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little dorrit-信丽(英文版)-第143章

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receive quite a shock from the force of the argument。

Monsieur; as an English traveller; surrounded by all means of travelling
pleasantly; doubtless possessing fortune; carriages; and servants……

'Perfectly; perfectly。 Without doubt;' said the gentleman。

Monsieur could not easily place himself in the position of a person who
had not the power to choose; I will go here to…morrow; or there next
day; I will pass these barriers; I will enlarge those bounds。 Monsieur
could not realise; perhaps; how the mind acmodated itself in such
things to the force of necessity。

'It is true;' said Monsieur。 'We will……ha……not pursue the subject。

You are……hum……quite accurate; I have no doubt。 We will say no more。'

The supper having e to a close; he drew his chair away as he spoke;
and moved back to his former place by the fire。 As it was very cold
at the greater part of the table; the other guests also resumed their
former seats by the fire; designing to toast themselves well before
going to bed。 The host; when they rose from the table; bowed to all
present; wished them good night; and withdrew。 But first the insinuating
traveller had asked him if they could have some wine made hot; and as
he had answered Yes; and had presently afterwards sent it in; that
traveller; seated in the centre of the group; and in the full heat of
the fire; was soon engaged in serving it out to the rest。

At this time; the younger of the two young ladies; who had been silently
attentive in her dark corner (the fire…light was the chief light in the
sombre room; the lamp being smoky and dull) to what had been said of the
absent lady; glided out。 She was at a loss which way to turn when she
had softly closed the door; but; after a little hesitation among the
sounding passages and the many ways; came to a room in a corner of the
main gallery; where the servants were at their supper。 From these she
obtained a lamp; and a direction to the lady's room。

It was up the great staircase on the story above。 Here and there; the
bare white walls were broken by an iron grate; and she thought as she
went along that the place was something like a prison。 The arched door
of the lady's room; or cell; was not quite shut。 After knocking at it
two or three times without receiving an answer; she pushed it gently
open; and looked in。

The lady lay with closed eyes on the outside of the bed; protected from
the cold by the blankets and wrappers with which she had been covered
when she revived from her fainting fit。 A dull light placed in the deep
recess of the window; made little impression on the arched room。 The
visitor timidly stepped to the bed; and said; in a soft whisper; 'Are
you better?'

The lady had fallen into a slumber; and the whisper was too low to awake
her。 Her visitor; standing quite still; looked at her attentively。

'She is very pretty;' she said to herself。 'I never saw so beautiful a
face。 O how unlike me!'

It was a curious thing to say; but it had some hidden meaning; for it
filled her eyes with tears。

'I know I must be right。 I know he spoke of her that evening。 I could
very easily be wrong on any other subject; but not on this; not on

With a quiet and tender hand she put aside a straying fold of the
sleeper's hair; and then touched the hand that lay outside the covering。

'I like to look at her;' she breathed to herself。 'I like to see what
has affected him so much。'

She had not withdrawn her hand; when the sleeper opened her eyes and

'Pray don't be alarmed。 I am only one of the travellers from
down…stairs。 I came to ask if you were better; and if I could do
anything for you。'

'I think you have already been so kind as to send your servants to my

'No; not I; that was my sister。 Are you better?'

'Much better。 It is only a slight bruise; and has been well looked to;
and is almost easy now。 It made me giddy and faint in a moment。 It had
hurt me before; but at last it overpowered me all at once。' 'May I stay
with you until some one es? Would you like it?'

'I should like it; for it is lonely here; but I am afraid you will feel
the cold too much。'

'I don't mind cold。 I am not delicate; if I look so。' She quickly moved
one of the two rough chairs to the bedside; and sat down。 The other as
quickly moved a part of some travelling wrapper from herself; and drew
it over her; so that her arm; in keeping it about her; rested on her

'You have so much the air of a kind nurse;' said the lady; smiling on
her; 'that you seem as if you had e to me from home。'

'I am very glad of it。'

'I was dreaming of home when I woke just now。 Of my old home; I mean;
before I was married。'

'And before you were so far away from it。'

'I have been much farther away from it than this; but then I took
the best part of it with me; and missed nothing。 I felt solitary as I
dropped asleep here; and; missing it a little; wandered back to it。'
There was a sorrowfully affectionate and regretful sound in her voice;
which made her visitor refrain from looking at her for the moment。

'It is a curious chance which at last brings us together; under this
covering in which you have wrapped me;' said the visitor after a
pause;'for do you know; I think I have been looking for you some time。'
'Looking for me?'

'I believe I have a little note here; which I was to give to you
whenever I found you。 This is it。 Unless I greatly mistake; it is
addressed to you? Is it not?'

The lady took it; and said yes; and read it。 Her visitor watched her as
she did so。 It was very short。 She flushed a little as she put her lips
to her visitor's cheek; and pressed her hand。

'The dear young friend to whom he presents me; may be a fort to me
at some time; he says。 She is truly a fort to me the first time I see

'Perhaps you don't;' said the visitor; hesitating……'perhaps you don't
know my story? Perhaps he never told you my story?'


'Oh no; why should he! I have scarcely the right to tell it myself at
present; because I have been entreated not to do so。 There is not much
in it; but it might account to you for my asking you not to say anything
about the letter here。 You saw my family with me; perhaps? Some of
them……I only say this to you……are a little proud; a little prejudiced。'

'You shall take it back again;' said the other; 'and then my husband is
sure not to see it。 He might see it and speak of it; otherwise; by some
accident。 Will you put it in your bosom again; to be certain?'

She did so with great care。 Her small; slight hand was still upon the
letter; when they heard some one in the gallery outside。

'I promised;' said the visitor; rising; 'that I would write to him after
seeing you (I could hardly fail to see you sooner or later); and tell
him if you were well and happy。 I had better say you were well and

'Yes; yes; yes! Say I was very well and very happy。 And that I thanked
him affectionately; and would never forget him。'

'I shall see you in the morning。 After that we are sure to meet again
before very long。 Good night!'

'Good night。 Thank you; thank you。 Good night; my dear!'

Both of them were hurried 
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