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history of the mackenzies-第68章

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g come in and rendered their  obedience to us  there rests none of the Isles rebellious; but only the  Lewis; which being inhabitated by a number of godless and lawless  people; trained up from their youth in all kinds of ungodliness:  They can hardly be reclaimed from their impurities and barbarities; and induced to embrace a quiet and peaceable form of living  so that we have been  constrained from time to time to employ our cousin; the Lord Kintail; who rests with God; and since his decease the Tutor of Kintail his brother; and  other friends of that House in our service against the rebels of the Lewis;  with ample commission and authority to suppress their insolence and to  reduce that island to our obedience; which service has been prosecuted  and followed these divers years by the power; friendship and proper  services of the House of Kintail; without any kind of trouble and charge or  expense to us; or any support or relief from their neighbours and in the  prosecution of that service; they have had such good and happy success; as  divers of the rebels have been apprehended and executed by justice:  But  seeing our said service is not yet fully accomplished; nor the Isle of the  Lewis settled in a solid and perfect obedience; we have of late renewed  our former commission to our cousin Colin; now Lord of Kintail; and to  his Tutor and some other friends of his house; and they are to employ their  whole power; and service in the execution of the said commission; which being a service importing highly our honour; and being so necessary and  expedient for the peace and quiet of the whole islands; and for the good of  our subjects; haunting the trade of fishing in the isles; the same ought not  to be interrupted upon any other intervening occasion; and our  commissioners and their friends ought not to be distracted therefrom for  giving of their concurrence in our services:  Therefore; we; with advice of  the Lords of our Privy Council; have given and granted our licence to our said cousin Colin。 Lord of Kintail; and to his friends; men; tenants and servants; to remain and bide at home from all osts; raids; wars; assemblings; and gatherings to be made by George; Marquis of Huntly; the  Earl of Enzie; his son; or any other our Lieutenants; Justices; or  Commissioners; by sea or land either for the pursuit of Allan Cameron of  Lochiel and his rebellious complices; or for any other cause or occasion  whatsoever; during or within the time of our commission foresaid granted  against the Lewis; without pain or danger to be incurred by our said cousin  the Lord of Kintail and his friends in their persons; lands or goods;  notwithstanding whatsoever our proclamation made or to be made in the  contrary whatever; and all pains contained in it; we dispense by these presents; discharging hereby our Justices; Justice Clerk; and all our Judges  and Ministers of law; of all calling; accusing; or any way proceeding  against them; for the cause aforesaid; and of their officers in that part。

Given under our signet at Edinburgh; the 14th day of September; 1614;  and of our reign the 12th; and 48 years。 Read; passed; and allowed in  Council。  Alexander; Chancellor。  Hamilton; Glasgow; Lothian; Binning。〃

Having procured this commission; the Mackenzies were in a  position to devote their undivided attention to the Lewis and their other affairs at home; and from this date that island principality remained in the  continuous possession of the family of Kintail and Seaforth; until in 1844;  it was sold to the late Sir James Matheson。  The people ever after adhered  most loyally to the illustrious house to whom they owed peace and  prosperity such as was never before experienced in the history of the  island。

The  commission proved otherwise of incalculable benefit to  Kintail; for it not only placed him in a position to pacify and establish good order in the Lewis with greater ease; but at the same time provided  his Lordship with undisturbed security in his extensive possessions on the  mainland at a time when the most violent disorders prevailed over every  other district of the West Highlands and Isles。

On the 2nd of February; 1615; a commission is signetted in favour of Sir Roderick; Mr Colin Mackenzie of Strathgarve; Mr Alexander Mackenzie of Kinnock; and Alexander Mackenzie of Coul; to receive Malcolm Caogach Mac Jan Mhic…an…t…Sagairt; Callum Dubh Mac  Allaster; Donald Mac Angus Mac Gillechallum; Gillecallum Mac Ian  Riabhaich; and James Mac Ian Duibh; from the Magistrates of Edinburgh;  to carry them north; and to keep them in ward until everything is ready for  trying them for murder; mutilation; theft; reset; and other crimes。

At a meeting of the Council held at Edinburgh on the 9th of February; 1615; Neil Macleod's two sons; Norman and Roderick; are set  at liberty on condition that they transport themselves out of the King's  dominions and never return。  They appeared personally 〃and acted and  obliged them that within the space of forty days after their relief furth of  their ward; where they remain within the Tolbooth of Edinburgh; they  shall depart and pass furth of his Majesty's dominions and never return  again within the same during their lifetimes; under the pain of death; and  in the meantime; till their passing furth of his Majesty's dominions; that  they shall not go benorth the water of Tay; under the said pain; to be executed upon them without favour if they fail in the premises。 And they gave their great oath to perform the conditions of this present act; and  further; the said Norman declared that he would renounce; like as by the  tenour of this present act he does renounce; his Majesty's remission and  pardon granted unto him; and all favour and benefit that he could acclaim by the said remission; in case he failed in the premises。  In respect  whereof the said Lords ordained the said Norman and Rory to be put to  liberty and fredom furth of the Tolbooth〃; and a warrant was issued to the Provost and  Bailies of Edinburgh to give effect to their Lordships' decision。  The Tutor appeared personally; and in name of Lord Kintail  consented to the liberation of the prisoners。  He at the same time protested  that neither he nor his chief should be held any longer responsible for the  expenses of maintaining Norman; now that lie was at liberty; and he was  accordingly relieved from further charge on that account。

On the 26th of April following the Tutor receives a commission for the pursuit and apprehension of Coll MacGillespic Macdonald; Malcolm Mac Rory Macleod; and other fugitives; described as 〃the Islay  rebels;〃 who had fled from justice; should they land in the Lewis or in any  other of the territories belonging to Lord Mackenzie of Kintail。  In order  that he may the better attend to this duty; along with several other heads of  clans named in the same commission for their respective districts; and as 〃it is necessary that the commissioners foresaid remain at home and on nowise come to this burgh (Edinburgh) to pursue or defend in any actions  or causes concerning them;〃 their Lordships continued all actions against them until the 1st of November next; ordaining the said actions 〃to rest  and sleep〃 till th
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