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history of the mackenzies-第61章

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trong force was falling down upon them; fled to their boat;  except MacGorrie; who; when he left it; swore a great oath that he would  never return with his back to the enemy; but finding it impossible single…handed to resist; he retired a little; closely followed by the Mackenzies who furiously attacked him。  He was now forced to draw aside to a rock;  against which he placed his back; and fought right manfully; defending  himself with extraordinary intrepidity; receiving the enemy's arrows in his  targe。  He was ultimately wounded by an arrow which struck him under  the belt; yet no one dared to approach him; but John Dubh Mac Choinnich  Mhic Mhurchaidh noticing his amazing agility; observing that his party  had arrived with the boat; and fearing they would lose Glengarry's galley unless they at once pursued it; went round to the back of the rock against  which the brave Macdonald stood; carrying a great boulder; which he  dropped straight on to MacGorrie's head; instantly killing him。  Thus died the most skilful and best chieftainhad he possessed equal wisdom and  discretionthen alive among the Macdonalds of Glengarry。

The Mackenzies immediately took to their boat; pursuing  Macdonald's galley to Loch na Beist; where; noticing the enemy's whole  fleet coming out against them; John Tolmach Macleod recommended his  men to put out to sea; but finding the fleet gaining upon them; they decided to land in Applecross; where they were nearly overtaken by the  enemy。  They were obliged to leave their boat and run for their lives; hotly  pursued by the Macdonalds; and were it not that one of Mackenzie's men  John Mac Rory Mhic Mhurchaidh Mathewsonwas so well acquainted  with the ground; and led them to a ford on the river between two rocks;  which the Macdonalds missed; and the night coming on; they would have  been unable to escape with their lives。  The Macdonalds retraced their  steps to their boats; and on the way discovered the body of Alexander  MacGorrie; whose death 〃put their boasting to mourning;〃 and conceiving  his fate ominous of additional misfortunes; they; carrying him along with them; prudently returned home; and disbanded all their followers。  In the flight of the Mackenzies Alexander of Achilty; being so stout that he  fainted on the way; was nearly captured。  John MacChoinnich; who  noticed him falling; threw some water on him; and; drawing his sword;  swore that he would kill him on the spot if he did not get up at once rather  than that the enemy should have the honour of killing or capturing him。   They soon arrived at Gairloch's house in the island on Loch…Maree; and  gave a full account of their expedition; whereupon Kintail at once decided  upon taking active measures against the Macdonalds。  In the meantime he  was assured that they had returned to their own country。  He soon returned home; and found that the people of Kintail and Glengarry; tiring of those incessant slaughters and mutual injuries; agreed; during his absence; in the  month of May; to cease hostilities until the following Lammas。  Of this  agreement Kintail knew nothing; and young Glengarry; who was of an  exceedingly bold and restless disposition; against the earnest solicitations  of his father; who became a party to this agreement between his people  and those of Kintail; started with a strong force to Glenshiel and  Letterfearn; while Allan Macdonald of Lundy with another party went to  Glenelchaig; harried those places; took away a large number of cattle; and  killed some of the aged men; several women; and all the male children。

They found none of the principal and able…bodied men; who had withdrawn some distance that they might with greater advantage gather together in a body and defend themselves; except Duncan MacIan Mhic  Ghillechallum in Killichirtorn; whom the enemy apprehended; and would  have killed; had not one of the Macdonalds; formerly his friend and  acquaintance; prevailed upon young Glengarry to save his life; and send  him to the Castle of Strome; where he still had a garrison; rather than kill  him。

The successful result of this expedition encouraged Angus so much that he began to think fortune had at last turned in his favour; and he set  out and called personally upon all the chief and leaders of the various  branches of the Macdonalds in the west; soliciting their assistance against  the Mackenzies; which they all agreed to give him in the following spring。

This soon came to Mackenzie's knowledge; who was at the time residing in Ellandonnan Castle; and fearing the consequences of such a  powerful combination against him; he went privately to Mull by sea to  consult his brother…in…law; Hector Og Maclean of Duart; to whom he told  that he had a commission of fire and sword against 〃the rebels of  Glengarry and such as would rise in arms to assist them; and being  informed that the Macdonalds near him (Maclean) had combined to join  them; and to put him to further trouble; that; therefore; he would; not only  as a good subject but as his fast friend; divert these whenever they should  rise in arms against him。〃 'Ardintoul MS。'  Maclean undertook to prevent  the assistance of the Clan Ranald of Isla and the Macdonalds of Glencoe  and Ardnamurchan; by; if necessary; invading their territories; and thus  compelling them to protect their own interests at home。  It appears that old  Glengarry was still anxious to arrange a permanent peace with Mackenzie;  but his son Angus; restless and turbulent as ever; would not hear of any  peaceful settlement; and determined to start at once upon an expedition;  from which his father told him at the time he had little hopes of his ever  returning alivea prediction which turned out only too true。

Angus; taking advantage of Mackenzie's absence in Mull;  gathered; in the latter end of November; as secretly as be could; all the boats and great galleys within his reach; and; with this large fleet loaded  with his followers passed through the Kyles under silence of night; and;  coming to Lochcarron; he sent his marauders ashore in the twilight。  The  inhabitants perceiving them; escaped to the hills; but the Macdonalds  cruelly slaughtered all the aged men who could not escape; and many of  the women and children seized all the cattle; and drove them to the Island  of Slumbay; where their boats which they filled with the carcases lay。

Before; however; they had fully loaded; the alarm having gone through the districts of Lochalsh and Kintail; some of the natives of those districts were seen marching in the direction of Lochcarron。 The Macdonalds  deemed it prudent to remain no longer; and set out to sea pursued by a  shower of arrows by way of farewell; which; however; had little effect  upon them; as they were already out of range。

The Kintail men; by the shortest route; now returned to  Ellandonnan; sending twelve of the swiftest of their number across  country to Inverinate; where lay; newly built; a twelve…oared galley; which had never been to sea; belonging to Gillecriost MacDhonnchaidh; one of  Inverinate's tenants。  These heroes made such rapid progress that they  were back at the castle with the boat before many of their companions  arrived from Lochcarron。  During th
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