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history of the mackenzies-第40章

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stle。  Finlay was a very 〃pretty  man;〃 and the writer of the Genealogy of the Macras informs us that 〃the  remains of a monument erected for him; in the place where he was killed;  is still (1704) to be seen。〃  Kintail was naturally much exasperated at this  unprovoked raid upon his territory; as also for Macdonald's attack upon  his friend and ally; Macleod of Dunvegan; and to punish Donald Gorm; he  dispatched his son; Kenneth; with a force to Skye; who made ample  reprisals in Macdonald's country; killing many of his followers; and at the same time exhibiting great intrepidity and sagacity。  Donald Gorm almost  immediately afterwards made an incursion into Mackenzie's territories of  Kintail; where he killed Sir (Rev。) Dougald Mackenzie; 〃one of the Pope's knights〃; whereupon Kenneth; younger of Kintail; paid a second visit to  the Island; wasted the country; and on his return; Macdonald learning that  Ellandonnan was garrisoned by a very weak force; under the new  governor; John Dubh Matheson of Fernaigwho had married Sir Dugald  Mackenzie's widowhe made another raid upon it; with fifty birlinns or  large boats full of his followers; with the intention of surprising the small  garrison; and taking the castle by storm。  Its gallant defenders consisted at the time of the governor; his watchman; and Duncan MacGillechriost Mac  Fhionnladh Mhic Rath; a nephew of Maolmuire killed in the last incursion  of the Island chief。  The advance of the boats was; however; noticed in  time by the sentinel or watchman; who at once gave the alarm to the  country people; but they arrived too late to prevent the enemy from  landing。  Duncan MacGillechriost was on the mainland at the time; but  flying back with all speed he arrived at the postern of the stronghold in time to kill several of the Islesmen in the act of landing; and; entering the  castle; he found no one there but the governor and watchman; almost immediately after; Donald Gorm Mor furiously attacked the gate; but  without success; the brave trio having strongly secured it by a second  barrier of iron within a few steps of the outer defences。 Unable to procure  access  the Islesmen were driven to the expedient of shooting their arrows  through the embrazures; and in this way they succeeded in killing the  governor。

Duncan now found himself sole defender of the castle except the watchman; and worse still his ammunition was reduced to a single barbed  arrow; which he determined to husband until an opportunity occurred by  which he could make good use of it Macdonald at this stage ordered his  boats round to the point of the Airds; and was personally  reconnoitring  with the view of discovering the weakest part of the wall for effecting a breach。 Duncan considered this a favourable opportunity; and aiming his  arrow at Donald Gorm; it struck him and penetrated his foot through the  master vein。 Macdonald; not having perceived that the arrow was a  barbed one; wrenched it out; and in so doing separated the main artery。

Notwithstanding that all available means were used; it was found impossible to stop the bleeding; and his men conveyed him out of the  range of the fort to a spota sand bankon which he died; called to this  day; 〃Larach Tigh Mhic Dhomhnuill;〃 or the site of Macdonald's house;  where the haughty Lord of Sleat ended his career。 'Genealogy of the  Macras and the Ardintoul MS。  〃This Donald Gorme was son to Donald  Gruamach; son to Donald Gallach; son to Hugh; natural son to Alexander;  Earl of Ross; for which the elegy made on his death calls him grandchild  and great grandchild to Rhi…Fingal (King Fingal)

〃A Dhonnchaldh Mhic Gillechriost Mhic Fhionnla; ‘S mor um beud a thuit le d'aon laimh; Ogha ‘s iar…ogha Mhic Righ Fhinghaill; ‘Thuiteam le bramag an aon mhic。〃

Letterform MS。'  The Islesmen burnt all they could find ashore in Kintail。

〃In 1539 Donald Gorm of Sleat and his allies; after laying waste Trouterness in Sky and Kenlochew in Ross; attempted to take the Castle  of Eileandonan; but Donald being killed by an arrow shot from the wall;  the attempt failed。〃 'Gregory; pp。 145。146。  Border Minstrelsy。  Anderson;  p。 283。  Reg。 Sec。 Sig。; vol。 xv。; fol。 46。'  In 1541 King James V。  granted a  remission to Donald's accomplicesnamely; Archibald  Ilis; alias  Archibald the Clerk; Alexander McConnell Gallich; John Dow  Donaldsoun; and twenty…six others whose names are recorded in Origines  Parchiales; p。 394; vol。 ii。; for their treasonable fire…raising and burning of  the 〃Castle of Allanedonnand〃 and of the boats there; for the 〃Herschip〃 of Kenlochew and Trouterness; etc。

Duncan MacGillechriost now naturally felt that he had some claim to the governorship of the castle; but being considered 〃a man more bold  and rash than prudent and politick;〃 Mackenzie decided to pass him over。

Duncan then put in a claim for his brother Farquhar; but it was thought  best; to avoid local quarrels and bitterness between the respective  claimants; to supersede them both and appoint another; John  MacMhurchaidh Dhuibh; priest of Kintail; to the Constableship。 Duncan  was so much offended at such treatment in return for his valiant services that he left Kintail in disgust; and went to the country of Lord Lovat; who  received him kindly; and gave him the lands of Crochel and others in  Strathglass; where he lived for several years; until Lovat's death。

Mackenzie; however; often visited him and finally prevailed upon him to  return to Kintail; and Duncan; who always retained a lingering affection  for his native country; ultimately became reconciled to the chief; who  gave him the quarterland of Little Inverinate and Dorisduan; where he  lived  the remainder of his days; and which his descendants continued to  possess for generations after his death。

For this service against the Macdonalds; James V。 gave Mackenzie Kinchullidrum; Achilty; and Comery in feu; with Meikle Scatwell; under  the Great Seal; in 1528。  The lands of Laggan  Achidrom; being four  merks; the three merks of Killianan; and the four merk lands of Invergarry;  being in the King's hands; were disposed by him to John Mackenzie; after  the King's minority and revocation; in 1540; with a precept; under the  Great Seal; and sasine thereupon by Sir John Robertson in January 1541。

But before this; in 1521; he acquired the lands of Fodderty and mill  thereof from Mr John Cadell; which James V。 confirmed to him at  Linlithgow in September; 1522。  In 1541 he feued Brahan from the King  to himself and his heirs male; which failing; to his eldest daughter。  In 1542 he obtained the waste lands and forest of Neid and Monar from  James V。 for which sasine is granted in the same year by Sir John  Robertson。  In January 1547 he acquired a wadset of the half of Culteleod (Castle Leod) and Drynie from Denoon of Davidston。  In September of the  same year; old as he was; he went in defence of his Sovereign; young  Mary of Scots; to the Battle of Pinkie; where he was taken prisoner; and  the Laird of Kilravock meeting him advised him that they should own  themselves among the commons; Mackenzie passing off as a bowman。

While Kilravock would pass himself off as a miller; which plan succeeded  so well as to secure Kilr
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