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history of the mackenzies-第138章

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8。  Elspet; who married John MacConnachie; Tombain; with issue。

9。  Margaret; who died without issue; in 1812。

William died in June; 1813; at Lyne of Carron; was buried at  Aberlour; and succeeded as representative of the family by his eldest son;

V。  JOHN  MACKENZIE; who died without issue in 1838; when  he was succeeded as representative of the family by his eldest surviving brother;

VI。  THOMAS  MACKENZIE; who was born on the 12th of April;  1776; and married on the 26th of July; 1821; Ann Grant; great…grand…daughter of Ludovick Grant; grandson of Sir John Grant of Freuchy; with issue

1。  William; his heir and successor。

2。  John; born on the 18th of November; 1823。  He is unmarried。

3。  Grace; married John Shand; Rinnachat; without issue。

4。  Penuel; who married Patrick Shaw; Benstaak; with issueseveral sons and daughters。

5。  Margaret; unmarried。

Thomas died at Lyne of Carron; on the 5th of February; 1861; aged 85; when he was succeeded as representative of the family by his eldest  son;

VII。  WILLIAM  MACKENZIE; who was born on the 3rd of May;  1822。 He founded the Distillery of Dailuaine in  1851; one of the most extensive malt distilleries in Scotland。  He married on the 5th of October;  1844; Jean; daughter of William Thomson; Knockando; with issue

1。  John; born on the 28th of July; 1845。  He was drowned at sea; without issue。

2。  William; born on the 9th of October; 1846。  He went to the  West Indies and died there unmarried; on the 10th of December; 1893; at Paramaribo; Surinam。

3。  Thomas; who succeeded his father in Dailuaine。

4。  Alexander; who was born on the 11th of July; 1851。  He is in South Africa; and still unmarried。

5。  William Grant; born on the 21st of June; 1859; and still unmarried。

6。  Lewis Grant; born on the 10th of January; 1862。  He went to California; and is still unmarried。

7。  Ann。

8。  Jane。

9。  Margaret。

10。  Grace Penuel; who married Dr Robert Cochrane Buist;  Dundee; with issuea son and daughter。

11。  Mary Forbes。

William died at Dailuaine; on the 17th of May; 1865; and was succeeded there by his son;

VIII。  THOMAS  MACKENZIE; now of Dailuaine; and since the  death of his elder brother William in December; 1893; heir…male of the family。  Born on the 18th of March; 1848; he on the 30th of October; 1877; married Emily; daughter of Edwin Holt of Rosehill; Worcestershire。


THE progenitor of this family; not one of whom so far as known ever owned an acre of land until now; was

I。  ALEXANDER  MACKENZIE; fourth  son  of Alexander  Mackenzie; V。 of Gairloch; by his wife Margaret; daughter of Roderick  Mor Mackenzie; I。 of Redcastle; by his wife Florence; daughter of Robert Munro; XVth Baron of Fowlis。  Alexander; like his brother Hector; was a  Cornet in Sir George Munro's Regiment; and according to one of the  Gairloch manuscript Histories was 〃an officer under Cromwell; whom he  afterwards left; and was wounded on the King's side at the battle of  Worcester; leaving a succession in Gairloch by his wife Janet; daughter of  Mackenzie of Ord。〃  He lost an eye at Worcester; and was consequently  ever after known Alastair Cam。 His descendants are still numerous in  Gairloch; where; having had no land to be designated of; they were always known as 〃Sliochd Alastair Chaim〃 or 〃The descendants of Alexander the  One…Eyed。〃 He married; in 1652; Janet; third daughter of John  Mackenzie; I。 of Ord; 'The marriage contract is dated 〃at Chanonrie; the  21st of July and 26th of August; 1652;〃 the year after the Battle of Worcester; and is in the Ord charter chest。' by his wife Isobel; daughter of  Alexander Cuthbert of Drakies; Inverness; with issue

1。  Roderick; his heir。

2。  Alexander; commonly  called 〃Alastair Mor Mac Alastair  Chaim;〃 from whom are  descended; among several others in  Gairloch; the late John Mackenzie  of the Beauties of Gaelic Poetry;  and Alexander Mackenzie; the  author of this History。   ALEXANDER married his cousin;  Mary; daughter of Hector  Mackenzie; 〃Portioner of Mellan;〃 with issueJohn Mackenzie;  locally known as 〃Ian Mor Mac  Alastair Mhic Alastair Chaim。〃   JOHN  MOR married Barbara;  daughter of John Roy Mackenzie;  of Sand。  He had a tack from Sir  Alexander Mackenzie; second  Baronet and IX。 of Gairloch; of the  half of North Erradale; in 1760; for  twenty years; to begin at Whit…sunday; 1765; and he is described  in the lease as then in possession (see pp。 483…84)。  By his wife he  had issueseven sons; known as 〃Clann Ian Mhoir;〃 said to have  been the biggest and most powerful men in Gairloch in their day(1)  JOHN; 〃Ian Mor Aireach;〃 who succeeded his father in a portion of  North Erradale; and married Marsali; or Marjory; daughter of  John Ban Mackenzie; Isle of Ewe;  by his wife; Annabella; natural  daughter of Sir Alexander Mackenzie; second Baronet and IX。  of Gairloch。  By Marsali  Mackenzie; 〃Ian Mor Aireach had  issuefour sons; Duncan;  Murdoch; John Mor Og; and  William; and two daughtersAnnabella; who married her cousin   four times removed; Alexander  Mackenzie; Melvaig; the male  representative of Alastair Cam;  with issue  and Margaret; who  married John Mackenzie; also in  Melvaig; with issueseveral sons  and daughters。  The sons were also  married and left numerous descendants in Gairloch。  Ian Mor Mac  Alastair's other sons were (2)  Alexander; who died unmarried;  (3) Roderick; who married; with  issue; (4) Colin; married; with  issue; (5) Roderick Ban; unmarried;  (6) John Og; and (7) Kenneth;  married; with issue。  JOHN OG;  who was tacksman of Loch…a…Druing; married Jessie; daughter of  Miles Macrae; with issue; among  othersAlastair Og Mackenzie; tacksman of Mellan Charles; who  married Margaret; daughter of Alexander Mackenzie; of  Badachro; with issueJames  Mackenzie; who died unmarried a  few years ago; at Poolewe; John  Mackenzie; of the Beauties of  Gaelic Poetry and several other  works; who died; unmarried in his  father's house at Kirkton; in 1848;  and to whose memory a monument  was erected in 1878; by a few of  his Celtic admirers on a projecting  rock overlooking his grave in the 〃Sliochd Alastair Chaim burying  ground; within the ancient Chapel in the Gairloch Churchyard。   Alastair Og had also several  daughters; married and unmarried;  of whom three are still alive。

We shall now revert to  Alastair Cam's eldest son; by Janet  Mackenzie of Ord

I。  RODERICK  MACKENZIE; who married Isabella; daughter of  William Mackenzie of Sand; with issue; among others;

II。  HECTOR  MACKENZIE; Melvaig; who married Mary;  daughter of William Mackenzie; of the same place; with issue; along with  a younger son Murdoch;

III。  ALEXANDER  MACKENZIE; also in Melvaig; who married  Mary; daughter of Hugh Morrison; Sand; with issue

IV。  ALEXANDER  MACKENZIE; designated; Highland fashion;  as 〃Alastair Mac Alastair; Mhic Eachainn; ‘ic Alastair; ‘ic Ruairidh; Mhic  Alastair Chaim Mac an Tighearna。〃  He married his third cousin;  Annabella; eldest daughter of John Mor Mackenzie; 〃Ian Mor Aireach;〃  great grandson of 〃Alastair Cam Mac an Tighearna;〃 with issue; an only  son

V。  HECTOR   MACKENZIE; born in April; 1810。   His father died befo
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