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history of the mackenzies-第169章

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2。  Isabel; who as his second wife married Alexander; V。 of  Gairloch; with issue。

3。  Marjory; who married the Rev。 William MacCulloch of Park; minister of Fodderty。

Alexander married secondly; Christian; daughter of Hector Munro of Assynt; with issue

4。  Kenneth; first of Assynt and afterwards of Coul。

5。  Alexander; who died unmarried in 1639。

6。  Hector of Assynt; who married a daughter of Hugh Fraser of Belladrum; with issue。  Sasine to him in 1650。

7。  A daughter; who as his second wife married John Chisholm;  XVI。 of Chisholm; with issuehis heir and successor。

8。  Another; who married  Sir Alexander  Innes of Coxtoune。  He has a charter from James VI。; dated 28th July; 1617; in favour  of 〃Alexandro Mackenzie de Coul; et Christianae Munro ejus spousae terrarum ecclesiasticarum de Uladil; etc。;〃 in Inverness…shire; and he has a  second to him and his second wife; of the lands of Pittonachty; Wester  Haldock; Pitfla; etc。; in the same county; dated 28th June; 1621。  He has a  third; dated 12th July; 1634; to 〃Alexandero Mackenzie de Coul; et  Kennetho ejus filio; terrarum de Urquhart; etc。〃  He was a very prudent  man; and besides the large patrimony bestowed upon each of his children;  he left a large sum of money for pious uses and for the children of several of his relations。  He died in March; 1650; very advanced in years; at  Pittonachty; was buried in a tomb which he caused to be built for himself at Chanonry; and was succeeded in the lands of Applecross by his eldest  son;

I。  RODERICK  MACKENZIE; who shall be described as first of Applecrosshis father having been both of Applecross and Coul。  He married Finguala; daughter of Murdoch Mackenzie; II。 of Redcastle; with  issue

1。  John 〃Mollach〃 his heir and successor。

2。  Colin; I。 of Sanachan; who married a daughter of Murdo  Mackenzie of Sand; Gairloch; with issue。

3。  Sibella; who married  first; Alexander Macleod; V。 of  Raasay; with issue; secondly;  Thomas Graham of Drynie; and  thirdly; Alexander Mackenzie; VI。  of Hilton; with issuehis heir and  successor。

4。  A daughter; who married  Lachlan Mackinnon; eldest son of Mackinnon of Scalpa; Tutor of  Mackinnon of Mackinnon; with  issue。

5。  A daughter; who married  the eldest son and heir of William Mackenzie; Shieldaig; Gairloch。

He had the estate of Applecross given him as his patrimony during the life of his father; whom he predeceased on the 6th of July; 1646; and was buried in his father's tomb at Chanonry。  He was succeeded by his  eldest son;

II。  JOHN  MACKENZIE;  second of Applecross; known as  〃Ian Mollach;〃 or Hairy John; who  married a daughter of Hugh Fraser  of Belladrum; with issue

1。  Alexander; his heir and  successor;

2。  Roderick; who married  Isabella; daughter of Kenneth  Mackenzie; VI。 of Gairloch; with  issue。   The descendants of this  Roderick now represent the Old  Mackenzies of Applecross in the  male line John Mackenzie; V。 of  Applecross; having died without  issue; when the estates went by will  past his brother Kenneth into the possession of his sister Mary's  eldest son; James Mackenzie; IV。 of Highfield。  Several of Roderick's  descendants are still alive; male  and femaleone of the latter being  the widow of the late Farquhar  Macrae; Strome Ferry Hotel (north  side); who has had a fine familya  son and several daughters。

3。  Kenneth; I。 of Alduinny;  who married a daughter of John Matheson of Bennetsfield; with  issue。

4。  John; called 〃Ian Og;〃  one of the four famous Johns killed  in 1715; serving under his brother  Alexander; Lieutenant…Colonel of Seaforth's 1st Regiment; at  Sheriffmuir。  He married a  daughter of the Rev。 John Macrae;  last Episcopalian minister of  Dingwall; with issue; for which;  and the issue of Kenneth of  Alduinny; see Findon's Tables。

5。  A daughter; who married  Sir Donald Bayne of Tulloch; with issue。

6。  Catherine; who married  Simon Mackenzie; I。 of Torridon;  with issue。

7。  Ann; who in 1684  married Charles Mackenzie; I。 of  Letterewe; with issue。

8。  Mary; who married  Thomas Mackenzie; III。 of Ord;  with issue。

9。  Florence; who in 1682  married Charles Mackenzie of  Cullen; third son of Colin  Mackenzie; II。 of Kilcoy; with  issue。

John has a sasine in 1663。  He purchased the Baronies of Tarradale and Rhindoun。  In his grandfather's life…time he had a charter under the  Great Seal; 〃Johanni Mackenzie de Applecross; terrarum de Lochslyne;  Newton de Lochslyne; etc。〃  He was succeeded by his eldest son;

III。  ALEXANDER  MACKENZIE; third  of Applecross。  He  joined the Earl of Mar in 1715; and was Lieutenant…Colonel of Seaforth's 1st Regiment; for which he was attainted of high treason; and the estates forfeited to the Crown。  He married; first; Anne; daughter of Alexander  Fraser; Tutor of Lovat; by his wife Sibella (Elizabeth); daughter of  Kenneth; first Lord Mackenzie of Kintail; with issue

1。  Roderick; his heir and  successor。

2。  Kenneth; a merchant in Inverness; who married a daughter of Rose; Merkinch。

3。  Colin; a doctor in Edinburgh; who married Miss Dunbar of Linkwood。

4。  Sibella; who in 1697 married the Hon。 John Mackenzie of Assynt; second son of Kenneth Mor; third Earl of Seaforth; with issueKenneth; who married Frances; his cousin; daughter of Colonel Alexander; without issue。

5。  Anne; who in 1707 married first Alexander Mackenzie; II。 of Kinachulladrum; with issueAnne; his only child in life in 1766; secondly; John MacRae; of Dornie and; thirdly; Colin Mackenzie of the  Gruinard family; a goldsmith in Inverness。

6。  A daughter; who married the Rev。 Archibald Macqueen;  minister of Snizort; Skye。

7。  Another married William Mackenzie; of Shieldaig。

8。  Mary; who married  Malcolm Macleod; VIII。 of Raasay;  with issuehis heir and others。

Alexander married; secondly; Margaret; daughter of Mackenzie; of  Fairburn; with issueone son; Simon; in the Foot Guards。  He married;  thirdly; in 1713; Christian; daughter of Fraser of Belladrum; with issue a  daughter; who married her cousin; Roderick Mackenzie of Achavannie  son of John Og; killed at Sheriffmuir。

He was succeeded as representative of the family by his eldest son;

IV。  RODERICK  MACKENZIE; fourth of Applecross; who has a  sasine of Kinachulladrum; of which place he is designed in 1721。  In 1724 he re…purchased the estate of Applecross from the Court of Enquiry for  ?550。  He married; first; Anne; only daughter of Alexander Macdonell;  XI。 of Glengarry; by his first wife; Ann; daughter of Hugh Lord Lovat;  with issue

1。  John; his heir and successor。

2。  Alexander; a Captain in Marjoribanks' Regiment; in the Dutch service; who died unmarried。

3。  Kenneth; a watchmaker in London; died unmarried。 On the 17th of August; 1737; he was entered as an apprentice to Thomas Gordon; clock and watchmaker; for six years。

4。  Mary; who married James Mackenzie; III。 of Highfield; whose eldest son Thomas; IV。 of Highfield; inherited Applecross from his uncle  John。

5。  Anne; who married; first; Alexander Mackenzie; I。 of Lentran; and secondly; as his second wife; Alexander Mackenzie; VIII。 of Davochmaluag; with issuean only daughter; Anne。

6。  Another daughter who ma
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