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history of the mackenzies-第87章

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ba;〃 or The four Johns  of Scotland。

During the preceding troubles Ellandonnan Castle got into the  hands of the King's troops; but shortly before Sheriffmuir it was again secured by the following clever stratagem:A neighbouring tenant applied to the Governor for some of the garrison to cut his corn; as he  feared from the appearance of the sky and the croaking of ravens that a  heavy storm was impending; and that nothing but a sudden separation of  his crop from the ground could save his family from starvation。  The  Governor readily yielded to his solicitations; and sent the garrison of  Government soldiers then in the castle to his aid; who; on their return;  discovered the ruse too late for the Kintail men were by this time reaping  the spoils; and had possession of the castle。  〃The oldest inhabitant of the  parish remembers to have seen the Kintail men under arms; dancing on the  leaden roof; just as they were setting out for the Battle of Sheriffmuir; where this resolute band was cut to pieces。〃 'Old Statistical Account of  Kintail; 1792。'

Inverness continued meanwhile in possession of the Mackenzies; under command of the Governor; Sir John Mackenzie of Coul; and George  Mackenzie of Gruinard。  Macdonald of Keppoch was on the march to  support Sir John at Inverness; and Lord Lovat; learning this; gathered his  men together; and on the 7th of November decided to throw himself  across the river Ness and place his forces directly between Keppoch and  the Governor。  Sir John; on discovering Lovat's movement; resolved to  make a sally out of the garrison and place the enemy between him and the  advancing Keppoch; where he could attack him with advantage; but  Macdonald became alarmed and returned home through Glen…Urquhart;  whereupon Lord Lovat marched straight upon Inverness; and took up a  position about a mile to the west of the town。  The authorities were  summoned to send out the garrison and the Governor; or the town would  be burnt and the inhabitants put to the sword。  Preparations were made for  the attack; but Sir John Mackenzie; considering that any further defence  was hopeless; on the 10th of November collected together all the boats he could find and at high water safely effected his escape from the town; when Lovat marched in without opposition。  His Lordship advised the Earl  of Sutherland that he had secured possession of Inverness; and on the 15th  of November the latter; leaving Colonel Robert Munro of Fowlis as  Governor of Inverness; went with his followers; accompanied by Lord  Lovat with some of his men; to Brahan Castle; and compelled the  responsible men of the Clan Mackenzie who were not in the South with  the Earl of Seaforth to come under an obligation for their peaceable  behaviour; and to return the arms previously taken from the Munros by   Lord Seaforth at Alness; to release the prisoners in their possession; and  promise not to assist Lord Seaforth directly or indirectly in his efforts against the Government; that they would grant to the Earl of Sutherland  any sum of money he might require from them upon due notice for the use  of the Government; and; finally; that Brahan Castle; the principal  residence of the Earl of Seaforth; should be turned into a garrison for King George。

Seaforth returned from Sheriffmuir; and again collected his men near Brahan; but the Earl of Sutherland with a large number of his own  men; Lord Reay's; the Munros; Rosses; Culloden's men; and the Frasers;  marched to meet him and encamped at Beauly; within a few miles of  Mackenzie's camp; and prepared to give him battle; which; when my Lord  Seaforth saw; he thought it convenient to capitulate; own the King's  authority; disperse his men; and propose the mediation of these  Government friends for his pardon。  Upon his submission the King was  graciously pleased to send down orders that upon giving up his arms and  coming into Inverness; he might expect his pardon; yet upon the  Pretender's Anvil at Perth and my Lord Huntly's suggestions to him that  now was the time for them to appear for their King and country; and that  what honour they lost at Dunblane might yet be regained; but while he  thus insinuated to my Lord Seaforth; he  privately found that my Lord  Seaforth had by being an early suitor for the King's pardon; by promising to lay down his arms; and owning the King's authority; claimed in a great measure to an assurance of his life and fortune; which he thought proper  for himself to purchase at the rate of disappointing Seaforth; with hopes of  standing by the good old cause; till Seaforth; with that vain hope; lost the  King's favour that was promised him; which Huntly embraced by taking  the very first opportunity of deserting the Chevalier's cause; and  surrendering himself upon terms made with him  of safety to his life and  fortune。  This sounded so sweet to him that he sleeped so secure as never to dream of any preservation for a great many good gentlemen that made  choice to stand by him and serve under him that many other worthy nobles  who would die or banish rather that not show their personal bravery; and  all other friendly offices to their adherents。〃 'Lord Lovat's Account of the  taking of Inverness。  Patten's Rebellion。'

In February; 1716; hopeless of attaining his object; the unfortunate son of James II。 left Scotland; the land of his forefathers; never to visit it  again; and Earl William followed him to the common resort of the exiled  Jacobites of the time。  On the 7th of the following May an Act of attainder  was passed against the Earl and the other chiefs of the Jacobite party。   Their estates were forfeited; though practically in many cases; and  especially in that of Seaforth; it was found extremely difficult to carry the forfeiture into effect。  The Master of Sinclair is responsible for the base  and unfounded allegation that the Earl of Seaforth; the Marquis of Huntly;  and other Jacobites; were in treaty with the Government to deliver up the Chevalier to the Duke of Argyll; that they might procure better terms for themselves than  they could otherwise expect。  This odious charge; which  is not corroborated by any other writer; must be looked upon as highly  improbable。〃 'Fullarton's Highland Clans; p。 471。'  If any proof of the untruthfulness of this charge be required it will be found in the fact that  the Earl returned afterwards to the Island of Lewis; and re…embodied his  vassals there under an experienced officer; Campbell of Ormundel; who  had served with distinction in the Russian army; and it was not until a  large Government force was sent over against him; which he found it  impossible successfully to oppose; that he recrossed to the mainland and  escaped to France。

Among the 〃gentlemen prisoners〃 taken to the Castle of Stirling on  the day following the Battle of Sheriffmuir the following are found in a  list published in Patten's RebellionKenneth Mackenzie; nephew to Sir  Alexander Mackenzie of Coul Joh Maclean; adjutant to Colonel  Mackenzie's Regiment Colonel Mackenzie of Kildin; Captain of  Fairburn's Regiment; Hugh MacRae; Donald MacRae; and Christopher MacRae。

The war declared against Spain in December; 1718; again revived the hopes of the Jacobi
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