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history of the mackenzies-第36章

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l prevail over my endeavours; that I might have this boat and  these provisions as a safe retreat; both for myself and you; whom I should  be loath to expose to so great a danger without some probability in the attempt; and some security in the disappointment。  I am resolved this night  to fall on my uncle for he being gone; there is none of his children who  dare hope to repose themselves to his place。 The countrymen who now;  for fear; depend on him and disown me; will; no doubt; on the same  motives; promoved with my just title; own me against all other injurious  pretenders。  One thing I must require of you; and it is that albeit those on  whom we are to fall are all related both to you and to me; yet since on  their destruction depends the preservation of our lives; and the restitution of my estate; you must all promise not to give quarter to my uncle or to  any of his company。〃

To this inhuman resolution they all agreed; disregarding the natural ties of blood and other obligations; and; marching as quietly as possible;  they arrived at Hector's house; surrounded it; and set fire to itguarding it  all round so that not a soul could escape。 The house was soon in flames; and the inmates; Hector and his household; were crying out for mercy。   Their pitiful cries made an impression on those outside; for many of them had relatives within; and in spite of their previous resolution to give no quarter; some of them called out to their nearest friends to come out and surrender; on assurance of their lives being spared。  John seeing so many of his followers moved to this merciful conduct; and being unable to resist  them; exclaimed; 〃My uncle is as near in blood to me as any in the house  are to you; and therefore I will be as kind to him as you are to them。〃

He  then called upon Hector to surrender and come forth from the burning  pile; assuring him of his life。  This he did; but Donald Dubh  MacGillechriost Mhic Gillereach; a Kenlochewe man; made for the door  with his two…edged sword drawn; whereupon Hector seeing him called out  to John that he would rather be burned where he was than face Donald  Dubh。  John called the latter away; and Hector rushed out into his  nephew's arms and  embraced him。  That same night John and Hector;  without 〃Dysman;〃 saving God and such commons as were then present;  agreed and condescended that Hector should have the estate till John was  twenty…one years of age; and that John should live on his own purchases  till then;   Hector was to set the whole estate immediately; as tutor to John;  which next day he went about。  〃I cannot forget what passed betwixt him  and the foresaid Donald at the set of Kenlochewe; who was one of the first  that sought land from him; which when he sought; Hector says to him:  ‘I  wonder; Donald; how you can ask land this day; that was so forward  to  kill me the last day。'  Donald answered that ‘if he had such a leader this  day as he had that night he should show him no better quarters; for  Kenneth's death (meaning Kenneth Aack) struck nearer my heart than any  prejudice you can do me in denying me land this day。'  Hector said; ‘Well Donald; I doubt ye not if you had such coildghys (coldhaltasfosterage) to  me as you had to that man but you would act the like for me。  Therefore you shall have your choice of all the land in the country。'  Hector having  set the whole estate as tutor; all things seemed fair; only that Allan and his  faction in Kintail; who previously urged John to possess himself of  Ellandonnan Castle; were not satisfied with the arrangement; as John was  still kept out of the stronghold; ‘which Hector would not grant; not being  condescended on (and as he alleged) lest John should fail on his part  but  the factionsthe commonswithin that country could not be satisfied  herewith; being; as it was said; moved hereto by an accident that fell out a year or two before。'〃 'Ancient MS。'   This 〃accident〃 is described further  on; and refers to Hector's alleged attempt to get Allan assassinated at  Invershiel。

Donald Dubh was Kenneth Og's foster…brother; and Imagining that Hector was accessory in an underhand way to Kenneth's captivity in Edinburgh Castle; and consequently to his death in the Torwood; he conceived an inveterate hatred for him; and determined to kill him in  revenge the first opportunity that presented itself。  Hector; knowing that  his resolution  proceeded from fidelity and affection to his foster…brother  and master; not only forgave him; but ultimately took an opportunity of  rewarding him  and; as we have seen; afterwards gave him his choice of  all the lands in Kenlochewe。

John immediately sent word of what had taken place to his uncle of Lovat; and next day marched for Kintail; where all the people there; as  well as in the other parts of his property; recognised him as their chief。

The Castle of Ellandonnan was delivered up to him; with the charter chest and other evidences of his extensive possessions。

It has been maintained by the family of Gairloch that there is no truth in the charge against their ancestor; Hector Roy; which we have just  given mainly on the authority of the Earl of Cromartie。 The writer of the  Ardintoul MS。 of the Mackenzies; 'Dr George Mackenzie gives  substantially  the same account;' however corroborates his lordship; and  says that John  was but young when his father died; and Hector; his  younger uncle (Duncan; Hector's eldest brother; who should be tutor being dead; and Allan; Duncan's son; not being able to oppose or grapple with  Hector); meddled with the estate。 It is reported that Hector wished Allan  out of the way; whom he thought only to stand in his way from being laird;  since he was resolved not to own my Lord Lovat's daughter's children;  being all bastards and gotten in adultery。  The reason why they entertained such thoughts of him was partly this:  Hector going to Ellandonnan (where he placed Malcolm Mac Eancharrich constable) called such of the country  people to him as he judged fit; under pretence of setting and settling the  country; but asked not for; nor yet called his nephew Allan; who lived at Invershiel; within a few miles of Ellandonnan; but went away。  Allan;  suspecting this to have proceeded from unkindness; sends to one of his  familiar friends to know the result of the meeting; or if there was any  spoken concerning him。  The man; perhaps; not being willing to be an ill instrument twixt so near relations; sends Allan the following Irish (Gaelic)  lines:

Inversheala na struth bras; Tar as; ‘s fear foul ga d' fheitheamh; Nineag; ga caol a cas; Tha leannan aice gun thios; A tighinn ga'm fhaire a shios; Tha i; gun fhios; fo mo chrios Tha ‘n sar lann ghuilbneach ghlas; Bhehion urchair dha le fios。

Allan put his own construction on them; and thought a friend  warned him to have a care of himself; there being some designs  on him from a near relation; and so that very night; in the  beginning thereof; he removed himself and family and anything  he valued within the house to an bill above the town; where he  might see and bear anything that might befall the house; and that  same night about cock crow he saw bis house and biggings in  flames; and found them consumed
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