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history of the mackenzies-第22章

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ere engaged in the rebellion; while others were promptly  apprehended and executed to the number of about three hundred。  The  King thereupon released the Lord of the Isles from Tantallon Castle; and  granted him a free pardon for all his rebellious acts; confirmed him in all  his titles and possessions; and further conferred upon him; in addition; the  Lordship of Lochaber; which had previously; on its forfeiture; been  granted to the Earl of Mar。  After his first escape from Edinburgh; the Lord of the Isles again in  1429 raised the standard of revolt。  He for the second time burnt the town  of Inverness; while Mackenzie was 〃attending to his duties at Court。〃

Kintail was recalled by his followers; who armed for the King; and led by their young chief on his return home; they materially aided in the  overthrow of Alexander of the Isles at the same time securing peace and  good government in their own district; and among most of the surrounding  tribes。  Alexander is also found actively supporting the King; and with the  Royal army; during the turbulent rule of John; successor to Alexander;  Lord of the Isles; who afterwards; in 1447; died at peace with his  sovereign。

James I。 died in 1460; and was succeeded by James II。 When; in 1462; the Earl of Douglas; the Lord of the Isles; and Donald Balloch of  Isla entered into a treaty with the King of England for the subjugation of  Scotland; on condition; in the event of success; that the whole of Scotland;  north of the Firth of Forth; should be divided between them; Alexander  Mackenzie stood firm in the interest of the ruling monarch; and with such success that nothing came of this extraordinary compact。  We soon after  find him rewarded by a charter in  his favour; dated 7th January 1463;  confirming him in his lands of Kintail; with a further grant of the 〃5 merk lands of Killin; the lands of Garve; and the 2 merk lands of Coryvulzie;  with the three merk lands of Kinlochluichart; and 2 merk lands of Ach…na…Clerich; the 2 merk lands of Garbat; the merk lands of Delintan; and the 4  merk lands of Tarvie; all lying within the shire and Earldom of Ross; to be  holden of the said John and his successors; Earls of Ross。〃  This is the first  Crown charter in favour of the Mackenzie chief of which any authentic  record exists。

Alexander continued to use  his great influence at Court; as well as  with John Lord of the Isles; for the purpose of bringing about a  reconciliation between his Majesty and his powerful subject during the  unnatural rebellion of Angus Og against his father。 The King; however;  proved inexorable; and refused to treat with the Earl on any condition  other than the absolute and unconditional surrender of the earldom of  Ross to the Crown; of which; however; he would be allowed to hold all his other possessions in future。 These conditions the island chief haughtily refused; again flew to arms; and in 1476 invaded Moray; but finding that  he could offer no effectual resistance to the powerful forces sent against  him by the King; he; by the seasonable grants of the lands of Knapdale and  Kintyre; secured the influence of Colin; first Earl of Argyll; in his favour;  and with the additional assistance of Kintail; procured remission of his  past offences on the conditions previously offered to him and resigning for  ever; in 1476; the Earldom of Ross to the King; he 〃was infeft of new〃 in the Lordship of the Isles and the other possessions which he had not been called upon to renounce。  The Earldom was in the same year; in the 9th  Parliament of James III。; irrevocably annexed to the Crown; where the title and the honours still remain; held by the Prince of Wales。

The great services rendered by the Baron of Kintail to the reigning family; especially during these negotiations; and generally throughout his  long rule at Ellandonnan; were recognised by a charter from the Crown;  dated Edinburgh; November 1476; of some of the lands renounced by the  Earl of Ross; viz。; Strathconan; Strathbraan; and Strathgarve; and after this  the Barons of Kintail held all their lands quite independently of any  superior but the Crown。  During the long continued disputes between the Earl of Ross and  Kintail no one was more zealous in the cause of the island chief than  Allan Macdonald of Moydart; who; during Mackenzie's absence; made  several raids into Kintail; ravaged the country; and carried away large numbers of cattle。  After the forfeiture of the Earldom of Ross; Allan's  youngest brother; supported by a faction of the tenantry; rebelled against  his elder brother; and possessed himself for a time of the Moydart estates。

The Lord of the Isles was unwilling to appear so soon in these broils; or perhaps he favoured the pretentions of the younger brother; and refused to  give any assistance to Allan; who; however; hit upon a device as bold as it  ultimately proved successful。   He started for Kinellan; 〃being ane ile in  ane loch;〃 where Mackenzie at the time resided; and presented himself  personally before his old enemy; who was naturally surprised beyond  measure to receive such a visit from one to whom he had never been  reconciled。  Allan; however; related how he had been oppressed by his  brother and his nearest friends and how he had been refused aid from  those to whom he had a natural right to look for it。  In these desperate circumstances he resolved to apply to his greatest enemy; who; he argued;  might for any assistance he could give gain in return as faithful a friend as  he bad previously been his 〃diligent adversary。〃 Alexander; on hearing  the story; was moved to pity by the manner in which Allan had been  oppressed by his own relatives; promised him the required support;  proceeded in person with a sufficient force to repossess him; and finally accomplished his purpose。  The other Macdonalds; who had  been   dispossessed  thereupon  represented to the King that Alexander  Mackenzie had invaded their territory as a 〃disturber of the peace; and ane  oppressor;〃 the result being that he was cited before His Majesty at  Edinburgh; 〃but here was occasion given to Allan to requite Alexander's  generosity;  for Alexander  having raised armies to assist him; without  commission; he found in it a transgression of the law; though just upon the matter; so to prevent Alexander's prejudice; he presently went to Holyrood  house; where the King was; and being of a bold temper; did  truly relate how his and Alexander's affairs stood; showing withal that he;  as being the occasion of it; was ready to suffer what law would exact  rather than to expose so generous a friend to any hazard。  King James was so taken with their reciprocal heroisms; that he not only forgave; but  allowed Alexander; and of new confirmed Allan in the lands of Moydart。〃  'Cromartie MS。 of the Mackenzies。'  The two were then allowed to return  home unmolested。

Some time before this a desperate skirmish took place at a place called Bealach nam Brog; 〃betwixt the heights of Fearann Donuil and  Lochbraon〃 (Dundonald and Lochbroom); which was brought about by  some of Kintail's vassals; instigated by Donald Garbh M'Iver; who  attempted to seize the Earl of Ross。  The plot was; however; discovered;  a
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