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history of the mackenzies-第141章

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1。  John Kenneth;  2。  Anna Maria;  and 3。  Catherine。  The present representation of the family is unknown。


I。  KENNETH  MACKENZIE; first of Pitlundie; was the second son of Alexander Mackenzie; II。 of Belmaduthy; by his wife; Catherine; daughter  of Sir Kenneth Mackenzie; Baronet; I。 of Coul。  He married Anne;  daughter of Hector Mackenzie of Bishop…Kinkell; second son of Alex…ander Mackenzie; VI。 of Gairloch; by his wife; Ann; daughter of Sir John  Grant of Grant by Ann Ogilvy; daughter of the Earl of Findlater; with  issue

1。  William; his heir and successor。

2。  Margaret; who; on the 9th of September; 1728; as his second wife; married John Matheson; first of Attadale; ancestor of Sir Kenneth  James Matheson; Baronet of Lochalsh and Ardross。

Kenneth was succeeded by his eldest son;

II。  WILLIAM MACKENZIE; second of Pitlundie  and first of Culbo; succeeding to  the latter as heir…male of his uncle  George。  He married a daughter of  George Mackenzie of Inchcoulter;  with issue

1。  George; his heir and successor。

2。  William; of whom there is no trace。

3。  A daughter; who married Alexander Mackenzie of Cleanwaters。

4。  Anne; who married Roderick Mackenzie of Achvannie; with  issue。

He was succeeded by his eldest son;

III。  GEORGE  MACKENZIE; third  of  Pitlundie and second of  Culbo; Sheriff…Substitute of Ross。  He married Anne; daughter of  Alexander Mackenzie; VIII。 of Davochmaluag; with issue

1。  William; his heir and successor。

2。  Alexander; who died unmarried。

3。  Captain Kenneth; of the H。E。I。C。S。; who was killed at Java; in 1811; unmarried。

4。  Major Duncan Henry of the Madras Horse Artillery; who  married Mary; daughter of Lachlan Mackinnon of Corry; Isle of Skye;  with issueGeorge William Mackinnon; who died unmarried; and Lieutenant…Colonel Lachlan Mackinnon of the Madras Army; who died unmarried。 Major Duncan died in 1834。

5。  George of Drynie; a solicitor in Dingwall。  He married  Catherine; daughter of John Macrae; Sheriff of Dingwall; with issueJohn; a surgeon in the Madras Army; who died unmarried in 1872; the  Rev。 George William; English Chaplain at Frankfort; who married Fanny Taylor; Charles; who died unmarried; Duncan Anne; who married Thomas Ballantine; with issuea daughter; Elizabeth Proby; who married the Rev。  W。 Hutchins; Vicar of Louth; Lincolnshire; with issue; Isabella; who  married the Rev。 William Baden Powell; Vicar of Newick; Sussex; and  Margaret; unmarried。  The last…named three daughters are now dead and  their father; George of Drynie; died in 1865。

6。  John; a solicitor in Tam。   He married Christian; daughter of Captain Kenneth Mackenzie; of  Kerrisdale; third son of Sir  Alexander Mackenzie; third  Baronet and N。 of Gairloch; with  issueGeorge; who died young;  and Kenneth; who died unmarried。   John died in 1852。

7。  Mary Proby; who married James Macdonell; W。S。; without  issue。

8。  Elizabeth; who married Thomas Simpson; son of the minister of Avoch; with issuetwo sons and two daughters; all dead。

9。  Anne; who died unmarried。

George died in  1802 (his wife dying in 1832); and was succeeded by his eldest son;

IV。  WILLIAM  MACKENZIE; M。D。; of the H。E。I。C。S。; fourth of Pitlundie and  third of Culbo。  He married Margaret (who died in 1841);  daughter of Thomas Allan; with issue

1。  George Kenneth; who died young。

2。  William Ord; M。D。; Deputy…Inspector…General of Army  Hospitals; who became his father's heir。

3。  Thomas Allan; Major 3d Light Cavalry; Bombay; who married Clara; daughter of J  Birdwood; judge; Bombay Civil Service; with issueWilliam; who died unmarried; and Allan Stanley; who died young。   He  died in 1856。

4。  Duncan Proby; who married Cecilia Margaret; daughter of  William Dudgeon; Edinburgh; with issuethree sons and four daughters。   He died in 1884。

5。  George Richard; who married Elizabeth; daughter of Thomas Scott; W。S。; Edinburgh。

6。  Robert Cleghorn; who married Ellen Maria; daughter of  Colonel Flexman; Tasmania with issuetwo daughters。 He died in 1866。

7。  Agnes Helen; who  married Charles Garstin; of the  Bengal Civil Service with issueWilliam Edmund; Under Secretary  for State at Cairo; who married  Mary Isabel North; London; Alfred  Allan; Lieutenant…Colonel 77th  Regiment; Helen Julia; Alice  Margaret; and Mary Annette; who  married the Rev。 Gordon Crowdy;  Sherfield Rectory; Basingstoke。   Agnes Helen died in 1871。

8。  Margaret Anne; who died young。

William sold the estate of Pitlundie in 1805 to Graham of Drynie。

He died in 1866; and was succeeded in Culbo by his eldest surviving son;

V。  WILLIAM  ORD  MACKENZIE; now of Culbo; M。D。; Deputy…Inspector…General of Army Hospitals。  He married Mary Susan; daughter  of the late Henry Holmes; London; with issue

1。  Montague Allan…Ord; who married Frances Gordon; daughter of the Rev。 James Rennie; Glasgow。

2。  William Henry Allan…Ord; who married Constance Jane;  daughter of Thomas Llewellyn; Shelton; Staffordshire。

3。  Stuart Allan…Ord; who married Isabel; daughter of Edward B。 Cargill; of the Cliffs; Dunedin; New Zealand。

4。  Edith Allan…Holmes。

5。  Gertrude Helen Allan…Holmes; who married Edwin Claud  Porter Scott; of Hampstead。

6。  Margaret Douglas Allan… Holmes。

7。  Mary Susan Allan…Holmes; who died young。


I。  RODERICK MACKENZIE; first of Flowerburn; was second son of William; III。 of Belmaduthy; by his second wife; Elizabeth; daughter of Sir  Kenneth Mackenzie; IV。 of Scatwell; Bart。  He married Grace; daughter of  Alexander Mackenzie of Inchcoulter; with issue

II。  An only daughter; second of Flowerburn; who married a Mr Kilgour。  She succeeded to the estate; and may be called second of Flowerburn。  She had issue

1。  Roderick Kilgour; her heir。

2。  Elizabeth Townsend。

She was succeeded by her only son;

III。  RODEEICK KILGOUR…MACKENZIE; third of  Flowerburn。  He assumed the name  of Mackenzie。  He married Anne;  second daughter of John Grant of  Glenmoriston; and died in 1812;  leaving an only son;

IV。  RODERICK  MACKENZIE; fourth of Flowerburn; who  married Harriet; daughter of Colonel Grogan of Seafield; County of  Dublin; with issue

1。  Roderick Grogan; his heir and successor。

2。  Elma; who married Major John Macdonald Smith; Madras Staff Corps; with issue。

3。  Georgina Adelaide; who married Major Roderick Mackenzie;  VIII。 of Kincraig; and died in 1889。

He was succeeded on his death in 1848; by his only son;

V。  RODERICK  GROGAN  MACKENZIE; fifth of Flowerburn。

He was born in 1844; was a Cornet in the 16th Lancers; and for many years afterwards an officer in the Highland Rifle (Ross…shire) Militia; in  which; at his death he held the rank of Colonel。  He married on the 22nd  of February; 1872; Eva Mary Marjory Erskine; third daughter of Sir Evan  Mackenzie of Kilcoy; Baronet; with issueEva Georgina Lillie; and Alice Maude Harriet。  He died on the 13th of October; 1892; and was succeeded  as representative of the family by his eldest daughter;

VI。  EVA  GEORGINA  LILLIE  MACKENZIE; who came of age  in 1893。


THIS family i
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