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history of the mackenzies-第9章

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dditional honours。  In that campaign known as 〃the Conquest of Argyle;〃  Ferquhard led most of the western tribes; and for his prowess; the Celtic earldom; which was then finally annexed to the Crown and made a feudal  appanage; was conferred on him with the title of Earl of Ross; and he is so  designated in a charter dated 1234。  He is again on record; under the same  title; in 1235 and 1236。  Regarding an engagement which took place be…tween Alexander II。 and the Gallowegians; in 1235; the Chronicle of Melrose says; that 〃at the beginning of the battle the Earl of Ross; called  Macintagart; came up and attacked the enemies (of the King) in the rear;  and as soon as they perceived this they took to flight and retreated into the  woods and mountains; but they were followed up by the Earl and several  others; who put many of them to the sword; and harassed them as long as  daylight lasted。〃 In Celtic Scotland; Vol。 II; p。412; it is stated that the  hereditary lay priests of which he was the chief 〃according to tradition; bore the name of O'Beollan〃; and MacVuirich; in the Black Book of Clanranald; says that from Ferquhard was descended Gillapatrick the Red;  son of Roderick; and known traditionally as the Red Priest; whose  daughter; at a later date; married and carried the monastery lands of  Lochalsh and Lochcarron to the Macdonalds of the Isles。

In one of the Norse Sagas the progenitor of Ferquhard is  designated 〃 King;〃 just the same as the great Somerled and some of his descendants had been called at a later date。  Referring to Helgi; son of  Ottar; the Landnamabok Saga records that 〃he made war upon Scotland  and carried off prisoner Nidbjorga; the daughter of King Bjolan; and of  Kadliner; daughter or Ganga Rolf;〃 or Rollo; who; as already stated; afterwards became the celebrated Earl of Normandy。  Writing of Alexander; third Earl of Ross and Lord of the Isles;  Hugh Macdonald; the Sleat historian; says that 

〃He was a man born to much trouble all his life time。 First he took  to him the concubine daughter of Patrick Obeolan; surnamed the Red;  who was a very beautiful woman。  This surname Obeolan was the surname  of the Earls of Ross; till Farquhar; born in Ross; was created earl by King  Alexander; and so carried the name of Ross since; as best answering the  English tongue。  This Obeolan had its descent of the ancient tribe of  Manapii; of this tribe is also St。 Rice or Ruffus。 Patrick was an Abbot and  had Carlebay in the Lewis; and the Church lands in that country; with 18  mark lands in Lochbroom。 He bad two sons and a daughter。  The sons were called Normand and Austin More; so called from his excessive strength and corpulency。  This Normand had daughters that were great  beauties; one of whom was married to Mackay of Strathnavern one to  Dugall MacRanald; Laird of Mudort; one to MacLeod of Assint; one to  MacDuffie; and another; the first; to Maclean of Bororay。 Patrick's  daughter bore a son to Alexander; Lord of the Isles and Earl of Ross; who was called Austin (Uisdean or Hugh) or as others say; Augustine。  She was twice before the King; as Macdonald could not be induced to part with  her; on occasion of her great beauty。 The King said; that it was no wonder  that such a fair damsel had enticed Macdonald。〃 'Collectanea de Rebus  Albanicis; pp。 304…305。'

It is not intended here to discuss whether Hugh of Sleat and his elder brother Celestine of Lochalsh were illegitimate or not。 They were so  called by their father; Earl Alexander; and by their brother; Earl John。  The  first describes Celestine as 〃filius naturalis〃 in a charter preserved in the   Mackintosh charter chest; dated 1447; and Earl John calls his brother  Austin or Hugh 〃frater carnalis〃 in two charters; dated respectively 1463 and 1470。  This goes far to corroborate the Sleat historian; who was not the least likely to introduce illegitimacy into his own favourite family  unless the charge was really true。  It is instructive to find that Celestine  succeeded to all the lands of the monastery of Applecross in Lochalsh;  Lochcarron; and Lochbroom。 These lay abbots are also said to have held;  under the old Earls of Ross; the Sleat district of the Isle of Skye; which  Hugh; first of that family; is alleged to have inherited  through his mother;  daughter of the Red Priest and a descendant of Farquhar Mac an t'Sagairt; Earl of Ross。  It will be observed also that Austin; Uisdean; or Hugh; a  common name among the Applecross and old Earl of Ross dynasty; comes  into the Macdonald family for the first time at this period; after Earl  Alexander of the Macdonald line had formed a union with the daughter of  the last lay Abbot of Applecross。  Skene distinctly affirms that Hugh  Macdonald of Sleat was the son of Earl Alexander by a daughter of this  Gille…Padruig (Celtic Scotland; Vol。 III。 p。 298) while Gregory suggests  that the words naturalis and carnalis used by Hugh's father and brother in  the charters already quoted 〃were used to designate the issue of those  handfast or left…handed marriages which appear to have been so common  in the Highlands and Isles。〃 'Western Highlands and Isles; p。41'  Whether the Sleat district of Skye was or was not carried for the first time to the Macdonald Earls of Ross and Lords of the Isles by this union with a  member of the family of the original O'Beolan Earls; it is perfectly clear  that the latter had an intimate connection with the Sleat district at a much  earlier period。

Saint Maelrubba; who is first heard of in Britain in 671; two years later; in 673; founded the original Church of Applecross 〃from which as a centre he evangelised the whole of the western districts lying between  Loch Carron and Loch Broom; as well as the south and west parts of the  Island of Skye; and planted churches in Easter Ross and elsewhere。〃  'Celtic Scotland; Vol。 II。 p。 166。'  It is at least interesting to find these  lands going to and afterwards remaining in possession of the two sons of  Earl Alexander who are said to have  been  illegitimate; when all their  other enormous possessions were in 1493 finally forfeited to the Crown。   Hugh; who possessed Sleat during the life of his father and brother; receives a Crown charter of these lands under the Great Seal two years  after; in 1495; although his brother John; fourth and last Lord of the Isles;  was still alive; his death not having occurred until 1498; three years later。  Sir Robert Gordon (Earldom  of Scotland; p。 36) shows that the  Rosses were originally designated O'Beolan and Gillanders  indiscriminately; according to the writer's or speaker's fancy。  He says  that

〃From the second son of the Earl of Ross the lairds of Balnagowan are descended; and had by inheritance the lands of Rariechies and Coulleigh; where you may observe that the laird of Balnagowan's surname  should not be Ross; seeing that there was never any Earl of Ross of that  surname; but the Earls of Ross were first of the surname of Beolan; then  they were Leslies; and last of all that earldom fell by inheritance to the  Lords of the Isles; who resigned the same unto king James the Third's  bands; in the year of God 1477。  So I do think that the lairds of  Balnagowan; perceiving the Earls of Ross
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