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history of the mackenzies-第98章

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Thomas; in 1779; on payment of  ?00;000。  Earl Kenneth died; as already stated; in 1781; and was  succeeded by his cousin;


In all his estates; and in the command of the 78th Ross…shire Highland  Regiment; but not in the titles and dignities; which terminated with his  predecessor。  When the 78th was raised; in 1778; Thomas Frederick Mackenzie…Humberston was a captain in the 1st Regiment of Dragoon Guards;  but he gave this up and accepted a captaincy in Seaforth's regiment of  Ross…shire Highlanders。 He was afterwards quartered with the latter in  Jersey; and took a prominent share in repelling the attack made on that  island by the French。  On the 2nd of September; 1780; he was appointed  from the 78th as Lieutenant…Colonel…Commandant of the 100th Foot。  In 1781 he embarked with this regiment to the East Indies; and was  at Port Preya when the outward bound East India fleet under Commodore Johnston was attacked by the French   He happened at the time to be  ashore; but such was his ardour to share in the action that he swam to one  of the ships engaged with the enemy。  Immediately on his arrival in India he obtained a separate command on the Malabar Coast; but in its exercise  he met with every possible discouragement from the Council of Bombay。

This; however; only gave a man of his spirit greater opportunity of distinguishing himself; for; under all the disadvantages of having funds; stores; and reinforcements withheld from him; he undertook; with 1000  Europeans and 2500 Sepoys to wage an offensive war against Calicut。  He  was conscious of great personal resources; and harmony; confidence; and  attachment on the part of his officers and men。  He finally drove the  enemy out of the country; defeated them in three different engagements;  took the city of Calicut; and  every other place of strength in the kingdom。

He concluded a treaty with the King of Travancore; who was reinforced by  a body of 1200 men。  Tippoo then proceeded against him with an army of  30;000; more than one…third of them cavalry; Colonel Mackenzie…Humberston repelled their attack; and by a rapid march regained the Fort  of Panami; which the enemy attempted to carry; but he defeated them with  great loss。  He served under General Matthews against Hyder Ali in 1782;  but during the operations of that campaign; Matthews gave such proofs of  incapacity and injustice; that Colonels Macleod and Humberston carried  their complaints to the Council of Bombay; where they arrived on the 26th of February; 1783。  The Council ordered General Matthews to be  superseded; appointed Colonel Macleod to succeed him in command of  the army; and desired Colonel Humberston to join him。  They both sailed  from Bombay on the 5th of April; 1783; in the Ranger sloop of war; but; notwithstanding that peace had been concluded with the Mahrattas; their  ship was attacked on the 8th of that month by the Mahratta fleet; and after  a desperate resistance of four hours; captured。 All the officers on board  were either killed or wounded; among them the young and gallant Colonel   Mackenzie…Humberston; who was shot through the body with a four  pound ball; and he died of the wound at Geriah; on the 30th April; 1783;  in the 28th year of his age。  A fine monument is erected to his memory in Fortrose Cathedral。 He had only been Chief of the Clan for two years;  and; dying unmarried; he was succeeded as head of the house and in the  family estates by his next and only lawful brother; 'Douglas' Peerage。

He  had a natural son; Captain Humberston Mackenzie; of the 78th; killed at  the storming of Ahmadnugger; on the 8th of August; 1803。'


Raised to the peerage of the United Kingdom as Lord Seaforth and Baron  Mackenzie of Kintail; in 1797。  This nobleman was in many respects an  able and remarkable man; was born in 1754; in full possession of all his  faculties but a severe attack of scarlet fever; from which he suffered when  about twelve years of age; deprived him of hearing and almost of speech。

As he advanced in years he again nearly recovered the use of his tongue;  but during the last two years of his life; grieving over the loss of his four  promising sons; all of whom predeceased him; he became unable; or  rather never made the attempt to articulate。 In his youth he was intended  to follow the naval profession; but his physical misfortunes made such a  career impossible。  Little or nothing is known of the history of his early life。  In 1784;  and again in 1790; he was elected M。P。 for the County of Ross。  In 1787;  in the thirty…third year of his age; he offered to raise a regiment on his own  estates for the King's service; to be commanded by himself。  In the same  year the 74th; 75th; 76th; and 77th Regiments were raised; and the  Government declined his patriotic offer; but agreed to accept his services  in procuring recruits for the 74th and 75th。  This did not satisify him; and  he did not then come prominently to the front。  On the 19th of May 1790;  he renewed his offer; but the Government informed him that the strength  of the army had been finally fixed at 77 Regiments; and his services were again declined。  He was still anxious to be of service to his country; and  when the war broke out in 1793; he for the  third time renewed his offer; and  placed  his great influence at the service of the Crown。  On this  occasion a letter of service is granted in his favour; dated the 7th of  March; 1793; empowering him; as Lieutenant…Colonel…Commandant; to  raise a Highland battalion; which; being the first embodied during the war;  was to be numbered the 78th; the original Mackenzie  regiment having  had its number previously reduced to the 72d。  The battalion was to consist of one company of grenadiers; one of light infantry; and eight  battalion companies。  The Mackenzie chief at once appointed as his Major  his own brother…in…law; Alexander Mackenzie; at that time of Belmaduthy  but afterwards of Inverallochy and Castle Fraser; fourth and younger son  of Colin Mackenzie; VI。 of Kilcoy; then a captain in the 73d Regiment;  and a man who proved himself on all future occasions well fitted for the  post。  The following notice; headed by the Royal arms; was immediately  posted throughout the counties of Ross and Cromarty; on the mainland;  and in the Island of Lewis:

〃SEAFORTH'S  HIGHLANDERS  to be forthwith raised for the  defence of his Glorious Majesty; King George the Third; and the  preservation of our happy constitution in Church and State。  〃All lads of true Highland blood willing to show their loyalty and  spirit; may repair to Seaforth; or the Major; Alexander Mackenzie of  Belmaduthy or the other commanding officers  at headquarters at ???; where they will receive high bounties and soldier…like entertainment。

〃The lads of this regiment will live and die together; as they cannot  be draughted into other regiments; and must be reduced in a body; in their  own country。

〃Now for a stroke at the Monsieurs; my boys!  King George for  ever! Huzza!〃

The machinery once set agoing; applications poured in upon  Seaforth for commissions in the corps from among his more i
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