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history of the mackenzies-第21章

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Fordun says that James displayed marks of great joy as these turbulent and haughty spirits; caught in the toils which he had prepared for  them; came voluntarily within reach of his regal power; and that be  〃caused to be arrested Alexander of the Isles; and his mother; Countess of  Ross; daughter and heiress of Sir Walter Lesley; as well as the more  notable men of the north; each of whom he wisely invited singly to the  Castle; and caused to be put in strict confinement apart。  There he also  arrested Angus Duff (Angus Dubh Mackay) with his four sons; the leader  of 4000 men from Strathnarven (Strathnaver。)  Kenneth More; with his  son…in…law; leader of two thousand men; 'All writers on the Clan  Mackenzie have hitherto claimed this Kenneth More as their Chief; and  argued from the above that Mackenzie had a following of two thousand fighting men in 1427。  It will be seen that Alexander was Chief at this  time; but Kenneth More may have been intended for MacKenneth More;  or the Great Mackenzie。  He certainly could have had no such following of his own name。' John Ross; William Lesley; Angus de Moravia; and  Macmaken; leaders of two thousand men; and also other lawless caterans  and great captains in proportion; to the number of about fifty Alexander  Makgorrie (MacGodfrey) of Garmoran; and John Macarthur (of the family  of Campbell); a great chief among his own clan; and the leader of a  thousand and more; were convicted; and being adjudged to death were  beheaded。  Then James Cambel was hanged; being accused and convicted  of the slaughter of John of the Isles (John Mor; first of the Macdonalds of  Isla。) The rest were sent here and there to the different castles of the noblemen throughout the kingdom; and were afterwards condemned to different kinds of death; and some were set at liberty。〃  Among the latter  was Alexander of Kintail。  The King sent him; then a mere youth; to the  High School at Perth; at that time the principal literary seminary in the kingdom; while the city itself was frequently the seat of the Court。

During Kintail's absence it appears that his three bastard uncles ravaged the district of Kinlochewe; for we find them insulting and troubling 〃Mackenzie's tenants in  Kenlochewe and Kintail   Macaulay; who was still Constable in Ellandonnan; not thinking it proper to leave his  post; proposed Finlay Dubh Mac Gillechriost as the fittest person to be  sent to St。 Johnston; now Perth; and by general consent he accordingly  went to inform his young master; who was then there with the rest of the  King's ward children at school; of his lordship's tenants being imposed on  as above; which; with Finlay's remonstrance on the subject; prevailed on  Alexander; his young master; to come home; and being backed with all the assistance Finlay could command; soon brought his three bastard uncles to condign punishment。〃 'Genealogical Account of the Macraes。'

The writer of the Ardintoul MS。 says that Finlay 〃prevailed on him to go home without letting the master of the school know of it。 Trysting with him at a certaiu place and set hour they set off; and; lest any should  surprise them; they declined the common road and went to Macdougall of  Lorn; he being acquainted with him at St。 Johnston。  Macdougall  entertained him kindly; and kept him with him for several days。  He at that  time made his acquaintance with Macdougall's daughter; whom  afterwards he married; and from thence came to his own Kintail; and  having his authority and right backed with the power of the people; he  calls his bastard uncles before him; and removes their quarters from  Kenlochewe; and gave them possessions in Glenelchaig in Kintail  prescribing measures and rule for them how to behave; assuring them;  though he pardoned them at that time; they should forfeit favours and be  severely punished if they transgressed for the future; but after this; going  to the county of Ross to their old dwelling at Kenlochewe; they turned to practice their old tricks and broke loose; so that he was forced to correct  their insolency and make them shorter by the heads; and thus the people  were quit of their trouble。〃

The young Lord of the Isles was at the same time that Mackenzie  went to Perth sent to Edinburgh; from which he soon afterwards escaped to the North; at the instigation of his mother; the Countess; raised his  vassals; and; joined by all the outlaws and vagabonds in the country;   numbering a formidable body of about ten thousand; he laid waste the  country; plundered and devastated the crown lands; against which his  vengeance was specially directed; razed the Royal burgh of Inverness to  the ground; pillaged and burned the houses; and perpetrated every  description of cruelty。 He then besieged the Castle; but without success; after which he retired precipitately towards Lochaber; where he was met  by the Royal forces; commanded by the King in person。  The Lord of the  Isles prepared for battle; but he had the mortification to notice the desertion of Clan Chattan and Clan Cameron; who had previously joined  him; and of seeing them going over in a body to the Royal standard。  The  King immediately attacked the island chief and completely routed his  forces; while their leader sought safety in flight。  He was vigorously  pursued; and finding escape or concealment equally impossible; and being  reduced to the utmost distress; hunted from place to place by his vigilant  pursuers; the haughty chief resolved to throw himself entirely on the  mercy of His Majesty; and finding his way to Edinburgh in the most secret manner; and on the occasion of a solemn festival on Easter Sunday; in  1429; at Holyrood; he suddenly appeared in his shirt and drawers before  the King and Queen; surrounded by all the nobles of the Court; while they were engaged in their devotions before the High Altar; and implored; on  his knees; with a naked sword held by the point in his hand; the  forgiveness of his sovereign。  With bonnet in hand; his legs and arms quite  bare; his body covered only with a plaid; and in token of absolute  submission; he offered his sword to the King。  His appearance;  strengthened by the solicitations of the affected Queen and all the nobles;   made such an impression on His Majesty that he submitted to the  promptings of his heart against the wiser and more prudent dictates of his  judgment。  He accepted  the sword offered him; and spared the life of his captive; but immediately committed him to Tantallon Castle; under the  charge of William Douglas; Earl of Angus。  The spirit of Alexander's followers; however; could not brook this mortal offence; and the whole  strength of the clan was promptly mustered under his cousin Donald  Balloch; who led them to Lochaber; where they met the King's forces  under the Earls of Mar and Caithness; killed the latter; gained a complete  victory over the Royal army; and returned to the Isles in triumph; with an  immense quantity of spoil。

James soon after proceeded north in person as far as Dunstaffnage; Donald Balloch fled to Ireland; and; after several encounters with the  rebels; the King obtained the submission of the  majority of the  chiefs  who were engaged in the rebellion; while others were promptly
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