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history of the mackenzies-第144章

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3。  A daughter; who married Fraser of Belladrum。

4。  A daughter; married William Ross of Invercharron。

He was succeeded by his eldest son;

II。  RODERICK  MACKENZIE; second of Davochmaluag; who  married Anne; daughter of Donald Macdonald of Sleat; with issue

1。  Kenneth; his heir and successor。

2。  John Dubh; of whom no trace。

3。  Mary; who had a natural  son; Alexander; progenitor of the  family of Applecross and Coul; by  Colin Cam Mackenzie; XI。 of  Kintail。 She afterwards married;  first; John Mor Grant; with issue;  and; secondly; Cameron of Glen…Nevis。

Four other daughters married; respectively; Mackenzie of Kildun; Murdoch Mackenzie; III。 of Achilty; Iver MacIver; Lochbroom; and Donald MacChoinnich Mhic Mhurchaidh。

Roderick was succeeded by his eldest son;

III。  KENNETH  MACKENZIE; third of Davochmaluag; who  married a daughter of Ross of Balnagown; with issue

1。  Alexander; his heir and successor。

2。  John; minister of Lochbroom; who married  his cousin; a  daughter of Hector; son of Alexander; I。 of Davochmaluag; with issueWilliam and Kenneth。

3。  Kenneth; of whom nothing is known。

He had also a natural son; Murdo; Chamberlain of the Lewis; who married a daughter of George Munro of Katewell; with issueseveral sons。

Kenneth was succeeded by his eldest son;

IV。  ALEXANDER  MACKENZIE; fourth of Davochmaluag;  served heir to his father on the 30th of December; 1611。  He married  Margaret; daughter of Hector Munro of Fowlis; with issue

1。  Roderick; his heir and successor。

2。  Colin; who married Mary; daughter of the Rev。 Mr Mackenzie; minister of Sleat; with issue。

3。  The eldest daughter married Robert Gray。

4。  Another married Alexander MacRae of Inverinate。

5。  A third married Murdo Matheson; of Balmacarra。

He was succeeded by his eldest son;

V。  RODERICK  MACKENZIE; fifth of Davochmaluag; who was  a strong Loyalist。  His estates were confiscated; a garrison was placed in  his house by Oliver Cromwell; and he suffered great hardships during the  Commonwealth。  His friends took the officer who commanded the  garrison in Davochmaluag house by surprise; and; in exchange for the  officer's release; Mackenzie secured his peace。  A sasine to him is dated 1640。  He married Janet; daughter of Fraser of Belladrum; with issue

1。  Kenneth; his heir and successor。

2。  John; a Captain in Colonel Hill's Regiment。

3。  George; who married Annabella; daughter of Kenneth  Mackenzie; VI。 of Gairloch; with issue。

4。  Roderick; who married a daughter of Mackenzie of Fairburn; with issue。

5。  Hector; merchant in Edinburgh; who died unmarried。

6。  Margaret; who married Alexander Mackenzie; II。 of Tarvie;  with issue。

7。  A daughter; who married Bain of Knockbain。

8。  Another; who married the Rev。 John Mackenzie; minister of Lochbroom。

He was succeeded by his eldest son;

VI。  KENNETH  MACKENZIE; sixth of Davochmaluag; who  married; first; Mary; daughter of Sir Kenneth Mackenzie; first Baronet of Coul; with issue

1。  Alexander; his heir and successor。

2。  Roderick; who married a daughter of Kenneth Mackenzie of Dundonnel; with issue。

3。  Kenneth; who married a daughter of the Rev。 John Mackenzie; minister of Fodderty and Archdeacon of Ross; with issue。

4。  A daughter; who; in 1689; married Alexander Forrester of Cullenauld。

5。  A daughter; who married Roderick; a brother of Sir Alexander Mackenzie; II。 of Coul。

6。  A third; who married Donald; son of Roderick Mackenzie; V。 of Fairburn all three with issue。

He married; secondly; the widow of Mackenzie of Gairloch;  without issue。

Kenneth was succeeded by his eldest son;

VII。  ALEXANDER MACKENZIE; seventh of Davoch…maluag。  He was appointed Sheriff…Substitute of Ross in 1698。  He  married first; Janet; daughter of Sir  Alexander Mackenzie; II。 of Coul;  with issuean only daughter; Janet;  who married Aeneas Macleod of Camuscurry; with issue; marriage  contract 28th April; 1715; tocher; 3000 merks。  She married;  secondly; John MacKenzie;  chirurgeon; Fortrose。

He married; secondly; Elizabeth; daughter of Alexander Rose of Clava (marriage contract 1695); with issue

1。  Alexander; his heir and successor。

2。  Kenneth; who married a Miss Gordon; with issuetwo sons。   He died in Jamaica。

3。  John; who married his  cousin Mary; daughter of his uncle Roderick; with issue(1)  Alexander; who went to  Melbourne; Australia。 and married;  with issue; Alexander; now in  Brisbane; Queensland。  (2) Captain  John Mackenzie; who married  abroad; with issuea daughter;  Elizabeth; who died at Brighton; in  1856; without issue。  (3) Elizabeth  Mackenzie; who married; first; Richard Ord; of the Merkinch;  Inverness; with issue(a) William Ord; M。D。 in the H。E。I。C。S。; who  died without issue; (b) John Ord; a  merchant in London; who married  with issue; (c) Richard; who died  young; (d) Mary; who married  Donald Fraser; solicitor; Inverness;  with issue among othersthe late  John Fraser of Bunchrew; who  married Hester Mary Mostyn;  daughter of Edmund Lomax of  Netley Park; Surrey; with issue;  four sons and five daughtersLieutenant…Colonel Edmund  Lomax; late of the 60th Rifles; now  of Bunchrew; unmarried; William  Francis Mostyn; who died;  unmarried; in 1881; Robert  Scarlett; who married Beatrice Anna; daughter of Captain  Alexander Watson Mackenzie; now  of Ord; with issue; and Richard  Agnew; late of the 78th  Highlanders (Ross…shire Buffs);  now Major 1st V。 B。 Cameron  Highlanders; and Brigade Major  Highland Volunteer Brigade;  unmarried。  John Fraser of  Bunchrew's daughters wereHester Mary; who; on the 4th of  May; 1875; married Sir Archibald  Douglas Drummond Stewart;  Baronet; of Murthly and  Grandtully; who died in 1891;  without issue; Eliza; who died at  Cairo; unmarried; in 1889; Frances  Cecil Catherine; Laura; who  married Sir Francis William Grant;  Baronet of Monymusk; who died in  1887; without issue; and Georgina  Arbuthnot。  John Fraser of  Bunchrew died in 1876。  (e)  Prudence; Richard Ord's second  daughter; married Bailie John  Mackenzie; Inverness; son of John   Mackenzie of Ardnagrask; eldest  son of Hector Mackenzie of Sand;  Gairloch; and of Ardnagrask; with  issue (for which see Gairloch  Genealogy; pp。 416…418)。   Elizabeth; on the death of her first  husband; Richard Ord; married;  secondly; as his second wife;  Farquhar Macrae of Inverinate;  without issue。

4。  Roderick; who died unmarried。

5。  Mary; who married  William Mackenzie of Achilty and  Kinnahaird; brother of Sir  Alexander Mackenzie V。 of Coul;  with issue。

6。  Margaret; who married Captain Joseph Avery。  They afterwards went to Carolina; and left issue。

7。  Frances; who married John Macleod of Bay; Isle of Skye; with issueone daughter。

8。  Christian; who married  William Tolmie; first a merchant at  Fortrose; and subsequently factor  for Macleod of Macleod at Dunvegan; Isle of Skye; with issue;  among othersJohn; tacksman of Uiginish; Skye; who married Jean;  daughter of Murdoch Mackenzie; merchant; Stornoway; son of  Roderick Mackenzie; III。 of Avoch; with issueJohn; who succeeded  his father at Uiginish and married a  daughter of Hugh MacCaskill;  tacksman of Tallisker; with
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