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little dorrit-信丽(英文版)-第75章

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afresh; and; sitting by his side; rejoiced to see him eat and drink。 For
now he sat in his black velvet cap and old grey gown; magnanimous again;
and would have ported himself towards any Collegian who might have
looked in to ask his advice; like a great moral Lord Chesterfield; or
Master of the ethical ceremonies of the Marshalsea。

To keep his attention engaged; she talked with him about his wardrobe;
when he was pleased to say; that Yes; indeed; those shirts she proposed
would be exceedingly acceptable; for those he had were worn out; and;
being ready…made; had never fitted him。 Being conversational; and in a
reasonable flow of spirits; he then invited her attention to his coat
as it hung behind the door: remarking that the Father of the place
would set an indifferent example to his children; already disposed to be
slovenly; if he went among them out at elbows。 He was jocular; too;
as to the heeling of his shoes; but became grave on the subject of his
cravat; and promised her that; when she could afford it; she should buy
him a new one。

While he smoked out his cigar in peace; she made his bed; and put the
small room in order for his repose。 Being weary then; owing to the
advanced hour and his emotions; he came out of his chair to bless her
and wish her Good night。 All this time he had never once thought of HER
dress; her shoes; her need of anything。 No other person upon earth; save
herself; could have been so unmindful of her wants。

He kissed her many times with 'Bless you; my love。 Good night; MY dear!'

But her gentle breast had been so deeply wounded by what she had seen of
him that she was unwilling to leave him alone; lest he should lament
and despair again。 'Father; dear; I am not tired; let me e back
presently; when you are in bed; and sit by you。'

He asked her; with an air of protection; if she felt solitary?

'Yes; father。'

'Then e back by all means; my love。'

'I shall be very quiet; father。'

'Don't think of me; my dear;' he said; giving her his kind permission
fully。 'e back by all means。'

He seemed to be dozing when she returned; and she put the low fire
together very softly lest she should awake him。 But he overheard her;
and called out who was that?

'Only Amy; father。'

'Amy; my child; e here。 I want to say a word to you。' He raised
himself a little in his low bed; as she kneeled beside it to bring her
face near him; and put his hand between hers。 O! Both the private father
and the Father of the Marshalsea were strong within him then。

'My love; you have had a life of hardship here。 No panions; no
recreations; many cares I am afraid?'

'Don't think of that; dear。 I never do。'

'You know my position; Amy。 I have not been able to do much for you; but
all I have been able to do; I have done。'

'Yes; my dear father;' she rejoined; kissing him。 'I know; I know。'

'I am in the twenty…third year of my life here;' he said; with a catch
in his breath that was not so much a sob as an irrepressible sound of
self…approval; the momentary outburst of a noble consciousness。 'It is
all I could do for my children……I have done it。 Amy; my love; you are
by far the best loved of the three; I have had you principally in my
mind……whatever I have done for your sake; my dear child; I have done
freely and without murmuring。'

Only the wisdom that holds the clue to all hearts and all mysteries; can
surely know to what extent a man; especially a man brought down as this
man had been; can impose upon himself。 Enough; for the present place;
that he lay down with wet eyelashes; serene; in a manner majestic; after
bestowing his life of degradation as a sort of portion on the devoted
child upon whom its miseries had fallen so heavily; and whose love alone
had saved him to be even what he was。

That child had no doubts; asked herself no question; for she was but too
content to see him with a lustre round his head。 Poor dear; good dear;
truest; kindest; dearest; were the only words she had for him; as she
hushed him to rest。

She never left him all that night。 As if she had done him a wrong which
her tenderness could hardly repair; she sat by him in his sleep; at
times softly kissing him with suspended breath; and calling him in a
whisper by some endearing name。 At times she stood aside so as not to
intercept the low fire…light; and; watching him when it fell upon his
sleeping face; wondered did he look now at all as he had looked when he
was prosperous and happy; as he had so touched her by imagining that he
might look once more in that awful time。 At the thought of that time;
she kneeled beside his bed again; and prayed; 'O spare his life! O
save him to me! O look down upon my dear; long…suffering; unfortunate;
much…changed; dear dear father!'

Not until the morning came to protect him and encourage him; did she
give him a last kiss and leave the small room。 When she had stolen
down…stairs; and along the empty yard; and had crept up to her own
high garret; the smokeless housetops and the distant country hills were
discernible over the wall in the clear morning。 As she gently opened the
window; and looked eastward down the prison yard; the spikes upon the
wall were tipped with red; then made a sullen purple pattern on the sun
as it came flaming up into the heavens。 The spikes had never looked so
sharp and cruel; nor the bars so heavy; nor the prison space so gloomy
and contracted。 She thought of the sunrise on rolling rivers; of the
sunrise on wide seas; of the sunrise on rich landscapes; of the
sunrise on great forests where the birds were waking and the trees were
rustling; and she looked down into the living grave on which the sun
had risen; with her father in it three…and…twenty years; and said; in
a burst of sorrow and passion; 'No; no; I have never seen him in my

CHAPTER 20。 Moving in Society

If Young John Chivery had had the inclination and the power to write a
satire on family pride; he would have had no need to go for an avenging
illustration out of the family of his beloved。 He would have found it
amply in that gallant brother and that dainty sister; so steeped in mean
experiences; and so loftily conscious of the family name; so ready
to beg or borrow from the poorest; to eat of anybody's bread; spend
anybody's money; drink from anybody's cup and break it afterwards。
To have painted the sordid facts of their lives; and they throughout
invoking the death's head apparition of the family gentility to e and
scare their benefactors; would have made Young John a satirist of the
first water。

Tip had turned his liberty to hopeful account by being a
billiard…marker。 He had troubled himself so little as to the means of
his release; that Clennam scarcely needed to have been at the pains of
impressing the mind of Mr Plornish on that subject。 Whoever had paid
him the pliment; he very readily accepted the pliment with HIS
pliments; and there was an end of it。 Issuing forth from the gate
on these easy terms; he became a billiard…marker; and now occasionally
looked in at the little skittle…ground in a green Newmarket coat
(second…hand); with a shining collar and bright buttons (new); and dran
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