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history of the mackenzies-第19章

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 father and inherited his estate。〃 The author of the  Applecross MS。 says that this Baron was called 〃Murchadh no Droit〃  from 〃the circumstances that his mother being with child of him; had been saved after a fearful fall from the Bridge of Scattal into the Water of  Conon。〃  The writer of the 〃Ancient〃 MS。 history of the Mackenzies; the  oldest in existence; suggests that Mackenzie himself may have instigated  the ruffians to do away with his wife。  〃They lived;〃 he says; 〃a  considerable time together childless; but men in those days (of whom he  reason) preferred succession and manhood to wedlock。  He caused to  throw her under silence of night over the Bridge of Scatwell; but by Providence and by the course of the river she was cast ashore and escaped;  went back immediately to his house; then at Achilty; and went to his  bedside in a fond condition。  But commiserating her case and repenting  over the deed he gave her a hearty reception; learned from her that she  expected soon to become a mother; and 〃so afterwards they lived together  contentedly all their days。〃

During his earlier years Murdoch appears to have lived a peaceful life; following the example of loyalty to the Crown set him by his father;  keeping the laws himself; and compelling those over whom his  jurisdiction extended to do the same。  Nor; if we believe the MS。  historians of the family; was this dutiful and loyal conduct allowed to go  unrewarded。  All the successors of the Earl of Cromarty follow his  lordship in saying that a charter was given by King Robert to Murdo;  〃filius Murdochi de Kintail;〃 of Kintail and Laggan Achadrom; dated at  Edinburgh; anno 1380; attested by 〃Willielmus de Douglas; et Archibaldo  de Galloway; et Joanne; Cancellario Scotiae。〃  As already stated; however;  no such charter as this; or the one previously mentioned on the same  authority as having been granted to Murdoch IV。 of Kintail; in 1362; is on record。

Murdoch was one of the sixteen Highland chiefs who accompanied  the Scots under James; second  Earl of Douglas; in his famous march to England and defeated Sir Henry Percy; the renowned Hotspur; at the memorable battle of Otterburn; or Chevy Chase; in 1388。

The period immediately following this historical raid across the Border was more than usually turbulent even for those days in the Scottish  Highlands; but Mackenzie managed to escape involving himself seriously  with either party to the many quarrels which culminated in the final  struggle for the earldom of Ross between the Duke of Albany and Donald;  Lord of the Isles; in 1411; at the battle of Harlaw。

As soon as the news of the disaster to the Earl of Mar; who  commanded at Harlaw; reached the ears of the Duke of Albany; at the  time Regent for Scotland; he set about collecting an army with which; in the following autumn; he marched in person to the north determined to bring the Lord of the Isles to obedience。 Having taken possession of the  Castle of Dingwall; he appointed a governor to it; and from thence  proceeded to recover the whole of Ross。  Donald retreated before him;  taking up  his winter quarters in the Western Islands。 Hostilities were  renewed next summer; but the contest was not long or doubtful;  notwithstanding some little advantages obtained by the Lord of the Isles。    He was compelled for a time to give up his claim to the earldom of Ross;  to become a vassal of the Scottish Crown; arid to deliver hostages for his  good behaviour in the future。

Murdoch must have felt secure in his stronghold of Ellandonnan; and been a man of great prudence; sagacity; and force of character; when; in spite of the commands of his nominal superiorthe  Lord of the Islesto support him in these unlawful and rebellious proceedings against the  King and threats of punishment in case of refusal; he resolutely declined to join him in his desperate and treasonable adventures。  He went the  length of saying that even if his lordship's claims were just in themselves;  they would not justify a rebellion against the existing Government; and he  further informed him that; altogether independently of that  important consideration; he felt no great incentive to aid in the cause of the  representative of his grandfather's murderer。 Mackenzie was in fact one of  those prudent and loyal chiefs who kept at home in the Highlands; looking

after his own affairs; the comfort of his followers; and laying a solid  foundation for the future prosperity of his house; 〃which was so  characteristic of them that they always esteemed the authority of the  magistrate as an inviolable obligation。〃

Donald of the Isles never forgave Mackenzie for thus refusing to assist him in obtaining the Earldom of Ross; and he determined to ruin  him if he could。  On this subject the Earl of Cromartie says that at the  battle of Harlaw Donald was assisted by almost 〃all the northern people;  Mackenzie excepted; who because of the many injuries received by his  predecessors from the Earls of Ross; and chiefly by the instigation and  concurrence of Donald's predecessors; he withdrew and  refused concurrence。  Donald resolved to ruin him; but deferred it till his return;  which falling out more unfortunately than he expected; did not allow him  power nor opportunity to use the vengeance he intended; for on his return to Ross he sent Mackenzie a friend with fair speeches desiring his  friendship; thinking no enemy despicable as he then stood。〃  Murdoch; at  Donald's request; proceeded to Dingwall; where the Island Lord urged  him to join and promise him to support his interest。  This Mackenzie firmly refused; 〃partly out of hatred to his family for old feuds; partly dissuaded by Donald's declining fortunes〃 at that particular period ;  whereupon the Lord of the Isles made Murdoch prisoner in an  underground chamber in the Castle of Dingwall。   He was not long here;  however; when he found an opportunity of making his plight known to  some of his friends; and he was soon after released in exchange for some  of Donald's immediate relatives who had been purposely captured by  Mackenzie's devoted vassals。

Here it may be appropriate to give the traditionary account of the origin of the Macraes and how they first found their way to Kintail and  other places in the West; for their relationship with the Mackenzies has  from the earliest times been of the closest and most loyal character。   Indeed; from the aid they invariably afforded them they have been aptly  described as 〃Mackenzie's shirt of mail。〃  According to the Rev。 John  Macrae; minister of Dingwall; who died in 1704; and wrote the only  existing trustworthy history and genealogy of his own clan; the Macraes  came originally from Clunes; in the Aird of Lovat; recently acquired from patriotic family reasons by Horatio Macrae; W。S。; Edinburgh; the  representative in this country of the Macraes of Inverinate; who were  admittedly the chiefs of that brave and warlike race。  The Rev。 John  Macrae; who was himself a member of the Inverinate family; says that the Macraes left the Aird under the following circumstances:A dispute had  arisen in the hunting field between Macrae of Clunes and a bastard son of Lovat; when a son of Macrae intervened to pr
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