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history of the mackenzies-第94章

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was up; and Fraser of Foyers; who was  present; interfered in the interest of the chief of his clan; but more; however; it is said; in that capacity than from any personal esteem in  which he held  him。  He felt that in his chief's person the whole clan had  been insulted as if it had actually been a personal blow to every man of the  name; and he instantly sprung down from the gallery and presented a  loaded and cocked pistol at Mackenzie's head; to whom it would  undoubtedly have proved fatal had not one of the gentlemen present; with  great presence of mind; thrown his plaid over the muzzle; and thus  arrested and diverted its contents。 In another moment swords and dirks  were drawn on both sides; but the Lord President and Macleod laid hold of Mackenzie and hurried him from the Court。  Yet he no sooner gained the  outside than one of the Frasers levelled him to the ground with a blow  from a heavy bludgeon; notwithstanding the efforts of his friends to  protect him。  The matter was; however; afterwards; with great difficulty; arranged by mutual friends; between the great clans and their respective  chiefs; otherwise the social jealousies and personal irritations which then  prevailed throughout the whole Highlands; fanned by this incident; would  have produced a lasting and bloody feud between the Frasers and the  Mackenzies。

In the following year; shortly after the Lord President arrived at Culloden from the south; he wrote a letter to Mackenzie dated the 11th of October 1745; in which he tells him that the Earl of Loudon had come the  day before to Cromarty; and brought some 〃credit〃 with him; which 〃will  enable us to put the Independent Companies together for the service of the  Government and for our mutual protection。〃  He requested Fortrose to  give immediate orders to pick out those who are first to form one of the  companies; that they might receive their commissions and arms。

Alexander Mackenzie of Fairburn was to command。  There was; the President said; a report that Barrisdale had gone to Assynt to raise the men  of that country; to be joined to those of Coigeach; who were said to have orders to be in readiness to join Macdonald; and with instructions to  march through Mackenzie's territories in order to find out how many of  his Lordship's vassals could be persuaded; by fair means or foul; to join the standard of the Prince。  〃I hope this is not true;〃 writes the President;  〃if it is; it is of the greatest consequence to prevent it。   I wish Fairburn  were at home; your Lordship will let me know when he arrives; as the  Lord Cromarty has refused the company I intended for his son。  Your  Lordship will deliberate to whom you would have it given。〃 'Culloden  Papers; pp。 421…2。'

Exasperated at this time by the exertions made by President Forbes to obstruct the designs of the disaffected; a plan was formed to seize him  by some of the Frasers; a party of whom; amounting to about 200; attacked Culloden House during the night of the 15th of October; but the President being on his guard they were repulsed。 'Fraser's Earls of Cromartie。'

On the 13th of October Mackenzie had written to Forbes that he surmised some young fellows of his name attempted to raise men for the  Prince; but that he sent expresses to the suspected parts; with orders to the  tenants not to stir under pain of death without his leave; though their  respective masters should be imprudent enough to desire them to do so。

The messengers returned with the people's blessings for his protection; and with assurances that they would do nothing without his orders; 〃so  that henceforward your Lordship need not be concerned about any idle  report from benorth Kessock。〃  In a letter dated 〃Brahan Castle; 19th  October 1745;〃 Lord Fortrose refers to the attempt on the President's  house; which; he says; surprised him extremely; and 〃is as dirty an action  as I ever heard of;〃 and he did not think any gentleman would be capable  of doing such a thing。  He adds; 〃as I understand your cattle are taken  away; I beg you will order your steward to write to Colin; or anybody else  here; for provisions; as I can be supplied from the Highlands。  I am  preparing to act upon the defensive; and I suppose will soon be provoked  to act on the offensive。  I have sent for a strong party to protect my house  and overawe the country。  None of my Kintail men will be down till  Tuesday; but as the river is high; and I have parties at all boats; nothing  can be attempted。  Besides; I shall have reinforcements every day。  I have  ordered my servants to get; at Inverness; twelve or twenty pounds of  powder with a proportionable quantity of shot。  If that cannot be bought at  Inverness; I must beg you will write a line to Governor Grant to give my  servant the powder; as I can do without the shot 。 Barrisdale has come  down from Assynt; and was collared by one of the Maclauchlans there for  offering to force the people to rise; and he has met with no success there。

I had a message from the Mackenzies in Argyllshire to know what they  should do。  Thirty are gone from Lochiel; the rest; being about sixty; are at  home。  I advised them to stay at home and mind their own business。〃 On the 28th of the same month his Lordship writes to inform the  President that the Earl of Cromarty and his son; Macculloch of  Glastullich; and Ardloch's brother; came to Brahan Castle on the previous Friday; that it was the most unexpected visit he had received for some  time; that he did not like to turn them out; that Cromarty was pensive and  dull; but that if he had known what he knew at the date of writing he  would have made them prisoners; for Lord Macleod went since to  Lochbroom and Assynt to raise men。  He enclosed for the President's use  the names of the officers appointed to the two Mackenzie companies; and  intimated that he offered the commission to both Coul and Redcastle; but that both refused it。  It was from Coul's house; he says; that Lord Macleod  started for the North; and that vexed him。  On the same day Forbes  acknowledges receipt of this letter; and requests that the officers in the  two companies should be appointed according to Mackenzie's recommedations; 〃without any further consideration than that you judge it  right;〃 and he desires to see Sir Alexander of Fairburn for an hour next  day to carry a proposal to his Lordship for future operations。  〃I think;〃 he  adds; 〃it would be right to assemble still more men about Brahan than you now have; the expense shall be made good and it will tend to make  Caberfey respectable; and to discourage folly among your neighbours。〃  In a letter of 6th November the President says; 〃I supposed that your  Lordship was to have marched Hilton's company into town (Inverness) on  Monday or Tuesday; but I dare say there is a good reason why it has not been done。〃

On the 8th of November Mackenzie informs the Lord President  that the Earl of Cromarty had crossed the river at Contin; with about a hundred men on his way to Beauly; 〃owing to the neglect of my spies; as  there's rogues of all professions。〃  Lord  Macleod; Cromarty's son came  from Assynt and Lochbroom the same day; and followed his father to the  rendezvous;  but after tr
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