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history of the mackenzies-第153章

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8。  Anne; who married James Rose of Cuilich; with issue; and  seven other daughters who died unmarried。

He was succeeded by his eldest son;

IV。  THOMAS  MACKENZIE; fourth of Highfield; who  afterwards succeeded his uncle; John Mackenzie; as VI。 of Applecross。    He obtained that estate from his maternal uncle; John; V。 of Applecross。

In 1781 he sold Highfield to George Gillanders; commissioner for Seaforth; and purchased Lochcarron from Sir Alexander Mackenzie of  Delvine for ?0;000。  He married Elizabeth; daughter of Donald Mackenzie; V。 of Kilcoy; with issueJohn; VII。 of Applecross; and several others。  (For his succession see Applecross Genealogy。)


I。  RODERICK  MOR  MACKENZIE; progenitor of the family of Redcastle; was third son of Kenneth Mackenzie X。 of Kintail; by Elizabeth Stewart; daughter of John; second Earl of Athole。  He was a distinguished warrior; and took a prominent part in the frequent encounters between the Mackenzies and the Macdonalds of Glengarry; often commanding the  Clan on these occasions。  In 1608 he has a charter under the Great Seal of  the lands of Redcastle。  He married Florence; daughter of Robert Munro;  XV。 of Fowlis; with issue

1。  Murdoch; his heir and successor。

2。  Colin; I。 of Kincraig; of whom presently。

3。  Isabel; who married  Hugh Mackay of Bighouse; with issue。

4。  Margaret; who married; as his first wife; Alexander Mackenzie; V。 of Gairloch; with issue。

5。  Helen; who married Thomas Dunbar of Grange。

6。  Catharine; who married; first; in 1605; Kenneth Mackenzie; III。  of Killichrist; with issue; and secondly; Thomas Chisholm of Kinneries;  also with issue。

7。  Agnes; who married John Dunbar of Bennetsfield。

8。  Another; who married John Bayne of Tulloch。

Roderick Mor was succeeded by his eldest son;

II。  MURDOCH  MACKENZIE; second of Redcastle; who has a  sasine as heir to his father in 1615。  He married Margaret; daughter of William Rose; XI。 of Kilravock (marriage contract 13th of June 1599;  tocher 4500 merks); 'Kilravock Papers; p。 83。' with issue

1。  Kenneth; who died young。

2。  Roderick; his father's heir and successor。

3。  Alexander; who married  a daughter of William Paterson;  with issueRoderick; who married  a daughter of Mackenzie of  Fairburn; William; John; Murdo;  Colin; and two daughters; the elder  of whom married Roderick; son of  Murdoch Mackenzie; V。 of Hilton;  with issueColin; who died  without issue in 1682。

4。  The Rev。 John; who after  he was ordained; was schoolmaster at Chanonry; and died in 1640;  unmarried。

5。  William; M。D。 at the  Court of Spain; where he died;  without issue。

6。  Margaret; who married  Angus Chisholm; XVIII。 of  Chisholm; without issue。

7。  Finguala; who married  Roderick Mackenzie; I。 of  Applecross; with issue。

8。  Catharine; who married  Donald Mackenzie; III。 of Loggie; without issue。

Four other daughters married respectively; Alexander Fraser of Reelig the Rev。 William Mackenzie; minister of Tarbat Alexander MacRae; Chamberlain of Kintail Fraser; son of Fraser of Foyers; and  secondly; Hugh; brother of Fraser of Culduthel。  He had also a natural  daughter; who married John Mor Mackenzie; natural son of William  Mackenzie of Shieldaig; Gairloch。

Murdoch was succeeded by his eldest surviving son;

III。  RODERICK   MACKENZIE; third of Redcastle。   He has a sasine in 1629 and in  1638。  He was fined ?000 for  taking part in the wars of Montrose  against the Covenanters; and was  for some time imprisoned in  Edinburgh along with Thomas  Mackenzie of Pluscardine。 During  his imprisonment General Carr  besieged his castle; the only  stronghold which still held out for  the King; killed the commander;  who exposed himself on the  ramparts; set fire to the castle; and  razed its walls to the ground。  He  was liberated on the intercession of  his maternal uncle on payment of  7000 merks Scots。  In 1690 he  excambed with Kenneth  Mackenzie; I。 of Dundonnel; formerly of Glenmarkassie; the  lands of Acha…ta…Donill; Blachlach; etc。; belonging to Redcastle; for the  davoch of Meikle Scatwell; of old  possessed by Allan and Alexander  Mackenzie。  He married Isobel;  daughter of Alexander Mackenzie;  I。 of Kilcoy; with issue

1。  Colin; his heir and successor。

2。  Alexander; an Advocate; who died unmarried。

3。  Charles; of whom nothing is known。

4。  Anne; who married John Mackenzie; II。 of Scatwell; with issue an only daughter; Lilias; who in 1679 married Colin Mackenzie; III。 of  Kincraig; with issue。

He was succeeded by his eldest son;

IV。  COLIN  MACKENZIE; fourth of Redcastle; who was a very  prudent man and amassed a large fortune。  In 1676 he made an entail of  the Barony of Redcastle; which; however; he neglected to register; a fact only discovered long after his death。  He married; first; the eldest daughter  of Sir Kenneth Mackenzie; Baronet; I。 of Coul; with issue

1。  Roderick; his heir and successor。

2。  Colin of Rossend; who married; with issueColin; W。S。; and  Charles; a goldsmith。  He was out in the Rising of 1715; and suffered  much in consequence。

3。  John; of whom there is no trace。

4。  Jean; described on her tombstone in Tam as the eldest daughter。 She married; in 1679; John Urquhart of Newhall。

5。  Margaret; who in 1680 married Alexander Fraser; Younger of Belladrum。

6。  Elizabeth; who in 1685 married Ewen Mackenzie; VII。 of  Hilton; with issue。

7。  Anna; who in 1687 married Lachlan Mackintosh of Daviot;  with issue。

Colin married; secondly; Marjory; daughter of John Robertson of Inshes; widow of Angus Mackintosh of Daviot; without issue。  He was killed at Killearnan in 1704; when he was succeeded by his eldest son;

V。  RODERICK MACKENZIE; fifth of Redcastle;  known among the Highlanders as  〃Ruairi Dearg;〃 or Red Rory。  He  wrote a MS。 history of his own  family; and married Margaret;  daughter of James Grant; XVI。 of Grant (sasine to her as sister to  Ludovic Grant nunc de Freuchy;〃 in  1680); with issue

1。  Roderick; his heir and successor。

2。  Ludovic; who married Eliza; daughter of Simon Mackenzie; I。 of Allangrange。

3。  James; M。D。; who practised his profession in London。

4。  Alexander; who in 1721 married Margaret; daughter of Charles Mackenzie of Cullen。

5。  Isobel; who in 1718 married Aeneas Macbean; Younger of  Kinchyle; with issue。

6。  Jean; who in 1712 married William Mackenzie of Davochcairn; with issue。

7。  Anne; who died unmarried。

Roderick married; secondly; Katharina; daughter of Charles  Mackenzie of Cullen。

He died in 1725; and was succeeded by his eldest son;

VI。  RODERICK  MACKENZIE; sixth of Redcastle; usually called 〃Ruairi Mor;〃 who married; first; in 1707; Margaret; daughter of Sir  James Calder of Muirton; widow of Alexander Dunbar of Westfield (by  whom she had seven sons and a daughter); with issue

1。  Roderick; his heir and successor。

2。  Colin; who in 1748;  married Mary; daughter of Sir John  Cochrane of Waterside; son of the  Hon。 Sir John Cochrane of  Ochiltree; second son of the first  Earl of Dundonald; with issueKenneth Francis; Advocate…General; President of the Council;  and Acting Governor of the Island  
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