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history of the mackenzies-第89章

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e Government he would use his influence in the next Parliament to procure a remission for their chief and his followers; and we  find; that 〃through his means; and the action of other minions of Court  (Tarbat was then in power); Seaforth received a simple pardon  by letters patent in 1726; for himself and his clan; whose submission was recognised in the sham form of delivering their arms; a matter of the less consequence  as few of that generation were to have an opportunity of wielding them  again in the same cause。〃

General Wade made a report to the Government; from which we  take the following extract:〃The Laird of the Mackenzies; and other chiefs of the clans and tribes; tenants to the late Earl of Seaforth; came to  me in a body; to the number of about fifty; and assured me that both they and their followers were ready to pay a dutiful obedience to your  Majesty's commands; by a peaceable surrender of their arms; and if your  Majesty would be graciously pleased to procure them an indemnity for the  rents that had been misplaced for the time past; they would for the future  become faithful subjects to your Majesty; and pay them to your Majesty's  receiver for the use of the public。  I assured them of your Majesty's  gracious intentions towards them; and that they might rely on your  Majesty's bounty and clemency; provided they would merit it by their  future good conduct and peaceable behaviour; that I had your Majesty's commands to send the first summons to the country they inhabited; which  would soon give them an opportunity of showing the sincerity of their  promises; and of having the merit to set the example to the rest of the  Highlands; who in their turns were to be summoned to deliver up their  arms; pursuant to the Disarming Act; that they might choose the place they  themselves thought most convenient to surrender their arms; and that I  would answer that neither their persons nor their property should be  molested by your Majesty's troops。  They desired they might be permitted  to deliver up their arms at the Castle of Brahan; the principal seat of their  late superior。 who; they said; had promoted and encouraged them to this their submission; but begged that none of the Highland companies might  be present; for; as they had always been reputed the bravest; as well as the  most numerous of the northern clans; they thought it more consistent with their honour to resign their arms to your Majesty's veteran troops; to  which I readily consented。  Summonses were accordingly sent to the  several clans and tribes; the inhabitants of 18 parishes; who were vassals  or tenants of the late Earl of Seaforth; to bring or send in all their arms and  warlike weapons to the Castle of Brahan; on or before the 28th of August。    On the 25th of August I went to the Castle of Brahan with a detachment of 200 of the regular troops; and was met there by the chiefs of the several clans and tribes; who assured me they had used their utmost diligence in  collecting all the arms they were possessed of; which should be brought  thither on the Saturday following; pursuant to the summons they had  received; and telling me they were apprehensive of insults or depredations  from the neighbouring clans of the Camerons and others; who still  continued in possession of their arms。  Parties of the Highland companies were ordered to guard the passes leading to their country; which parties  continued there for their protection; till the clans in that neighbourhood  were summoned and had surrendered their arms。  On the day appointed the several clans and tribes assembled in the adjacent villages; and  marched in good order through the great avenue that leads to the Castle;  and one after the other laid down their arms in the court…yard in great  quiet and decency; amounting to 784 of the several species mentioned in  the Act of Parliament。 The solemnity with which this was performed had  undoubtedly a great influence over the rest of the Highland clans; and  disposed them to pay that obedience to your Majesty's commands; by a  peaceable surrender of their arms; which they had never done to any of  your Royal predecessors; or in compliance with any law either before or  since the Union。〃

The  following account of Donald Murchison's proceedings and of Seaforth's vassals during his exile in France is abridged from an  interesting and valuable work。 'Chambers's Domestic Annals of Scotland。'

It brings out in a prominent light the state of the  Highlands and the  futility  of the  power of the Government during that period in the North。

As regards several of the forfeited estates which lay in inaccessible situations in the Highlands; the commissioners had up to this time been  entirely baffled; never having been able even to get them surveyed。

This  was so in a very special manner in the case of the immense territory of the  Earl of Seaforth; extending from Brahan Castle; near Dingwall in the east;  across to Kintail in the west; as well as in the large island of the Lewis。   The districts of Lochalsh and Kintail; on the west coast; the scene of the  Spanish invasion of 1719; were peculiarly difficult of access; there being  no approach from the south; east; or north; except by narrow and difficult  paths; while the western access was only assailable by a naval force。  To all appearance this tract of ground; the seat of many comparatively  opulent tacksmen and cattle farmers; was as much beyond the control of  the six commissioners assembled at their office in Edinburgh; as if it had  been amongst the mountains of Tibet or upon the shores of Madagascar。

For several years after the insurrection; the rents of this district were collected; without the slightest difficulty; for the benefit of the exiled  Earl; and regularly transmitted to him。  At one time a large sum was sent to him in  Spain。  The chief agent in the business was Donald Murchison;  descendant of a line of faithful adherents of the 〃High Chief of Kintail。〃

Some of the later generations of the family had been entrusted with the  keeping of Ellandonnan Castle; a stronghold dear to the modern artist as a  picturesque ruin; but formerly of serious importance as commanding a  central point from which radiate Loch Alsh and Loch Duich; in the midst  of the best part of the Mackenzie country。 Donald was a man worthy of a  more prominent place in his country's annals than he has yet attained; he acted under a sense of right which; though unfortunately defiant of Acts of  Parliament; was still a very pure sense of right; and in the remarkable  actions which he performed he looked solely to the good of those towards whom he had a feeling of duty。  A more disinterested heroand he was  onenever lived。

When Lord Seaforth brought his clan to fight for King  James in 1715; Donald Murchison and an elder brother; John;  accompanied him as field officers of the regimentDonald as Lieutenant…Colonel; and John as Major。  The late Sir Roderick Impey Murchison; the distinguished Geologist; great…grandson of John; possessed a large ivory  and silver 〃mill;〃 which once contained the commission sent from France  to Donald; as Colonel; bearing the inscription:〃James Rex: forward and spare not。〃  Jo
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