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history of the mackenzies-第2章

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ldest of whom was IV。  MAURICE  FITZ GERALD; or son of Gerald。 This; it will be  noticed; was the first Fitzgerald of which we have any record; and he was the progenitor of the Irish Fitzgeralds。  He accompanied Richard de Clare;  Earl of Pembroke; popularly known as 〃Strongbow;〃 to Ireland; and there highly distinguished himself; having; among other acts of renown; captured the city of Dublin。  He died at Wexford in 1177。  He married Alice or Alicia; daughter of Arnulph de Montgomery; fourth son of Roger  de Montgomery; who led the centre of the Norman army at the battle of  Hastings; and by her had issuefive sons; the eldest of whom was  William; Baron of Naas; not Gerald as claimed by the supporters of the  Colin Fitzgerald theory。

Thus far the two genealogies may be said to agree; except in a few of the marriages。

V。  GERALD  FITZ  MAURICE; the second son; in 1205 became  first Baron Offaly。  The third son; Thomas; was progenitor of the original Earls of Desmond; who have long been extinct in the male line; the present Earldom; which is the Irish title of the Earl of Denbigh; having  been created in 1622。  Gerald Fitz Maurice married Katherine; daughter of Hamo de Valois; who was Lord Chief Justice of Ireland in 1197; and by  her had a son; VI。  MAURICE  FITZ  GERALD; second Baron Offaly; one of the  Lord Justices of Ireland。 Maurice died in 1257; having married Juliana;  daughter of John de Cogan; who was Lord Justice of Ireland in 1247; and  by her had three sons; Maurice; Gerald; and Thomas。  Maurice Fitzgerald  has no wife given him in the Colin Fitzgerald genealogy。  Thomas; the  youngest son; had a son John; who ultimately; on the death of Maurice;  fifth Baron Offaly; without issue; succeeded as sixth Baron; and was; on the 14th May; 1316; created the first Earl of Kildare。  Maurice Fitz Gerald  was succeeded by his eldest son; VII。  MAURICE  FITZ MAURICE; as third Baron Offaly。  He  married Emelina; daughter of Sir Stephen de Longespee; a rich heiress;  and by her had a son and two daughters。 He was succeeded by his only  son; VIII。  GERALD  FITZ MAURICE; 4th Baron Offaly; who died  without issue in 1287; when he was succeeded by his cousin Maurice; only  son of Gerald; second son of Maurice Fitzgerald; second Baron Offaly; as IX。  MAURICE FITZGERALD; 5th Baron Offaly; who married  Agnes de Valance; daughter of William Earl of Pembroke; without issue;  when he was succeeded by his cousin John; son of Thomas; third son of  Maurice Fitzgerald; second Baron Offaly; as X。  JOHN  FITZ  THOMAS  FITZ GERALD; sixth Baron Offaly;  and first Earl of Kildare。  From him; by his wife Blanche; daughter of John  Roche; Baron of Fermoy; are descended the present Duke of Leinster and  other Irish Fitzgeralds。 He died on the 10th November; 1316。  Several important particulars bearing on the points in dispute are  noticeable in this genuine Fitzgerald genealogy; a few of which may be  remarked upon。  (1) There is no trace of a Colin Fitzgerald; or of any other  Colin; in the real family genealogy from beginning to end; down to the present day。  (2) Gerald; the 4th Baron Offaly; died in 1287。  He was  succeeded by his cousin Maurice; as 5th Baron; who in turn war  succeeded by his cousin John Fitz Thomas Fitz Gerald; who died comparatively young in 1316。  According to the Colin Fitzgerald theory;  this John; first Earl of Kildare; was twice married; and by his second wife  had six sons; of whom Colin Fitzgerald; who really ought to have been  described as Colin Fitz Johnfor it will be observed that the Chiefs in the  real genealogy are invariably described as Fitz or son of their fatherswas  the eldest。  This was impossible。  How could John Fitz Thomas Fitzgerald; who died at a comparatively early age in 1316; have had a son by his  second marriage; who must have arrived at a mature age before he 〃was driven〃 from Ireland to Scotland in 1261; and be able to fight; as alleged  by his supporters; with great distinction; as a warrior who had already an  established reputation; at the battle of Largs; in 1263? Let us suppose that  Colin's reputed father was 70 years old when he died。  He (the father)  must thus have been born as early as 1246。  Let us take it that his eldest  son; the reputed Colin; by his second wife; was born when his father was  only 24 years of agesay in 1270and the result of the Fitzgerald origin theory would be that Colin must have fought at the battle of Largs 7 years  before; according to the laws of nature; he could have been born。  In other  words; he was not born; if born at all; for seven years after the battle of  Largs; four years after the reputed charter of 1266; and 40 years  subsequent to 1230; the last year in which either of the witnesses whose  names are upon the alleged charter itself was in life。  (3) But take the  genealogy as given by the upholders of the Colin Fitzgerald origin  themselves Maurice; who died in 1257; had; according to it; two sonsThomas and Gerald。 This Thomas; they say; succeeded his father as third  Lord Offaly; and had a son; John; who; by his second wife; had Colin Fitzgerald。 That is; Maurice; who died in 1257; had a great grandson Colin; who; as a warrior of mature years and experience; fought at the battle of Largs only six years after his great…grandfathers death。 But there was in  fact no Earl of Kildare at this early date。  That title was; as already stated;  not created until 1316; twenty…eight years after his son Colin Fitzgerald was; according to the testimony of his supporters; buried in Icolmkill。

It is  surely unnecessary to add that such a consummation is absolutely  impossible; and these facts alone; though no other shred of evidence was  forthcoming; would dispose of the Colin Fitzgerald origin of the  Mackenzies for ever。

Colin's five brothers are given by the upholders of the Fitzgerald origin as Galen; said to have been the same as Gilleon or Gillean; the ancestor of the Macleans; Gilbert; ancestor of the White Knights; John;  ancestor of the Knights of Glynn; Maurice; ancestor of the Knights of  Kerry; and Thomas; progenitor of the Fitzgeralds of Limerick。  But it is  quite unnecessary to deal with Colin's brothers and their descendants here。

It will be sufficient if we dispose of Colin himself; who; according to the  genealogy given to him by those who claim him as their progenitor; was  really not Colin Fitz…Gerald but Colin Fitz…John。 He must; however; be  dealt with a little more at length; for; whoever he may have been; and  however mythical his personal history; his name will always command a  certain amount of interest for members of the Clan Mackenzie; and those  who have become allied with them by marriage or association。  Most of us are acquainted with the turbulent state of the West  Highlands and Islands in the reign of Alexander II。; when the Highland  Chiefs became so powerful; and were so remote from the centre of  Government; that they could not be brought under the King's authority。   His Majesty determined to make a serious effort to reduce these men to  obedience; and for this purpose he proceeded; at the head of a large force;  but died on his way in 1249; on the Island of Kerrera; leaving his son; Alexander III。; then only nin
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