets which they gave to anyone who needed and asked for them。  The employer had to fill in the ticket or application form with the name and address of the applicant; and to certify that in his opinion the individual was a deserving case; ‘suitable to receive this charity'。  In common with the majority of workmen; Owen had a sort of horror of going for advice to this hospital; but he was so ill that he stifled his pride and went。  It happened that it turned out to be more expensive than going to a private doctor; for he had to be at the hospital at a certain hour on a particular morning。  To do this he had to stay away from work。  The medicine they prescribed and which he had to buy did him no good; for the truth was that it was not medicine that he … like thousands of others … needed; but proper conditions of life and proper food; things that had been for years past as much out of his reach as if he had been dying alone in the middle of a desert。

Occasionally Nora contrived … by going without some other necessary … to buy him a bottle of one of the many much…advertised medicines; but although some of these things were good she was not able to buy enough for him to derive any benefit from them。

Although he was often seized with a kind of terror of the future … of being unable to work … he fought against these feelings and tried to believe that when the weather became warmer he would be all right once more。

When Barrington came in Owen was sitting in a deck…chair by the fire in the sitting…room。 He had been to work that day with Harlow; washing off the ceilings and stripping the old paper from the walls of two rooms in Rushton's home; and he looked very haggard and exhausted。

‘I have never told you before;' said Barrington; after they had been talking for a while; ‘but I suppose you have guessed that I did not work for Rushton because I needed to do so in order to live。  I just wanted to see things for myself; to see life as it is lived by the majority。  My father is a wealthy man。  He doesn't approve of my opinions; but at same time he does not interfere with me for holding them; and I have a fairly liberal allowance which I spent in my own way。  I'm going to pass Christmas with my own people; but in the spring I intend to fit out a Socialist Van; and then I shall come back here。  We'll have some of the best speakers in the movement; we'll hold meetings every night; we'll drench the town with literature; and we'll start a branch of the party。'

Owen's eye kindled and his pale face flushed。

‘I shall be able to do something to advertise the meetings;' he said。 For instance; I could paint some posters and placards。'

‘And I can help to give away handbills;' chimed in Frankie; looking up from the floor; where he was seated working the railway。  ‘I know a lot of boys who'll come along with me to put 'em under the doors as well。'

They were in the sitting…room and the door was shut。  Mrs Owen was in the next room with Ruth 。 While the two men were talking the front…door bell was heard to ring and Frankie ran out to see who it was; closing the door after him。  Barrington and Owen continued their conversation; and from time to time they could hear a low murmur of voices from the adjoining room。  After a little while they heard some one go out by the front door; and almost immediately af
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