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history of the mackenzies-第73章

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1651。  By him Lady Anna had  two sons; Charles and Colin。  Charles succeeded his father; and died  unmarried。  Colin then became third Earl; and married Jane; daughter of  David; Earl of Northesk; by whom he had issue an only daughter; who  married Alexander Erikine; third Earl of Kellie。  Secondly; the Earl of  Balcarres married Jane; daughter of William; second Earl of Roxburgh; by  whom he had an only daughter; who married John Fleming; sixth Earl of  Wigton。  This Earl of Balcarres married a third time Margaret; daughter of  James Campbell; Earl of Loudon; by whom he had two sons; Alexander  and James。  Alexander succeeded his father; but died without issue; and  was succeeded by James; fifth Earl of Balcarres; from whom the present  line descends uninterruptedly; carrying along with it; in right of the said  Anna Mackenzie; daughter of Colin; first Earl of Seaforth; first Countess of Balcarres; the lineal representation of the ancient House of Kintail。

Anna married; secondly; Archibald; ninth Earl of Argyll; beheaded in  1685; and died in 1706。

III。  Jean; who married John; Master of Berriedale; with issue; George; sixth Earl of Caithness; who died without issue in 1676。 She  afterwards married Lord Duffus; with issue; and died in 1648。 His lordship died; as already stated; at Chanonry on the 15th of April; 1633; and was buried in the Cathedral Church of Fortrose in a spot chosen by himself。  His son; Lord Alexander; having died before his  father; on the 3d of June; 1629; and Colin having had no other issue male;  he was succeeded by his brother;


THIRD  LORD  MACKENZIE  OF  KINTAIL; eldest son of Kenneth; the first Lord; by his second marriage。  During the life of his father and  brother he was known as George Mackenzie of Kildun。  In 1633 he was  〃served heir male to his brother Colin; Earl of Seaforth; Lord Mackenzie  of Kintail; in the lands and barony of Ellandonnan; including the barony of  Lochalsh; in which was included the barony of the lands and towns of  Lochcarron; namely; the towns and lands of Auchnaschelloch; Coullin;  Edderacharron; Attadill; Ruychichan; Brecklach; Achachoull;   Delmartyne; with fishings in salt water and fresh; Dalcharlarie;  Arrinachteg; Achintie; Slumba; Doune; Stromcarronach; in the Earldom of  Ross; of the old extent of ?3 6s 8d; and also the towns of Kisserin; and lands of Strome; with fishings in salt and fresh water; and the towns and lands of Torridan with the pertinents of the Castle of Strome; Lochalsh; Lochcarron; and Kisserin; including the davach of Achvanie; the davach of Achnatrait; the davach of Stromcastell; Ardnagald; Ardneskan; and Blaad;  and the half davach of Sannachan; Rassoll; Meikle Strome; and Rerag; in  the Earldom of Ross; together of the old extent of ? 13s 4d。〃 'Origines  Parochiales Scotiae; p。 401。'  He was served heir male to his father  Kenneth; Lord Mackenzie of Kintail; in the lands and barony of  Pluscardine; on the 14th of January; 1620; and had charters of Balmungie  and Avoch; on the 18th of July; 1635; of Raasay; on the 18th of February; 1637 and of Lochalsh; on the 4th of July; 1642。

His high position in the North; and his intimate friendship at this  period with the powerful House of Sutherland; is proved by the fact that  he and Sir John Mackenzie of Tarbat; on the 2d of November; 1633; stood  godfathers to George Gordon; second son of John; Earl of Sutherland; and  there cannot be any doubt that to the influence of the latter must mainly be  attributed Seaforth's vacillating conduct during the earlier years of the great civil wars which became the curse of Scotland for so many years  after。 In 1635 the Privy Council; with the view of putting down the irregularities then prevalent in the Highlands; demanded securities from  the chiefs of clans; heads of families; and governors of counties; in  conformity with a general bond; previously agreed to; that they should be responsible  for their clans and surnames; men…tenants; and servants。

The  first called upon to give this security was the Earl of Huntly; then followed  the Earls of Sutherland and Seaforth; and afterwards Lord Lorn and all the  chiefs in the western and northern parts of the Kingdom。

In the following year the slumbering embers of religious  differences broke out into a general blaze all over the country。  Then  began those contentions about ecclesiastical questions; church discipline and liturgies; at all times fraught with the seeds of discontent and danger  to the common weal; and which in this case ultimately led to such sad and momentous consequences as only religious feuds can。  Charles I。 was  playing the despot with his subjects; not only in Scotland; but in England。

He was governing without a Parliament; defying and trying to crush the  desires and aspirations of a people born to govern themselves and to be  free。  His infatuated attempt to introduce the Liturgy of the Church of England into the Calvinistic and Presbyterian pulpits of Scotland was as  insane as it was unavailing。  But his English as well as Scottish subjects  were at the same time almost in open rebellion for their liberties。  He tried  to put down the rising in Scotland by the sword; but his means and  military skill were unequal to the task。  He failed to impose the English Liturgy on his Scottish subjects; but his attempt to do so proved the deliverance of his English subjects from high…handed tyranny。 It is only natural that in these circumstances Seaforth; though personally attached to  the King; should be found on the side of the Covenant; and that he should have joined the Assembly; the clergy; and the nobles in the Protest; and in  favour of the renewal of the Confession of Faith previously accepted and  confirmed by James VI。 in 1580; 1581; and 1590; at the same time that  these several bodies entered into a covenant or bond of mutual defence among themselves against all opposition from whatever source。

The principal among the Northern nobles who entered into this engagement were the Earls of Seaforth and Sutherland; Lord Lovat; the  Rosses; Munroes; Grant of Grant; Mackintosh of Mackintosh; Innes; the  Sheriff of Moray; Kilravock; Cumming of Altyre; and the Tutor of Duffus。

These; with their followers under command of the Earl of Seaforth; who  was appointed General of the Covenanters north of the Spey; marched to  Morayshire; where they met the Royalists on the northern banks of the  river ready to oppose their advance。 'On May 14; 1639; 4000 men met at  Elgin under the command of the Earl of Seaforth; and the gentlemen  following; viz。:The Master of Lovat; the Master of Ray; George; brother  to the Earl of Sutherland; Sir James Sinclare of Murkle; Laird of Grant;  Young Kilravock; Sheriff of Murray; Laird of Innes; Tutor of Duffus;  Hugh Rose of Achnacloich; John Munro of Lemlare; etc。  They encamped  at Speyside; to keep the Gordons and their friends from entering Murray;  and they remained encamped till the pacification; which was signed June  18; was proclaimed; and intimated to them about June 22。Shaw's MS。  History of Kilravock。'  An arrangement was here come to between  Thomas Mackenzie of Pluscardine; Seaforth's brother;
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