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history of the mackenzies-第30章

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iament  held in Edinburgh in 1493; the possessions of the Lord of the Isles were  declared forfeited to the Crown。  In the following January the aged Earl  appeared before King James IV。; and made a voluntary surrender of  everything; after which he remained for several years in the King's  household as a Court pensioner。 By Act of the Lords of Council in 1492  Alexander Urquhart; Sheriff of Cromarty; had obtained restitution for  himself and his tenants for the depredations committed by Macdonald and  his followers。 According to the Kilravock Papers; p。 162; the spoil  amounted to 600 cows and oxen; each worth 13s 4d; 80 horses; each worth  26s 8d; 1000 sheep; each worth 2s; 200 swine; each worth 3s; with plenishing to the value of ?00 and also 500 bolls of victual and ?00 of the mails of the Sheriff's lands。

The  Earl of Cromarty says of Kenneth; 〃that he raised great fears  in his neighbours by his temper and power; by which he had overturned so  great ane interest as that of Macdonald; yet it appearit that he did not  proceid to such attemptts but on just resentments and rationall grounds;  for dureing his lyfe he not only protected the country by his power; but he  caryed so that non was esteemed a better neighbour to his friends nor a  juster maister to his dependers。  In that one thing of his caryadge to his first wife he is justly reprowable; in all things else he merits justly to be  numbered amongst the best of our Scots patriots。〃 The same writer  continues 〃The fight at Blairnapark put Mackenzie in great respect  through all the North。  The Earl of Huntly; George; who was the second  Earle; did contract a friendship with him; and when he was imployed by  King James 3d to assist him against the conspirators in the South; Kenneth  came with 500 men to him in summer 1488; but erre they came the  lengthe of Perth; Mackenzie had nottice of his father Alexander's death;  whereupon Huntly caused him retire to ordor his affaires; least his old enemies might tack advantage of such a change; and Huntly judgeing that  they were rather too numberous than weak for the conspirators; by which  occasion he (Kenneth) was absent from that vnfortunat battle wher King  James 3d wes kild; yet evir after this; Earl George; and his son Alexander;  the 3d Earl of Huntly; keipt a great kyndness to Kenneth and his  successors。  From the yeir 1489 the kingdom vnder King James 4d wes at  great peace; and thereby Mackenzie toock opportunity to setle his privat  affaires; which for many yeirs  befor; yea severall ages; had bein almost still disturbed by the Earls of Ross and Lords of the Illes; and so he lived  in peace and good correspondences with his neighbours till the yeir 1491; for in the moneth of February that yeir he died and wes buried at Bewlie。

All his predecessors wer buried at Icolmkill (except his father); as wer  most of the considerable chieffs in the Highlands。  But this Kenneth; after  his marriage; keipt frequent devotiones with the Convent of Bewlie; and at  his owin desyre wes buried ther; in the ille on the north syd of the alter;  which wes built by himselfe in his lyftyme or he died; after that he done pennance for his irregular marieing or Lovit's daughter。  He procured recommendationes from Thomas Hay (his lady's uncle); Bishop of Ross; to Pope Alexander the 6; from whom he procured a legittmatione of all the cheildrein of the mariadge; daited apud St Petri; papatus nostri primo;  anno Cristiano 1491。〃

Bishop Hay strongly impressed upon Mackenzie the propriety of  getting his marriage with Agnes of Lovat legitimized; and to send for a commission to the Pope for that purpose。  Donald Dubh MacChreggir; priest of Kirkhill; was despatched to Rome with that object; and; according to several of the family manuscripts; procured the legitimation of the marriage。  〃This priest was a native of Kintail; descended from a  clan there called Clan Chreggir; who; being a hopefull boy in his younger days; was educat in Mackenzie's house; and afterwards at Beullie be the  forementioned Dugall Mackenzie; pryor yrof。  In end he was made priest  of Kirkhill。  His successors to this day are called Frasers。  Of this priest is  descended Mr William Fraser and Mr Donald Fraser。〃 'Ancient MS。'

Another writer describes the messengers sent to Rome as Mr Andrew Fraser; priest of Kintail; a learned and eloquent man; who took in his  company Dugal Mackenzie; natural son to Alexander Inrig; who was a  scholar。  The Pope entertained them kindly and very readily granted them  what they desired and were both made knights to the boot of Pope  Clement the VIII。; but when my knights came home; they neglected the  decree of Pope Innocent III。 against the marriage and consentrinate of all  the clergy or otherwise they got a dispensation from the then Pope  Clement VIII。; for both of them marriedSir Dugall was made priest of  Kintail and married nien (daughter) Dunchy Chaim in Glenmorriston。  Sir  Andrew likewise married; whose son was called  Donald Du Mac  Intagard; and was priest of Kirkhill and Chaunter of Ross。  His tack of the  vicarage of Kilmorack to John Chisholm of Comar stands to this day。  The present Mr William Fraser; minister of Kilmorack; is the fifth minister in  lineal and uninterrupted succession。〃 'Ardintoul MS。'

Anderson; in his Account of the Family of Fraser; also says that 〃application was made to the Pope to sanction the second marriage; which  he did; anno 1491。〃  Sir James D。 Mackenzie of Findon (note; p。 19)  however says that he made a close search in the Vatican and the Roman  libraries but was unable to find trace of any document of legitmation。  Of Roderick; Sir Kenneth's fourth son; who was an exceedingly  powerful man; the following interesting story is toldHe was a man of  great strength and stature; and in a quarrell which took place between him  and Dingwall of Kildun; he killed the latter; and 〃that night abode with his  wife〃  Complaint was made to King James the Fifth; who commanded the  Baron of Kintail to give Rory up to justice。  His brother; knowing he could  not do so openly and by force without trouble and considerable danger;  went to Kintail professedly to settle his affairs there; and when he was about returning home he requested Rory to meet him at Glassletter; that he  might privately consult and discourse with him as to his present state。   Rory duly met him on the appointed day with fifty men of his 〃coalds;〃  the Macleays; besides ordinary servants and some Kintail men。  While the  two brothers went to discourse; they passed between the Kintail men and  the Macleays; who sat at a good distance from one another。  When  Mackenzie came near the Kintail men; he clapped Rory on the shoulder;  which was the sign between them; and Rory was immediately seized。  Gillecriost MacFhionnla instantly ran to the Macleays; who had taken to  their arms to relieve their Coald Rory Mor; and desired them in a friendly  manner to compose themselves; and not be rash; since Rory was seized  not by his enemies; but was in the hands of his own brother; and of those who had as great a kindness for him; and interest in him as they had  themselves; and further he desired them to consider what would be the  consequences; f
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