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history of the mackenzies-第42章

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of this visit he directed  against him more than ever。  The Earl and his retinue at once withdrew to Easter Ross。 Kenneth ordered his men to pursue them。  He overtook them  as they were crossing the bridge of Dingwall and killed several of them; but having attained his object of frightening Huntly out of Ross; he ordered his men to desist。  This skirmish is known as the 〃affair of  Dingwall Bridge。〃 'Ardintoul MS。'

In 1556 Y Mackay of Farr; progenitor of the Lords of Reay;  refused to appear before the Queen Regent at Inverness; to answer charges made against him for depredations committed in Sutherlandshire; and she  issued a commission to John; fifth Earl of Sutherland; to lay Mackay's  country waste。  Mackay; satisfied that he could not successfully oppose  the Earl's forces in the field; pillaged and plundered another district of  Sutherland。  The Earl conveyed intelligence of how matters stood to John  of Kintail; who; in terms of the bond of manrent entered into between  them in 1545; despatched his son Kenneth with an able body of the clan to arrest Mackay's progress; which duty he performed most effectually。

Meeting at Brora; a severe contest ensued; which terminated in the defeat of Mackay; with the loss of Angus MacIain Mhoir; one of his chief  commanders; and many of his clan。  Kenneth was thereupon; conjointly  with his father; appointed by the Earl of Sutherland…then the Queen's  Lieutenant north of the Spey; and Chamberlain of the Earldom of Ross  'Sir Robert Gordon; p。 134。'his deputies in the management of this vast  property; at the same time placing them in possession of Ardmeanoch; or  Redcastle; which remained ever since; until within a recent period; in the  possession of the family; becoming the property of Kenneth's third son;  Ruairidh Mor; first of the house of Redcastle; and progenitor of the family of Kincraig and other well…known branches。

After this; Kintail seems to have lived in peace during the remainder of his long life。  He died at his home at Inverchonan; in 1561; about eighty years of age。  He was buried in the family aisle at Beauly。  That he was a man of proved valour is fully established by the distinguished part he took in the battles of Flodden and Pinkie。  The Earl of  Cromarty informs us that; 〃in his time he purchased much of the Brae…lands of Ross; and secured both what he acquired and what his  predecessors had; by well ordered and legal security; so that it is doubtful  whether his predecessors' courage or his prudence contributed most to the rising of the family。〃

In illustration of the latter quality; we quote the following story:  John Mackenzie of Kintail 〃was a very great courtier and counsellor of  Queen Manes。  Much of the lands of Brae Ross were acquired by him;  which minds me how he entertained the Queen's Chamberlain who she  sent north to learn the state and condition of the gentry of Ross; minding  to feu her interest of that Earldome。 Sir John; hearing of their coming to  his house of Killin; he caused his servants put on a great fyre of ffresh arn   wood newly cutt; which when they came in (sitting on great jests of wood  which he caused sett there a purpose) made such a reek that they were  almost blinded; and were it not the night was so ill they would rather goe  than byde it。  They had not long sitten when his servants came in with a  great bull; which presently they brained on the floor; and or they well  could look about; this fellow with his dirk; and that fellow with his; were  cutting collops of him。  Then conies in another sturdie lusty fellow with a  great calderon in his hand; and ane axe in the other; and with its shaft  stroak each of these that were cutting the collops; and then made Taylzies  of it and put all in the kettle; sett it on the same tire before them all and  helped the tire with more green wood。  When all was ready as he had  ordered; a long; large table was covered and the beef sett on in great  scaills of dishes instead of pleats。  They had scarcely sitten to supper when  they let loose six or sevin great hounds to supp the broth; but before they  made ane end of it; they made such a tulzie as made them all start at the table。  The supper being ended; and longing for their bedds (but much  more for day); there comes in 5 or 6 lustie women with windlings of strae (and white plaids) which they spread on each side of the house; whereon the gentlemen were forced to lye in their cloaths; thinking they had come to purgatory before hand; but they had no sooner seen day light than  without stayeing dinner they made to the gett; down to Ross where they  were most noblie entertained be Ffowlis; Belnagowin; Miltoun; and  severall other gentlemen。  But when they were come south the Queen  asked who were the ablest men they saw there。  They answered all they  did see lived like princes; except Her Majesty's great courtier and  counsellor Mackenzie。  So tells her all their usage in his house; and that he  slept with his doggs and sat with his hounds; wherat the Queen leugh  mirrily (whatever her thoughts was of M'Kenzie) and said ‘It were a pity  of his poverty; ffor he is the best and honestest among them all。'  The  Queen thereafter having called all the gentry of Ross to hold their lands of  the Crown in feu; Mackenzie got (by her favour and his pretended poverty) the easiest feu; and for his 1000 merks more than any of the rest  had for three。〃 'Ancient MS。'

John had a natural son named Dugall; who lived in Applecross;  and married a niece of Macleod of Harris; by whom he had a son and one  daughter。  The son; also named Dugall; was a schoolmaster in Chanonry;  and died without issue。  The daughter was married to Duncan Mackenzie;  Reraig; and after his death to Mackintosh of Strone。  Dugall; the elder;  was killed by the Mathesons at Kishorn。  John had also a natural daughter;  Janet; who married first Mackay of Reay; and secondly; Roderick  Macleod; X。 of Lewis; with issueTorquil Cononach; and afterwards 〃Ian  Mor na Tuaighe;〃 brother of John MacGillechallum of Raasay; with  whom she eloped。

He married Elizabeth; daughter of John; tenth Laird of Grant; and by her had an only son and successor;


Commonly known as Coinneach na Cuirc; or Kenneth of the Whittle; so  called from his skill in wood carving and general dexterity with the  Highland 〃sgian dubh。〃  He succeeded his father in  1561。 In the  following year he was among the chiefs who; at the head of their  followers; met Queen Mary at Inverness; and helped her to obtain  possession of the Castle after Alexander Gordon; the governor; refused her  admission。  In the same year an Act of Privy Council; dated the 21st of  May; bears that he had delivered up Mary Macleod; the heiress of Harris  and Dunvegan; of whom he had previously by accident obtained the  custody; into the hands of Queen Mary; with whom she afterwards  remained for several years as a maid of honour。  The Act is as follows:

〃The same day; in presence of the Queen's Majesty and Lords of Secret Council; compeared Kenneth Mackenzie of Kintail; who; being commanded by letters and also by writings direct from the Queen's Grace;  to exhibit; produce; and present before her Highness Mary 
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