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history of the mackenzies-第15章

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estion as we proceed。

It may; indeed; be assumed from subsequent events in the history of these powerful families and the united testimony of all the genealogists  of the Mackenzies; that the chief of Kintail did befriend Robert the Bruce  against his enemies and protected him in his castle of Ellandonnan; in  spite of the commands of his immediate superior; the Earl of Ross; and the  united power of all the other great families of the Western Isles and  Argyle。  And in his independent stand at this important period in the  history of Scotland will be found the true grounds of the local rancour  which afterwards prevailed between Mackenzie and the Island Lord; and which only terminated in the collapse of the Earls of Ross and the Lords  of the Isles; upon the ruins of which; as a reward for proved loyalty to the  reigning monarch; and as the result of the characteristic prudence of the race of MacKenneth; the House of Kintail gradually rose in power; subsequently absorbed the ancient inheritance of all the original possessors of  the district; and ultimately extended their influence more widely over the  whole provinces of Wester and Central Ross。

The genealogists further say that this chief waited on the King during his visit to Inverness in  1312。  'The MS。 histories of the Mackenzies give the date of Robert Bruce's visit to Inverness as 1307; but  from a copy of the 〃Annual of Norway;〃 at the negotiation and  arrangement of which 〃the eminent Prince; Lord Robert; by the like grace; noble King of Scors (attended) personally on the other part;〃 it will be seen that the date of the visit was 1312。See Invernessiana; by Charles Fraser…Mackintosh; F;S。A。 Scot。; pp。 36…40。'  This may now be accepted as correct; as also that  he fought at the head of his followers at the battle of  Inverury; where Bruce defeated Mowbray and the Comyn in  1303。  After  this important engagement; according to Fenton; 〃all the nobles; barons; towns; cities。 garrisons; and castles north of the Grampians submitted to Robert the Bruce;〃 when; with good reason; the second chief of Clan  Kenneth was further confirmed in the favour of his sovereign; and in the  government of Ellandonnan。

The Lord of the Isles had in the meantime; after his capture in Argyle; died while confined in  Dundonald Castle; when  his brother and  successor; Angus Og; declared for Bruce。  Argyll and Lorn left; or were  driven out of the country; and took up their residence in England。  With  Angus Og of the Isles now on the side of Bruce; and the territories of  Argyll and Lorn at his mercy in the absence of their respective chiefs; it  was an easy matter for the King; during the varied fortunes of his heroic struggle; defending Scotland from the English; to draw largely upon the  resources of the West Highlands and Isles; flow unmolested; particularly  after the surprise at Perth in the winter of 1312; and the reduction of all  the strongholds in Scotlandexcept Stirling; Berwick; and Dunbarduring the ensuing summer。  The decisive blow; however; yet to be struck  by which the independence and liberties of Scotland were to be for ever  established and confirmed; and the time was drawing nigh when every  nerve would have to be strained for a final effort to clear it; once for all; of  the bated followers of the tyrant Edwards; roll them back before an  impetuous wave of Scottish valour; and for ever put an end to England's  claim to tyrannise over a free…born people whom it was found impossible  to crush or cow。  Nor; in the words of the Bennetsfield manuscript; 〃will we affect a morbid indifference to the fact that on the 24th of June; 1314;  Bruce's heroic band of thirty thousand warriors on the glorious field of  Bannockburn contained above ten thousand Western Highlanders and men  of the Isles;〃 under Angus Og of the Isles; Mackenzie of Kintail (who led five hundred of his vassals); and other chiefs of the mainland; of whom  Major specially says; that 〃they made an incredible slaughter of their  enemies; slaying heaps of them around wherever they went; and running  upon them with their broadswords and daggers like wild bears without any  regard to their own lives。〃  Alluding to the same event; Barbour says

Angus of the Is'es and Bute alsae; And of the plain lands he had mae Of armed men a noble route; His battle stalwart was and stout。

General Stewart of Garth; in a footnote; Sketches of the  Highlanders; says that the eighteen Highland chiefs who fought at  Bannockburn wereMackay; Mackintosh; Macpherson; Cameron;  Sinclair; Campbell; Menzies; Maclean; Sutherland; Robertson; Grant;  Fraser; Macfarlane; Ross; Macgregor; Munro; Mackenzie; and Macquarrie  and that 〃Cumming; Macdougall of Lorn; Macnab; and a few others were  unfortunately in opposition to Bruce; and suffered accordingly。〃  In due  time the Western chiefs returned home; where on their arrival; many of them found local feuds still smoulderingencouraged by the absence of  the natural protectors of the peopleamidst the surrounding blaze。  John lived peaceably at home during the remainder of his days。  He  married Margaret; daughter of David de Strathbogie; XIth Earl of Atholl;  by Joan; daughter of John; the Red Comyn; last Earl of Badenoch; killed  by Robert the Bruce in 1306。  He died in 1328; and was succeeded by his  only son;


Commonly called Coinneach na Sroine; or Kenneth of the Nose; from the  size of that organ。  Very little is known of this chief。  But he does not appear to have been long in possession when he found himself serious  trouble and unable to cope successfully with the Earl of Ross; who made  determined efforts to re…establish the original position of his house over  the Barons of Kintail。  Wyntoun says that in 1331; Randolph; Earl of  Moray; nephew of Robert the Bruce; and at that time Warden of  Scotland;  sent his Crowner to Ellandonnan; with orders to prepare the castle for his  reception and to arrest all 〃misdoaris〃 in the district; fifty of whom the Crowner beheaded; and; according to the barbarous practice of even much  later times; exposed their heads for the edification of the surrounding  lieges high upon the castle walls。  Randolph himself soon after arrived  and; says the same chronicler; was 〃right blithe〃 to see the goodly show of  heads 〃that flowered so weel that wall〃a ghastly warning to all  treacherous or plundering 〃misdoaris。〃  From what occurred on this  occasion it is obvious that Kenneth either did not attempt or was not able  to govern his people with a firm hand and to keep the district free from plunderers and lawlessness。

It is undoubted that at this time the Earl of Ross succeeded in gaining a considerable hold in the district over which he had all along  claimed superiority; for in 1342 William; the fifth and last O'Beolan Earl;  is on record as granting a charter of the whole ten davochs of Kintail to Reginald; son of Roderick of the Isles。 The charter was granted and dated  at the Castle of Urquhart; witnessed by the bishops of Ross and Moray;  and confirmed by David II。 in 1344。 'Invernessiana; p。56。'  From all this it  may fairly be assumed that the line of Mac Kenneth was not far from the breaking point during the re
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