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history of the mackenzies-第14章

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 by blood and marriage between the  O'Beolan Earls of Ross and Kenneth's family before and after this period  has been already shown; but the ancient ties of friendship had at this time  become  somewhat strained。 Kenneth succeeded to the government of  Ellandonnan Castle; which was garrisoned by his friends and supporters;  the Macraes and the Maclennans; who; even at that early date in large  numbers occupied Kintail。  Kenneth; in fact; was Governor of the Castle;  and was otherwise becoming so powerful that his superior; the Earl; was getting very jealous of him。

At this time the first Earl William laid claim to the superiority of  the Western  Isles; which he and his father; Ferchair Mac an t'Sagairt;  were chiefly instrumental; among the followers of Alexander III。; in  wresting from the Norwegians; and he was naturally desirous to have the  government of Ellandonnan Castle in his own hands; or under the charge  of some one less ambitious than Kenneth; and on whom he could implicitly rely。  Kenneth was advancing rapidly both in power and influence  among his more immediate neighbours; who were mainly composed of the  ancient inhabitants of the district; the Mac Beolains; who occupied Glenshiel and the south side of Loch Duich as far as Kylerhea; the Mac  Ivors; who inhabited Glen Lichd; the Cro of Kintail; and the north side of  Loch Duich; while the Mac Tearlichs; now calling themselves Mac  Erlichs or Charlesons; occupied Glenelchaig。 These aboriginal natives  naturally supported Kenneth; who was one of themselves; against the  claims of his superior; the Earl; who though a pure Highland Celt was less  known in Kintail than the Governor of the Castle。  This only made the  Earl more determined than ever to obtain possession of the stronghold;  and he peremptorily requested the garrison to surrender it and Kenneth to him at once。 The demand was promptly refused; and finding that the  Governor was resolved to hold it at all hazards the Earl sent a strong detachment to take it by storm。

Kenneth was readily joined by the surrounding tribes; among  whom were; along with those whose names have been already given; the brave Macaulays of Lochbroom; who were distantly related to him。 By  the aid of these reinforcements Kenneth was able to withstand a desperate and gallant onset by the Earl and his followers; who were defeated and  driven back with great slaughter。 This exasperated the enemy so much that he soon after returned to the charge with a largely increased force; at the  same time threatening the young governor with the utmost vengeance and  final extirpation unless he immediately capitulated。  But before the Earl was able to carry his threats into execution; be was overtaken by a severe  illness of which he very soon after died; in 1274。  His son; the second Earl   William; did  not persevere in his father's policy against Kintail; and it  was not long before his attention was diverted into another channel。  On  the death of Alexander III。; in 1286; the affairs of the nation became  confused and distracted。  This was rather an advantage to Kenneth than  otherwise; for; in the general disorder which followed he was able to  strengthen his position among the surrounding tribes。  Through a  combination of native prudence; personal popularity; and a growing power  and influence heightened by the eclat of his having so recently defeated the powerful Earl of Ross; he succeeded in maintaining good order in his  own district; while his increasing influence was felt over most of the  Western Isles。

Kenneth married Morna or Morba; daughter of Alexander  Macdougall of Lorn; 〃de Ergedia;〃 by a daughter of John the first Red  Comyn; and sister of John the Black Comyn; Earl of Badenoch。  He died in 1304 and was buried in Icolmkill; when he was succeeded by his only  son;


The  first of the race called Mac Kenny or Mac Kenzie。  Dr George Mackenzie; already quoted; says that 〃the name Coinneach is common to  the Pictish and Scottish Gael;〃 and that 〃Mackenzie; Baron of Kintail;  attached himself to the fortunes of the heroic Robert the Bruce;  notwithstanding MacDougall's (his father…in…law) tenacious adherence to  the cause of Baliol; as is believed; in resentment for the murder of his  cousin; the Red Comyn; at Dumfries〃; while the Earl of Cromartie says  that he 〃not only sided with Robert Bruce in his contest with the Cumins  but that he was one of those who sheltered him in his lurking and assisted  him in his restitution; ‘for in the Isles;' says Boethius ‘he had supply from  a friend; and yet Donald of the Isles; who then commanded them; was on  the Cumin's side; and raised the Isles to their assistance; and was beat at  Deer by Edward Bruce; anno  1308。'〃  All this is indeed highly probable。

After Bruce left the Island of Rachrin he was for a considerable time lost sight of; many believing that he had perished during his wanderings; from the great hardships which he necessarily endured in his  ultimately successful attempts to escape the vigilant efforts and search of  his enemies。   That Bruce found shelter in Ellandonnan Castle and was  there protected for a considerable time by the Baron of Kintailuntil he  found opportunity again to take the field against his enemieshas ever  since been the unbroken tradition in the Highlands; and it has always been  handed down from one generation to another as a proud incident in the  history of the clan。  The Laird of Applecross; who wrote his manuscript history of the Mackenzies in 1669; follows the earlier family historians。     He says that this Baron of Kintail 〃did own the other party; and was one of  those who sheltered the Bruce; and assisted in his recovery。  I shall not say  he was the only one; but this stands for that assertion that all who were considerable in the Hills and Isles were enemies to the Bruce; and so  cannot be presumed to be his friends。  The Earl of Ross did most  unhandsomely and unhumanly apprehend his lady at Tain and delivered  her to the English; anno 1305。  Donald of the Isles; or Rotholl; or rather Ronald; with all the Hebrides; armed against the Bruce and were beat by  Edward  Bruce in Buchan; anno 1308。  Alexander of Argyll partied (sided  with) the Baliol; his country; therefore; was wasted by Bruce; anno 1304; and himself taken by him; 1309。  Macdougall of Lorn fought against the  Bruce; and took him prisoner; from whom he notably escaped; so that  there is none in the district left so considerable as this chief (Mackenzie)  who had an immediate dependence on the Royal family and had this  strong fort; which was never commanded by the Bruce's enemies; either  English or Scots; and that his shelter and assistance was from a remote  place and friend is evident from all our stories。  But all their neighbours being stated on a different side from the Mackenzies engendered a feud  betwixt him and them; especially with the Earl of Ross and Donald of the  Isles; which never ended  but with the end of the Earl of Ross and  lowering of the Lord of the Isles。〃  That this is true will be placed beyond  question as we proceed。

It may; indeed; be assumed from subsequent events in the history of these p
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