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history of the mackenzies-第8章

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es he divides the clans into five different tribes in the following order:(1) The descendants of Conn of the Hundred Battles; (2) of Ferchar Fata Mac Feradaig; (3) of Cormaig Mac  Obertaig; (4) of Fergus Leith Dearg; and (5) of Krycul。  In the third of  these divisions he includes the old Earls of Ross; the Mackenzies; the  Mathesons; and several other clans; and to this classification he adheres;  after the  most mature consideration; in his later and greater work; the  History of Celtic Scotland。


It is now most interesting to know who the ancient Earls of Ross; from whom the Mackenzies are really descended; were。  The first of these  earls of whom we have any record is Malcolm Mac Heth to whom Malcolm IV。 gave Ross in 1157; with the title of Earl of Ross; but the  inhabitants rose against him and drove him out of the district。 Wyntoun  mentions an Earl 〃Gillandrys;〃 a name which we believe is derived from  the common ancestor of the Mackenzies and Rosses; 〃Gilleoin…Ard…Rois;〃  as one of the six Celtic earls who besieged King Malcolm at Perth in  1160。  Skene is also of opinion that this Gillandres represented the old  Celtic earls of Ross; as the clan bearing the name of Ross are called in  Gaelic Clann Ghilleanrias; or descendants of Gillandres; and may; he  thinks; have led the revolt which drove Malcolm Mac Heth out of the  earldom。 The same King; two years after the incident at Perth; gave the  earldom of Ross to Florence; Count of Holland; on that nobleman's  marriage with His Majesty's sister Ada; in 1162; but the new earl never  secured practical possession 'Celtic Scotland; Vol。 III。; pp。 66…67。'  He is;  however; found claiming it as late as 1179; in the reign of William the  Lion。

The district of Ross is often mentioned in the Norse Sagas along with the other parts of the country then governed by Maormors or Jarls;  and Skene in his earlier work says that it was only on the downfall of  those of Moray that the chiefs of Ross appear prominent in historical  records; the Maormors of Moray being in such close proximity to them  and so great in power and influence that the less powerful Maormor of  Ross held only a comparatively subordinate position; and his name was in  consequence seldom or never associated with any of the great events of  that early period in Highland history。  It was only after the disappearance  of those district potentates  that  the chiefs appear under  the appellation  of Comites or Earls。 That most; if not all; of these earls were the descendants of the ancient maormors there can be little doubt; and the  natural presumption in this instance is strengthened by the fact that all the  old authorities concur in asserting that the Gaelic name of the original  Earls of Ross was O'Beolana corruption of Gilleoin; or Gillean; na h‘Airdeor the descendants of Beolan。  〃And we  actually find;〃 says the same authority; 〃from the oldest Norse Saga connected with Scotland that  a powerful chief in the North of Scotland named O'Beolan; married the  daughter of Ganga Rolfe; or Rollo; the celebrated pirate who became  afterwards the celebrated Earl of Normandy。〃  If this view is well…founded the ancestor of the Earls of Ross was chief in Kintail as early as the  beginning of the tenth century。  We have seen that the first Earl of Ross recorded in history was  Malcolm Mac Heth; to whom a precept is found; directed by Malcolm IV。;  requesting him to protect the monks of Dunfermline and defend them in  their lawful privileges and possessions。  The document is not dated; but  judging from the names of the witnesses attesting it; the precept must have been issued before 1162。  It will be remembered that Mac Heth was one of  the six Celtic earls who besieged the King at Perth two years before; in  1160。  William the Lion; who seems to have kept the earldom in his own  hands for several years; in 1179 marched into the district at the head of his  earls and barons; accompanied by a large army; and subdued an  insurrection fomented by the local chiefs against his authority。  On this occasion he built two castles within its bounds; one called Dunscath on  the northern Sutor at the entrance to the Cromarty Firth; and Redcastle in  the Black Isle。  In the same year we find Florence; Count of Holland; complaining that he had been deprived of its nominal ownership by King  William。  There is no trace of any other earl in actual possession until we  come to Ferquard or 〃Ferchair Mac an t' Sagairt;〃 Farquhar the son of the Priest; who rose rapidly to power on the ruins of the once powerful Mac  Heth earls of Moray; of which line Kenneth Mac Heth; who; with Donald  Ban; led a force into Moray against Alexander  II。; son  of William  the  Lion;  in 1215; was the last。  Of this raid the following account is given in  Celtic Scotland; Vol。 I。 p。 483:

〃The young king had barely reigned a year when be had to  encounter the old enemies of the Crown; the families of Mac William and Mac Eth; who now combined their forces under Donald Ban; the son of  that Mac William who bad been slain at Mamgarvie in 1187; and Kenneth  Mac Eth; a son or grandson of Malcolm Mac Eth; with the son of one of  the Irish provincial kings; and burst into the Province of Moray at the bead  of  a large band of malcontents。  A very important auxiliary; however; now  joined the party of the king。 This was Ferquhard or Fearchar Macintagart;  the son of the ‘Sagart' or priest who was the lay possessor of the extensive  possessions of the old monastery founded by the Irish Saint Maelrubba at Applecross in the seventh century。  Its possessions lay between the district  of Ross and the Western Sea and extended from Lochcarron to Loch Ewe  and Loch Maree; and Ferquhard was thus in reality a powerful Highland  chief commanding the population of an extensive western region。  The  insurgents were assailed by him with great vigour; entirely crushed; and  their leaders taken; who be at once beheaded and presented their heads to the new king as a welcome gift on the 15th of June; when he was knighted  by the king as a reward for his prompt assistance。〃

The district then known as North Argyle consisted chiefly of the possessions of this ancient monastery of Appercrossan or Applecross。 Its inhabitants had hithertoalong with those of South Argyle; which  extended from Lochcarron to the Firth of Clydemaintained a kind of  semi…independence; but in 1222 they were; by their lay possessor; Ferchair  Mac an t'Sagairt; who was apparently the grandson or great…grandson of  Gillandres; one of the six earls who besieged Malcolm IV。 at Perth in  1160; brought into closer connection with the crown。  The lay Abbots of  which Ferquhard was the head were the hereditary possessors of all the  extensive territories which had for centuries been ruled and owned by this old and powerful Celtic monastery。  As a reward for his services against  the men of Moray in 1215 and for the great services which; in 1222; he  again rendered to the King in the subjugation of the whole district then  known as Argyle; extending from the Clyde to Lochbroom; he received  additional honours。  In that campaign known as 〃the Conquest of Argyle;〃  Ferquhard led most of the w
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