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history of the mackenzies-第62章

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ack at the castle with the boat before many of their companions  arrived from Lochcarron。  During the night they set to work; superintended  and encouraged by Lady Mackenzie in person; to make arrangements to go  out and meet the enemy。  The best men were quickly picked。  The Lady  supplied them with all the materials and necessaries for the journey within  her reach; handed them the lead and powder with her own hands; and gave  them two small pieces of brass ordnance。  She ordered Duncan  MacGillechriost; a powerful handsome fellow; to take command of the  galley in his father's absence; and in eloquent terms charged them all with  the honour of her house and her own protection in her husband's absence。

This was hardly necessary; for the Kintail men had not yet forgotten the  breach of faith which had been committed by Macdonald regarding the  recent agreement to cease hostilities for a stated time; and other recent sores。  Her ladyship having wished them God…speed; they started on their  way rejoicing and in the best of spirits。 She mounted the castle walls; and  stood there encouraging them until; by the darkness of the night; she could  no longer see them。

On their way towards Kylerhea they met a boat from Lochalsh sent out to inform them of the enemy's arrival at Kyleakin。  Learning this; they  cautiously kept their course close to the south side of the loch。  It was a  calm moonlight night; with occasional slight showers of snow。  The tide  had already begun to flow; and; judging that the Macdonalds would await  the next turning of the tide to enable them to get through Kylerhea; the  Kintail men; longing for their prey; resolved to advance and meet them。

They had not proceeded far; rowing very gently; after placing seaweed in  the rowlocks so as not to make a noise; when they noticed a boat; rowing  at the hardest; coming in their direction; but from its small size they  thought it must have been sent by the Macdonalds in advance to test the  passage of Kylerhea。  They therefore allowed it to pass unmolested; and  proceeded northward; looking for Macdonald's own galley。  As they  neared the Cailleach; a low rock midway between both Kyles; it was  observed in the distance covered with snow。  The night also favoured  them; the sea; calm; appearing black and mournful to the enemy。  Here  they met Macdonald's first galley; and drawing up near it; they soon  discovered it to be no other than his own great birlinn; some distance  ahead of the rest of the fleet。 Macdonald; as soon as he noticed them;  called out 〃Who is there?〃 twice in succession; but receiving no answer;  and finding the Kintail men drawing nearer; he called out the third time; when; in reply; he received a full broadside from Mackenzie's cannon;  which disabled his galley and threw her on the Cailleach Rock。

The men on board Macdonald's galley thought they had been  driven on shore; and flocked to the fore part of the boat; striving to escape;  thus capsizing and filling the birlinn。  Discovering their position; and  seeing a long stretch of sea lying between them and the mainland; they  became quite confused; and were completely at the mercy of their  enemies; who sent some of their men ashore to despatch any of the poor  wretches who might swim ashore; while others remained in their boat  killing and drowning the Macdonalds。 Such of them as managed to reach  the land were also killed or drowned by those of the Kintail men who went ashore; not a soul out of the sixty men on board the galley having escaped  except Angus Macdonald himself still breathing; though he had been  wounded twice in the head and once in the body。  He was yet alive when  they took him aboard their galley; but he died before morning。  Hearing  the uproar; several of the Lochalsh people went out with all speed in two small boats; under command of Dugall Mac Mhurchaidh Matthewson; to  take part in the fray; but by the time they arrived at the scene of action few  of Macdonald's followers were alive。  Thus ended the career of Angus;  younger of Glengarry; a chief to whom his followers looked up; and whom  they justly regarded as a bold and intrepid leader; though deficient in  prudence and strategy。

The remainder of Macdonald's fleet; to the number of twenty…one; following behind his own galley; having heard the uproar; returned to  Kyleakin in such terror and confusion that each thought his nearest  neighbour was pursuing him。  Landing in Strathardale; they left their boats  〃and their ill…cooked beef to these hungry gentlemen;〃 and before they  slept they arrived in Sleat; from whence they were sent across to the  mainland in the small boats of the laird。

The great concern and anxiety of her ladyship of Ellandonnan can be easily conceived; for all that she had yet learnt was the simple fact that  an engagement of some kind had taken place; and this she only knew from  having heard the sound of cannon during the night。 Early in the morning  she noticed her protectors returning with their birlinn; accompanied by  another great galley。  This brightened her hopes; and going down to the  shore to meet them; she heartily saluted them; and asked if all had gone  well with them。  〃Yea; Madam;〃 answered their leader; Duncan  MacGillechriost; 〃we have brought you a new guest; without the loss of a  single man; whom we hope is welcome to your ladyship。〃  She looked into  the galley; and at once recognising the body of Angus of Glengarry; she  ordered it to be carried ashore and properly attended to。  The men  proposed that he should be buried in the tomb of his predecessors; 〃Cnoc  nan Aingeal;〃 in Lochalsh; but this she objected to; observing that; if he  could; her husband would never allow a Macdonald; dead or alive; any  further possession in that locality; at the same time ordering young  Glengarry to be buried with her own children; and such other children of  the predecessors of the Mackenzies of Kintail as were buried in Kilduich; saying that she considered it no disparagement for him to be buried with  such cousins; and if it were her own fate to die in Kintail; she would  desire to be interred amongst them。  The proposal was agreed to; and  everything having been got ready suitable for the funeral of a gentleman of his rank…such as the place could afford in the circumstances…he was buried  next day in Kilduich; in the same tomb as Mackenzie's own children。

This is not the most generally received account regarding Angus Macdonald's burial; but we are glad; for the credit of our common humanity; to find the following conclusive testimony in an imperfect but excellently written MS。 of the seventeenth century; otherwise remarkably  correct and trustworthy:〃Some person; out of what reason I cannot tell;  will needs affirm he was buried in the church door; as men go out and in; which to my certain knowledge is a malicious lie; for with my very eyes I have seen his head raised out of the same grave and returned again;  wherein there was two small cuts; noways deep。〃 'Ancient MS。'

The author of the Ardintoul MS。 informs us that MacLean had  actually invaded Ardnamurchan; and carried fire and sword into that and  the adjoining territory of the Macdonalds; whereupon the Earl o
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