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history of the mackenzies-第165章

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rried secondly;  Hugh Innes; Younger of Rosskeen);  with issue(1) Kenneth; his heir and successor; (2) Simon; who died  abroad; and three daughters。 KENNETH  MACKENZIE; his  eldest son; succeeded as III。 of  Muirton; and married Mary; second  daughter of Charles Mackenzie of  Cullen; with issue; a sonALEXANDER  MACKENZIE; IV。  of Muirton; who in 1752 excambed  the lands of Muirton of Kilcoy for  the lands of Wester Fairburn; then  the property of his cousin; Colin  Mackenzie; VI。 of Kilcoy。  From  this time the lands of Wester  Fairburn were renamed Muirton;  after the original possessions of this  family in the Black Isle。   Alexander; IV。 of Muirton; married  Margaret; eldest daughter of James  Mackenzie; III。 of Highfield; with issue(1) James; (2) Colin; M。D。;  who both died unmarried; and; according to the traditions of the  district; (3) Big Simon; who emigrated to New South Wales;  and (4) Alexander; who went to England; married there and had  issue; (5) Mary; who married as his first wife; without issue; Roderick  Mackenzie; II。 of Scotsburn; (6)  Martha; who married Hugh Rose of  Cuilich; with issue; (7) Margaret;  who married the 〃Black〃 Calder;  with issue; (8) a daughter; who  married Alexander Cumming; with  issue; and (9) Jean; who married  James Shaw; Bailie of Inverness;  who died on the 21st of January;  1801。  Jean and her husband  apparently succeeded by will or  purchase to the lands of Muirton of  Fairburn; for they were un…doubtedly in a position at their  death to leave them to their eldest  son; Alexander Mackenzie Shaw; a  minor; only 17 years old when his  father died。  The management;  however; was left in the hands of a  Mr Fraser; who squandered the  funds which should have been  invested for the second son  William; a Colonel; H。E。I。C。S。 (married with issue); and ten  daughters; who survived their  father and to make up the  deficiency; not only Muirton of  Fairburn; but Waternish in Skye  and Woodside near Fortrose; also  the property of Bailie Shaw at his  death; had to be sold。  Muirton was  bought by a Mr Reid; who  afterwards resold it to William  Mackenzie; W。S。; son of Alexander  Mackenzie; I。 of Portmore。   Alexander Mackenzie Shaw; the  Bailie's eldest son; was a Captain  in the army; and married in 1804;  Mary Laing; with issue(1) Gilbert  Shaw; who; born in 1806; was a  Judge in Jamaica; and died a few  years ago at Tongland;  Kirkcudbrightshire; (2) Gilbert;  who died young; (3) Henry  Bridgwater; (4) Alexander; Colonel  Madras Infantry; (5) John; (6)  Mary; who died unmarried; (7)  Hectorina; who married Mr Sprott;  and (8) Eleanor; who married Mr  Seabank。

4。  Sir Roderick Mackenzie of Findon; who married Margaret;  daughter of Alexander Mackenzie; I。 of Ballone; with issueAlexander; who died in 1693; Lilias; who married Sir Kenneth Mackenzie; IV。 of  Scatwell; with issue; Isobel; who married Simon Mackenzie; I。 of  Allangrange; with issue; Jean; who married John Chisholm; XX。 of  Chisholm; with issue; and Margaret; who married Sir Kenneth Mackenzie;  VIII。 of Gairloch; with issue。  Sir Roderick died in 1692。

5。  Isobel; who married Roderick Mackenzie; III。 of Redcastle; with issue。

6。  Jean; who married David Ross; III。 of Pitcalnie; Tutor of David Ross; thirteenth of Balnagown。

7。  Katherine Beatrice; who married first; Duncan Bayne of  Tulloch; and secondly; in 1651; George Munro; Younger of Lemlair。

8。  A daughter; who married Maclean of Borreray。

He also had three natural daughters who married respectively Hector Mackenzie IV。 of Fairburn (marriage contract dated 11th of February; 1637); Neil Bayne; in Uist; and the Rev。 John; son of John Roy  Mackenzie; IV。 of Gairloch。

Alexander married; secondly; Margaret Dunbar; with issuea  daughter; Barbara; who died unmarried in 1656。

He was succeeded by his eldest son;

II。  COLIN  MACKENZIE; second of Kilcoy; who married  (contract; 21st March; 1640) Lilias; sister of Sir Alexander Sutherland;  Lord Duffus (sasine 1649); with issue

1。  Alexander; his heir and successor。

2。  Roderick of Dalvennan; Advocate; who  married Margaret;  sister of John Cathcart of Castletown; without male issue。  He has a sasine of Allangrange in 1672。

3。  Charles of Cullen; who  in 1682 married Florence; daughter  of John Mackenzie; II。 of  Applecross; with issuea son; who  died young  Abigail; who married  Alexander Mackenzie of Lentran; Mary; who married Kenneth Mac…kenzie; III。 of Muirton; with issue; Katharina; who married Roderick  Mackenzie; IV。 of Redcastle; Florence; who married Duncan  Macrae of Inverinate; with issue; and Margaret; who married  (marriage contract 25th of  November; 1719) Alexander  Mackenzie; fourth son of Roderick  Mackenzie; V。 of Redcastle。   Charles Mackenzie of Cullen was  Tutor to Donald; V。 of Kilcoy;  during his minority and the  troublous times of 1715。  In that  year the Earl of Sutherland  addresses a letter; dated Inverness;  19th November; 〃To Charles  Mackenzie of Cullen and the  Family of Culcowie〃 demanding  payment of ?00 sterling 〃towards  the militia〃  and 〃if ffailzie〃 that  their goods and effects shall be  given up to free quarters。  He died  in 1732。

4。  Thomas; I。 of Cleanwaters; who in 1680 married Margaret; daughter of Matthew Robertson of Davochcarty; with issueColin; who  married Florence; daughter of Simon Mackenzie; I。 of Torridon; with issue a son; Alexander; who married a daughter of William Mackenzie; II。 of  Pitlundie; by whom he had one son; who died young。

5。  John; who in 1683; married Isobel Mackenzie; with issuetwo sons; the second of whom; Charles; married and had a son Alexander; who  succeeded to his cousin Alexander's estate and became IV。 of Cleanwaters。  He married; with issueat least one sonAlexander; V。  of  Cleanwaters; who was also tacksman of Muirend from 1770 to 1778。  His  father; who died before 1759; was tenant of Drumnamarg; in the Black  Isle。

Colin was succeeded in 1682 by his eldest son;

III。  ALEXANDER  MACKENZIE; third of Kilcoy; who married  (marriage contract 21st of March; 1664) Mary; daughter of Kenneth  Mackenzie; VI。 of Gairloch; with issue

1。  Roderick; his heir and successor。

2。  Alexander。

3。  Lilias。

In 1658 he bought the lands  of Allan (now Allangrange) from Seaforth's trustees; and in 1682  sold it to his uncle; Sir Roderick Mackenzie of Findon; whose  daughter Isobel carried it to Simon Mackenzie; progenitor of  Allangrange。

Alexander died in 1687; and was succeeded by

IV。  RODERICK  MACKENZIE; fourth of Kilcoy; who married  (contract; 7th January; 1689) Annabella; daughter of Sir Donald Bayne of Tulloch; with issue

1。  Donald; his heir and successor。

2。  John; who died young。

3。  Lilias; who married Donald Dingwall; Provost of Dingwall。

Roderick died in December 1700; and was succeeded by his eldest son;

V。  DONALD  MACKENZIE; fifth of Kilcoy; who in 1716;  married Elizabeth; daughter of John Mackenzie; II。 of Highfield; with  issue

1。  Roderick; who died young。

2。  Colin; who succeeded to Kilcoy。

3。  James; who died young。

4。  William; who married Jean; daughter of Alexander Mackenzie; VIII。 of Davochmaluag; without issue。

5。  Alexander; who died in Holland without issue
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