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history of the mackenzies-第146章

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 brother David;

VIII。  COLIN  MACKENZIE; eighth of Achilty; an Officer in the 78th Regiment; who married Janet; third daughter of Sir Alexander Mackenzie; second Baronet and IX。 of Gairloch。   He was the last who  possessed the property。  In 1784 he has a tack of the farm of Kinkell;  where he died in 1813; with his affairs involved。  He left one son; John; who died without issue; whereupon the property passed to the Mackenzies  of Applecross。


THE progenitor of this family was Murdoch; second son of Murdoch Mackenzie; III。 of Achilty。  He purchased the lands of Pitglassie and  Kildin; and married Catharine; daughter of John Mackenzie of Tolly; with  issue

1。  Kenneth; who; in 1699; married Agnes Fraser; and died before his father; without issue。

2。  Alexander; who succeeded his father。

3。  John 〃Rapach〃  who married Anne; daughter of Colin  Mackenzie; III。 of Kincraig; without issue。

4。  William; Episcopal minister of Rosskeen; who married a  daughter of Fraser of Belladrum。  He was admitted minister of Rosskeen before the 9th of August; 1665; and he died on the 14th of March; 1714。   He had a son described in 1709 as 〃John; his eldest son。〃 He also had a  son called 〃Black Colin;〃 who had the farm of Achintoul in Rosskeen; and  who married; with issue(1) Alexander; who married Lilias Mackenzie;  daughter of Colin Mackenzie; II。 of Kincraig; with issuea daughter; who  married; first; Alexander Ellison; and secondly; Alexander Aird; (2)  George; who married a daughter of Gordon of Embo; with issueColin;  John; and three daughters; Mary;  Nelly; and  Margaret; who died at  Invergordon 45 to 50 years ago; and 〃were as primitive in their appearance  and dress as if they had come out of Noah's ark。〃  The Rev。 William had  also three daughters; who married respectively the Rev。 Allan Clark;  minister of Glenelg; the Rev。 Duncan MacCulloch; minister of Urquhart;  and Andrew Fraser; Chamberlain of Ferrintosh。

Murdoch died in 1655; was buried at Dingwall; and succeeded by  his second and eldest surviving son;

I。  ALEXANDER MACKENZIE; first of Dundonnel。   He bought the lands of Ardross  during his father's lifetime; in  1644; formerly the property of Ross  of Tolly; and sold the lands of  Pitglassie and Kildin。  He was  served heir in 1662。  He married  Janet; daughter of Alexander Mackenzie; V。 of Gairloch; with issue

1。  Murdoch; his heir and successor。

2。  Kenneth; in Ulladale; who had a son Alexander; retoured as heir general in 1715。

3。  Hector; apprenticed to learn chirurgery in 1682。

4。  William; who in 1681; married Christian; daughter of Colin Mackenzie; II。 of Kincraig。

5。  Alexander。

6。  Roderick; of whom nothing is known。

7。  Isobella; who in 1678 married; as his second wife; Alexander Mackenzie of Inchcoulter; brother…german to Sir George Mackenzie of  Rosehaugh。

He died in 1674; and was succeeded by his eldest son;

II。  MURDOCH  MACKENZIE; second of Dundonnel; who  married a daughter of Grant of Elchies; Strathspey; with issue

1。  John; his heir and successor。

2。  Another son; who died in 1761。

3。  Murdoch; tacksman of Clynes in 1745。

4。  Rory。

5。  Anne。

6。  Margaret; who in 1709 married Gregor; heir of Robert Grant of Gartenmor。

He was buried at Rosskeen; and was succeeded by his eldest son;

III。  JOHN  MACKENZIE; third of Dundonnel; who married  Helen; daughter of T。 Erskine of Pittoderie; celebrated for her beauty; with  issue

1。  Roderick; his heir and successor。

2。  Murdoch; who succeeded as V。 of Ardross。

3。  Margaret; who married James Muir of Stonywood; with issue。

4。  Rachael; or Barbara; who married George Paton; of Grandholm; with issue。

5。  Jean; and several othersin all a family of fifteen。 He was buried at Rosskeen; and succeeded  by his eldest son;

IV。  RODERICK MACKENZIE; fourth of  Dundonnel; who died without issue; and was succeeded by his  eldest brother;

V。  MURDOCH  MACKENZIE; fifth of Dundonnel; who in 1743;  married Bathia; daughter of John Paton of Grandholm。  In his time was concluded before Lord Mansfield in the House of Lords; a law…suit which  existed for four generations between his family and the Rosses of  Achnacloich or Tolly; regarding the validity of the sale of the property to  Alexander; second of the family; a litigation which ruined the Rosses and involved the Mackenzies of Ardross deeply in debt。  He died; and was  buried at Rosskeen; having had issue; an only daughter; who succeeded to  the property as sixth of Dundonnel;

VI。  MARGARET MACKENZIE; who in 1768  married James Munro of Teaninich; Captain R。N。; with issue

1。  Hugh Munro; Captain in the 78th Regiment; who succeeded to  the estate of Teaninich; and in 1846 died unmarried。

2。  Murdoch; who resumed the name of Mackenzie; and succeeded  his mother in Ardross and Dundonnel。

3。  Colonel Hector; who died unmarried in 1827。

4。  Major…General John Munro; H。E。I。C。 S。; who married Charlotte; daughter of Dr Blacker; with issue(1) James St John; late Major 60th  Rifles; who died in 1818; was married; and left issueMaxwell; Lieutenant 48th Regiment; and others; (2) John; (3) Stuart Caradoc Munro; now of Teaninich; (4) Maxwell William; and (5) Charlotte; who;  in 1834; married the Hon。 George A。 Spencer; with issue。

5。  Catherine; who married Thomas Warrand of Warrandfield;  Inverness; with issue …Robert; Major in the 6th Inniskilling Dragoons;  three other sons and a daughter; all of whom died young。

6。  Bathia; and 7。 Alexina; both of whom died young。

Margaret; whose husband died in 1845; was buried at Ardross; and succeeded by her second son;

VII。  MURDO  MUNRO…MACKENZIE; seventh of Dundonnel;  retoured in 1795。  He sold Ardross to the Duke of Sutherland; and; in  1834; purchased Dundonnel from Thomas Mackenzie; VI。 of the old  family of Dundonnel。  By the death of his elder brother; Hugh; without issue; Murdo became the head of the family of Munro of Teaninich。 In  1838 he purchased the detached portions of the Cromarty estates; including the forest of Fannich。  He married Christina; daughter of Robert Ross; Strathcullanach; Balnagown; with issue

1。  Hugh; who; in 1813; died young。

2。  John; who died before his father in 1815。

3。  Hugh; who succeeded his father。

4。  Kenneth; who succeeded his brother Hugh。

5。  Robert; Lieutenant…Colonel H。E。I。C。S。; residing in Brisbane; Queensland; married; with issue。

6。  James; who died unmarried。

7。  Murdo; who died unmarried。

8。  Mary; who married Major…General Francis Archibald Reid;  C。B。; with issue。

9。  Helen; who married Simon Mackenzie…Ross of Aldie; without issue。

Murdo died at Dundonnel; was buried there; and succeeded by his eldest surviving son;

VIII。  HUGH  MUNRO…MACKENZIE; who spent his whole time  in beautifying; improving; and increasing his estates; upon which he  constantly resided。  He died unmarried; on the 30th of July; 1869; leaving  his fee…simple estates of Mungasdale; Gruinard; and Strath…na…Sealg; to an  illegitimate daughter; who afterwards married Mr Catton。

He was buried at Dundonnel; and succeeded by his brother; IX。 KENNETH  MUNRO…MACKENZIE; who was trained to
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