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history of the mackenzies-第88章

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r MacRae。

The war declared against Spain in December; 1718; again revived the hopes of the Jacobites; who; in accordance with a stipulation between the British Government and the Duke of Orleans; then Regent of France;  had previously; with the Chevalier and the Duke of Ormont at their head;  been ordered out of France。  They repaired to Madrid; where they held  conferences with Cardinal Alberoni; and concerted an invasion of Great  Britain。  On the 10th of March; 1719; a fleet; consisting of ten men…of…war  and twenty…one transports; having on board five thousand men; a large  quantity of ammunition; and thirty thousand muskets; sailed from Cadiz  under the command of the Duke of Ormond; with instructions to join the  rest of the expedition at Corunna; and to make a descent at once upon  England; Scotland; and Ireland。  The sorry fate of this expedition is well known。  Only two frigates reached their destination; the rest having been dispersed and disabled off Cape Finisterre by a violent storm which lasted  about twelve days。  The two ships which survived the storm and reached  Scotland had on board the Earl of Seaforth and Earl Marischal; the  Marquis of Tullibardine; some field officers; three hundred Spaniards; and  arms and ammunition for two thousand men。  They entered Lochalsh  about the middle of May; effected a landing in Kintail and were there  joined by a body of Seaforth's vassals; and a party of Macgregors under  command of the famous Rob Roy; but the other Jacobite chiefs;  remembering their previous disappointments and misfortunes; stood aloof  until the whole of Ormond's forces should arrive。  General Wightman;  who was stationed at Inverness; hearing of their arrival; marched to meet them with 2000 Dutch troops and a detachment of the garrison at   Inverness。 Seaforth's forces and their allies took possession of the pass of Glenshiel; but on the approach of the Government forces they retired to  the pass of Strachell; which they decided to defend at all hazards。  They were there engaged by General Wightman; who; after a smart skirmish of  about three hours duration; and after inflicting some loss upon the  Jacobites; drove them from one eminence to another; till night came on;  when the Highlanders; their chief having been seriously wounded; and  giving up all hopes of a successful resistance; retired during the night to  the mountains; carrying Seaforth along with them and the Spaniards next  morning surrendered themselves prisoners of war。 'The Spaniards kept  their powder magazine and ball behind the manse; but after the battle of  Glenshiel they set fire to it lest it should fall into the hands of the King's troops。  These balls are still gathered up by sportsmen; and are found in great abundance upon the glebe。 Old Statistical Account of Kintail。'

Seaforth; Marischal; and Tullibardine; with the other principal officers; managed to effect their escape to the Western Isles; from which they  afterwards found their way to the Continent。  Rob Roy was placed in  ambush with the view of attacking the Royal troops in the rear and it is  said of him that having more zeal than prudence he attacked the rear of  the enemy's column before they had become engaged in front  his small  party was routed; and the intention of placing the King's troops between  two fires was thus defeated。 'A Statistical Account of Glenshiel; by the  Rev。 John Macrae; who gives a minute description of the scenes of the  battle; and informs us that in constructing the parliamentary road which runs through the Glen a few years before he wrote; several bullets and  pieces of musket barrels were found and the green mounds which covered  the graves of the slain; and the ruins of a rude breast…work which the  Highlanders constructed on the crest of the hill to cover their position still  marked the scene of the conflict。'  General Wightman sent a detachment  to Ellandonnan Castle; which he ordered to be blown up and demolished。  General Wightman advanced from the Highland Capital by Loch…Ness and a recent writer pertinently asks; 〃Why he was allowed to pass by such a route without opposition?  It is alleged that Marischal and Tullibardine had interrupted the movements of the invaders by ill timed  altercations about command; but we are provoked to observe that some  extraordinary interposition seems evident to frustrate every scheme  towards forwarding the cause of the ill…fated house of Stuart。  Had the  Chevalier St George arrived earlier; as he might have done; had William  Earl of Seaforth joined the Earl of Mar some time before; as he ought to  have done; and strengthened as Mar would then have been; had he boldly  advanced on Stirling; as it appears he would have done; Argyll's force  would have been annihilated; and James VIII。 proclaimed at the Cross of  Edinburgh。 Well did the brave Highlanders indignantly demand; ‘What  did you call us to arms for?  Was it to run away?  What did our own King come for?  Was it to see us butchered by hangmen?'  There was a fatuity  that accompanied all their undertakings which neutralised intrepidity;  devotedness; and bravery  which the annals of no other people can exhibit;  and paltry jealousies which stultified exertions; which; independently of political results; astonished Europe at large。〃 'Bennetsfield MS。'

An Act of Parliament for disarming the Highlanders was passed in 1716; but in some cases to very little purpose for some of the most disaffected clans were better armed than ever; although by the Act the  collectors of taxes were allowed to pay for the arms given in; in no case were any delivered except those which were broken; old; and unfit for use;  and these were valued at prices far above what they were really worth。   Not only so; but a lively trade in old arms was carried on with Holland and  other Continental countries; and these arms were sold to the  commissioners as Highland weapons; at exorbitant prices。  General Wade  afterwards found in the possession of the Highlanders a large quantity of arms which they obtained from the Spaniards who took part in the battle  of Glenshiel; and he computed that the Highlanders opposed to the Government possessed at this time no less than five or six thousand arms  of various kinds。

Wade arrived in Inverness on the 10th of August; 1723; and in  virtue of another Act passed the same year; he was empowered to proceed to the Highlands and to summon the clans to deliver up their arms; and to carry several other recommendations of his own into effect。 On his arrival  he immediately proceeded to business; went to Brahan Castle; and called  on the Mackenzies to deliver up their weapons。 He took those presented  to him on the word of Murchison; factor on the estate and by the  representation of Sir John Mackenzie Lord Tarbat; Sir Kenneth Mackenzie  of Cromarty; and Sir Colin Mackenzie of Coul; at the head of a large  deputation of the clan; he compromised his more rigid instructions and  accepted a selection of worn…out and worthless arms; and at the same time promised that if the clan exhibited a willing disposition to comply with the orders of the Government he would use his influence in the next Parliament to procure a remission for their chie
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