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history of the mackenzies-第174章

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9。  Susan Anne Eliza; unmarried。

Sir John died on the 1st of February; 1855; when he was succeeded by his eldest son;

VI。  SIR  ALEXANDER  MUIR…MACKENZIE; third and present  Baronet of Delvine。  He was Captain in the 78th Highlanders and  subsequently Major in the Highland Borderers Infantry Militia。  He was  born on the 26th of July; 1840; and on the 21st of February; 1871; married Frances Rose; sixth daughter of Sir Thomas Moncrieffe; Seventh Baronet  of Moncrieffe; without issue。


I。  JOHN  MACKENZIE; first of this family; was a natural son of George;  second Earl of Seaforth。  He has a charter of Little Gruinard and other  lands in 1669; in which he is described as then 〃of Meikle Gruinard。〃  He married before 1655; Christian; daughter of Donald Mackenzie; III。 of  Loggie (sasine in that year as his wife); with issue

1。  George; his heir; whom his mother describes in a sasine; dated 10th August; 1685; as 〃George Mackenzie; my eldest lawful son。〃

2。  Kenneth; who married Frances Herbert; daughter of William; Marquis of Powis; and widow of Kenneth; fourth Earl of Seaforth; without  issue。

3。  John; a doctor in Inverness five other sons and eight daughters; all married; several of them with issue。

John was succeeded by his eldest son;

II。  GEORGE  MACKENZIE; second of Gruinard; who has a  sasine in 1696; married; first; Margaret; daughter of Alexander  Mackenzie; II。 of Ballone (marriage contract 1696) with issue

1。  George; his heir and successor。

2。  Kenneth; who married a daughter of Kenneth Mackenzie; III。 of Suddie; with issue。

3。  Colin; a goldsmith in Inverness; who married Anne; daughter of Alexander Mackenzie; III。 of Applecross; with issuetwo daughters。

4。  Simon; who married Mary; daughter of John Mackenzie; II。 of Ardloch; with issue。

5。  Captain Donald of Woodlands; who married Janet daughter of Sir Alexander Mackenzie; third Baronet and X。 of Gairloch; without issue。

6。  Roderick; who married Barbara; daughter of Alexander  Mackenzie; I。 of Ardloch; widow of John; third son of Kenneth  Mackenzie; II。 of Dundonnel; with issuefour daughters。

7。  William。

8。  Kenneth。

9。  William; Lieutenant  R。N。; who married Ann; daughter  of Alexander Mackenzie; I。 of  Ardloch; with issuean only  daughter; Mary Howard; who  married Dr Grant; Inverness; with  issuefour sons and seven  daughters。

10。  George。

11。  Captain John of Castle Leod; who married Geddes; daughter of his uncle; Simon Mackenzie。  He bought the estate of Avoch with money left him by Admiral George Geddes Mackenzie; his wife's brother。 By this marriage he had issueGeorge of Avoch; a merchant in London (with several other sons and daughters); who married Margaret; daughter  of the Rev。 William Mackenzie; minister of Glenmuick; with issue(1)  Geddes; who in 1812; married Sir Alexander Mackenzie; the celebrated  North American explorer; and discoverer of the Mackenzie River; with  issueAlexander George of Avoch; George Alexander; and Geddes  Margaret; (2) Margaret; who married Thomas Mackenzie; X。 of  Applecross; with issue。

George had three other sons and nine daughters by this marriage; making twenty…three in all。  He married; secondly; Elizabeth; natural  daughter of President Forbes of Culloden; who has a sasine of Meikle  Gruinard in 1729 〃to Elizabeth Forbes; his spouse;〃 with issuefour sons  and six daughters; making the extraordinary total of thirty…three children;  nineteen of whom are known to have married; many of them into the best  families in the north。

He was succeeded by his eldest son;

III。  JOHN  MACKENZIE; third of Gruinard; who married first in 1713 Catherine; daughter of George Mackenzie; I。 of Culbo; third son of  Alexander Mackenzie; II of Belmaduthy; with issue

1。  William; his heir and successor。

2。  John; of whom nothing is known。

3。  Annabella; who married the Rev。 Murdo Morrison; Stornoway; with issue。

4。  Lilias; who married Rev。 James Macaulay; Gairloch。

5。  Isabella; who married Alexander Mackenzie; Little Gruinard; with issue。

John married secondly; a daughter of Mackenzie of Sand。

He was succeeded by his eldest son;

IV。  WILLIAM  MACKENZIE; fourth or Gruinard; who married  Lilias; daughter or John Mackenzie; I。 of Lochend; with issue

1。  Simon; Captain 78th Regiment; who died before his father; returning from India; unmarried。

2。  George; who was killed by a fall before his father's death; in Jamaica; unmarried。

3。  John; who became his father's heir and successor。

4。  Alexander; Colonel in the army; 〃a most distinguished soldier。〃 He served with the 36th Regiment throughout the Peninsular War; and in  the course of his service was dangerously wounded in the neck; lost an  eye; and had two horses killed under him。  He was a gallant and  distinguished  officer; in every sense a thorough Highlander。  He married first; Eliza; daughter of Colonel George Mackenzie; son of John  Mackenzie; I。 of Lochend; with issue(1) George; a Captain in the 36th  (his father's) Regiment; killed while leading an escalading party at the  assault of Burgos; unmarried; (2) Alexanderina; who married Alexander  Grove; M。D。; R。N。; at Greenwich Hospital; with issuethree daughters。   Colonel Alexander married; secondly; Eliza; daughter of Captain James  Graeme; R。N。; with issue(3) George; who died unmarried in 1842; (4)  Major…General Alexander Mackay Mackenzie; who became the  representative of the family; (5) William; who died  young; (6) Eliza; (7)  Lilias; who married Sir John W。 Fisher; M。D。; without issue; and (8) Janet; who married W。 F。 B。 Staples; barrister; with issue。

5。  Catherine; who married the Rev。 Donald Mackintosh; Gairloch; with issuefive daughters; one of whom; Annabella; married Murdo Macrae; with issue。

6。  Margaret; who died unmarried。

William; IV。 of Gruinard;  raised a Company of Highlanders  in 1778 for Lord Seaforth's  Regiment。  Simon; his eldest son;  went to India in command of it;  and; as already stated; died on his return voyage; from the accidental  bite of a favourite Arab horse which he brought along with him  when lock…jaw supervened and caused his death。

William was succeeded by his eldest surviving son;

V。  JOHN  MACKENZIE; fifth of Gruinard; Captain 73rd  Regiment; who married Margaret; daughter of Gun Munro of Braemore;  Caithness; with issue

1。  William; his heir and successor。

2。  Christina; who married John Campbell; Poolewe; with issueseveral sons and daughters。

In 1795  he sold the propertywhich in his time comprised Meikle Gruinard; Udrigle; and Sand; 〃with the pendicle thereof called Little  Gruinard〃to Duncan Davidson of Tulloch; whose son re…sold it to the  late Meyrick Bankes of Letterewe。  He was succeeded as representative of  the family by his only son;

VI。  WILLIAM  MACKENZIE; Captain 72nd Regiment; said to  have been the handsomest man in his day in the Highlands。  In 1829 he unsuccessfully claimed the Chiefship of the clan。  (See pp。 351…355)。 He married Margaret; daughter of Wilson of Wilsonton; with issue

1。  John; who died young; and three daughters; two of whom; both named Mary; died young。  The third; Margaret Innes; married Lachlan Macl
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