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history of the mackenzies-第28章

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。〃  (A heavy stroke from the  back of my hand 'arm' and a step to 'enforce' it  He who does not get out of my way; let me get out of his。)  Duncan soon killed a man; and; drawing the body aside; he coolly sat upon it。  Hector Roy; noticing this peculiar  proceeding as be was passing by in the heat of the contest; accosted  Duncan; and asked him why he was not still engaged with his comrades。   Duncan answered〃Mar a faigh mi ach miabh aon duine cha dean mi ach  gniomh aon duine。〃  (If I only get one man's due I shall only do one man's  work)。  Hector told him to perform two men's work; and be would get two  men's  reward。  Duncan returned again to the field of carnage; killed  another; pulled his body away; placed it on the top of the first; and sat upon the two。  The same question was again asked; and the answer given:  〃I have killed two men; and earned two men's wages。〃  Hector answered 〃Do your best; and we shall not be reckoning with you。〃  Duncan instantly  replied〃Am  fear nach  biodh  ag cunntadh rium cha bhithinn ag cunntadh ris〃(He that would not reckon with me; I would not reckon  with him)and rushed into the thickest of the battle; where he mowed  down the enemy with his rusty battle…axe like grass; so much so that  Lachlan Maclean of Lochbuy (Lachlainn MacThearlaich); a most  redoubtable warrior; placed himself in Duncan's way to check him in his  murderous career。  The two met in mortal strife; but; Maclean being a very  powerful man; clad in mail; and well versed in arms; Duncan could make  no impression upon him  but; being lighter and more active than his  heavily mailed opponent; he managed to defend himself; watching his  opportunity; and retreating backwards until he arrived at a ditch; where his  opponent; thinking he had him fixed; made a desperate stroke at him;  which Duncan parried; at the same time jumping backwards across the  ditch。  Maclean; to catch his enemy; made a furious lunge with his  weapon; but; instead of entering Duncan's body; it got fixed in the  opposite bank of the ditch。  In withdrawing it; he bent his head forward; when the helmet; rising; exposed the back of his neck; upon which  Duncan's  battle…axe descended with the velocity of lightning; and with  such terrific force as to sever Maclean's head from his body。 This; it is said; was the turning…point of the struggle; for the Macdonalds; seeing the  brave leader of their van falling; at once retreated; and gave up all for lost。 The hero was ever afterwards known as 〃Donnchadh Mor na Tuaighe;〃 or  Big Duncan of the Axe; arid many a story is told in Kintail and Gairloch  of the many other prodigies of valour which he performed in the after  contests of the Mackenzies and  the  Macraes against their common  enemies。  〃Such of Macdonald's men as escaped the battle fled together;  and as they were going homeward  began to spulzie Strathconan; which   Mackenzie hearing; followed them with a party; overtakes them at  Invercorran; kills shoals of them and the rest fled divers ways。〃

That night; as Mackenzie sat at supper; he missed Duncan Mor;  and said to the company〃I am more vexed for the want of my scallag mar (big servant) this night than any satisfaction I had of this day。〃  One  of those present said; 〃I thought; (as the people fled) I perceived him  following four or five men that ran up the burn。〃 He had not well spoken the word when Duncan Mor came in with four heads 〃bound on a woody〃  and threw them before his master; saying〃Tell me now if I have not  deserved my supper;〃 to which; it is said of him; he fell with great gusto。

This reminds me; continues the chronicler; 〃of a cheat he once played on an Irishman; being a traveller; withal a strong; lusty fellow;  well…proportioned; but of an extraordinary stomach。  He resorted into  gentlemen's houses; and (was) very oft in Mackenzie's。 Having come on  a time to the same Mackenzie's house in Islandonain two or three years  after this battle (of Park); he was cared for as usual; and when the laird  went to dinner; he was set aside; at a side…table to himself; and a double  proportion allowed him; which this Duncan Mor envying; went on a day  and sat side for side with him; drew his skyn or short dagger and eats with  him。  ‘How now;' says the Irishman; ‘how comes it that you fall in eating in any manner of way。'  ‘ I cannot tell;' says Duncan; ‘but I do think I have  as good will to eat as you can have。'  ‘Well;' says the other; ‘we shall try  that when we have done。'  So when the laird had done of his dinner; the   Irishman  went where he was and said; ‘Noble sir; I have travelled now  almost among all the clans in Scotland; and was resorting their houses; as  I have been several times here; where I cannot say but I was sufficiently cared for; but I never met with such an affront as I have this day。'  The laird asked what he meant。  So he tells him what injury Duncan had done  him in eating a share of his proportion。  ‘Well;' says the laird; ‘I hope M'ille Chruimb;' for so the Irishman was called; ‘you will take no notice of him that did that; for he is but a fool that plays the fool now and then。'

‘I cannot tell;' says he; ‘but he is no idiot at eating; nor will I let my  affront pass so; for I must have a turn or two of wrestling with him for it in  your presence。'  Whereupon a stander…by asks Duncan if he would wrestle  with him。  ‘I will;' says he; ‘for I think I was fit sides with him in eating  and might be so with this。'  They yocks; and Duncan threw him thrice on  his back。  The Irishman was so angry he wist not what to  say。  He invites  him to put the stone; and at the second cast he worried him four feet; but  could never reach him。  Then he was like to burst himself。 Finding this; he invites him to lop so that he outlopped him as far a length。  The  Irishman then said; ‘I have travelled as far as any of my equals; both in Scotland; England; and Ireland; and tried many hands; but I never met  with my equal till this day; but comrade;' say's he ‘let us now go and  swim a little in the laird's presence。'  ‘With all my heart;' say's Duncan;  ‘for I never sought better' (with this Duncan could swim not at all); but down to the shore they go to the next rock; and being full sea; was at least  three fathoms deep; but before the Irishman had off half of his clothes  Duncan was stark naked; lops over the rocks and ducks to the bottom and  up again。  Looking about him he calls to a boy that stood by; and said;  ‘Lad; go where the Lady is; and bid her send me a butter and four cheese。'

The  Irishman; hearing  this;  asks ‘what purpose。'  ‘To what purpose;'  says he; ‘yons the least we will need this night and to…morrow wherever  we be;' ‘Do you intend a journey;' say's the Irishman。  ‘Aye; that I do;' answered the other; ‘and am in hopes to cross the Kyle ere night。'  Now;  this Kyle was 20 leagues off with a very ill stream; as the Irishman very well knew; so that he said; with a very great oath; lie would not go with him that length; but if he liked to sport the laird with several sorts of swimming; he would give a trial。  ‘Sport here; sport there; wherever I go you must go。'  With this the cheese and butter come; and Duncan desires  the Irishman to make ready; but all 
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