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history of the mackenzies-第135章

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a very old Scottish family of Scandinavian  origin; recorded as landowners in Berwickshire in 1296; and  described in 1634 as 〃very  ancient。〃 She was a most beautiful  and accomplished woman; could  converse in Russ; German; French;  and Italian; and was an admirable  musician and artist。  She died in  1883 and is buried in Dingwall;  leaving issue(1) Alexander; like  his father a banker in Inverness;  who was born on the 18th of  March; 1820; and died; unmarried;  on the 20th of March; 1860; (2)  JOHN  ROBERT  MACKENZIE; a  Major…General in Her Majesty's  Forces; late Colonel of the 2nd  Battalion King's Own Yorkshire  Light Infantry。  He was in  command in 1873 of a successful  expeditionary force in Arabia。  He  was born on the 5th of June; 1822;  and on the 28th of August;  1851;  married Amelia  Robertson;  daughter of James Wilson; banker;  Inverness; by his cousin; Isabella;  daughter of Thomas Fraser of  Newton; with issue(a) Amelia  Isabella Margery; who died; aged  17; and is buried at Inverness (b)  John William Sutherland; who was  born on the 17th of July; 1855; and  on the 19th of July; 1881; married Matilda Henrietta; daughter of  Colonel Brown…Constable of Wallace…Craigie; Forfarshire; Lord  Lieutenant of the County; by Mary  Christina; daughter of Colonel  Francis Kenneth Mackenzie; fourth  son of Captain John Mackenzie;  VI。 of Kincraig; with issueJohn  Fraser; Donald Constable Travers;  Mary Amelia; and Norah  Constance (c) Mary Charlotte  Pierson; who; on the 13th of May;  1880; married Alfred Woodhouse;  F。RG。S。; with issueMargery Amelia Fraser; Coventry William;  John Alick Edward; Alfred Frederick Bell; Hector Roy  Mackenzie; and Muriel Mary; (d)  Alice Marion Fraser; who died  young in Madras; (e) Elizabeth  Margaret Cumming; who; on the  8th of April; 1885; married Henry  Gibbs; with issueElla Margaret;  (f) Louisa Constance Harris; who  died young; and is buried at  Dingwall; (g) Ella Fraser  Magdalene; (h) James Wilson  Alexander; in Holy Orders; MA。 of  Pembroke College; Cambridge。  He  was born on the 18th of May; 1867;  and married Amy Adela Magee;  daughter of the Rev。 John N。 B。  Woodroffe; M。A。; with issueJohn  William Wilson; and (i) Hector  Colin Udney; who died young; (3)  COLIN  MACKENZIE; a Major…General; Madras Staff Corps; who  was born on the 18th of October;  1833; and on the 16th of January;  1861; married; first; Victoria  Henrietta; eldest daughter of  Charles Mackinnon; M。D。; of the  Corry family; Isle of Skye; with  issue(a) Colin John; Brevet  Major; 78th Highlanders; 2nd  Battalion Seaforth Highlanders  (Ross…shire Buffs); Adjutant of his  Regiment; Aide…de…Camp to Lord  Frederick Roberts; Commander…in…Chief in India; and Deputy  Assistant Adjutant General at Quetta。  He was born on the 26th of  November; 1861; and served in the  Egyptian Campaign; medal and  clasp; Tel…el…Kebir; the Burmese Campaign; the Black Mountain  Expedition; and the Hunga Nagar Campaign; in Cashmere; for which  he received the Brevet rank of Major。  He has two medals and four  clasps and the Khedive Star。 (b)  Charles Alexander; born on the  21st December; 1862; an indigo planter in Thiroot; (c) Ronald  Pierson; M。D。; born on the 12th of January; 1863; (d) Mary Charlotte;  (e) Henrietta Studd; who died young; (f) Victor Herbert; born on  the 17th of September; 1867; of the  British East Africa Company。  He  died in 1892; aged 25。 (g) Kenneth  Lascelles; born on the 27th of Nov…ember; 1869; an indigo planter; (h)  Frederick William; R。N。; born on  the 19th of May; 1870; (i) Henry  Studd; who died young; (j) Morna;  and (k) Annie Stuart。  Major…General Colin married; secondly;  Stella Adela Newbigging; with  issue(l) Isobel。  (4) Charlotte;  who married; first; John Alexander  Fraser; Captain 93rd Sutherland  Highlanders; with issue(a) John  Alexander Mackenzie; D。S。O。;  Commander; R。N。; who married  Euphemia Ritchie; daughter of  Peacock…Edwards; (b) William  Forbes Mackenzie; Captain 18th  Bengal Infantry; formerly of the  88th Connaught Rangers; (c)  Charlotte Amelia Rose; who  married Ernest Duncombe; R。N。;  with issueDorothy and Estelle  Amy; twins; and Beryl; and (d)  Mary Eliza Alexia。 Charlotte  married; secondly; the Rev。  William Duncombe; M。A。; with  issue(e) Francis Hay。  (5) Mary  Ann; who married first; George  Grogan of Sutton; Dublin; Captain  6th Dragoon Guards (the Carabineers) with issue(a)  Edward George; Major 42nd  Highlanders (Black Watch); who  married; first; Meta; daughter of Sir  William King Hall; K。C。B。;  Admiral Commanding off the  Nore; with issueGeorge William  St。 George and Edward  Harry  John; (b)  Meta Aileen Odetta。   Mary Ann married; secondly;  Colonel St。 George Herbert  Stepney; C。B。; Commanding 2nd  Battalion Coldstream Guards; without issue。  (6) Elizabeth; who;  in 1856; married Colonel George Harkness; Madras Army; with issue  (a) Henry George; Alexander Charles; M。D。; (b) George Bacon  (c) Mary Kate; and (d) Charlotte Esmi; who married Captain Carlton  Cuthbert Collingwood; with issueRonald George; (7) Catherine; who  married Capta

Paragraph 1389 is too large。 in Charles Harkness;  Madras Army; and died in 1857;  without issue。

10。  Martha; 11。  Annabella; 12。  Jean; 13。  Elizabeth; and 14。 Catherine; five daughters of Alexander Mackenzie; I。 of Portmore; all of  whom died unmarried。

Alexander died on the 4th of September; 1805; was buried in the  Greyfriars; Edinburgh; and succeeded by his third and eldest surviving  son;

II。  COLIN  MACKENZIE;  second of Portmore; W。S。;  Edinburgh; Principal Clerk of  Session and Keeper of the Signet;  who was born on the 11th of  January; 1770。  He was a very  popular man; and one of the oldest  friends of Sir Walter Scott; who  alludes to him in his poems。  He  married on the 13th of May; 1803;  Elizabeth; daughter of Sir William  Forbes; sixth Baronet of Pitsligo; by Elizabeth; daughter of Sir James  Hay of Hayston; Baronet。  Sir William was a banker of great  eminence in Edinburgh。  He  succeeded Coutts Brothers; the  Scotch firm of Coutts & Co。; and  founded the bank of Sir William  Forbes; Baronet; and Sir William  Hunter; Baronet; & Co。; now the  National Bank of Scotland。  He  died on the 16th of September;  1830; leaving issue

1。  Alexander; who died in infancy。

2。  Alexander; who died in 1822; at the age of 17。

3。  William Forbes; who succeeded to Portmore。

4。  Colin; Bengal Civil Service; who was born in June; 1808; and died; unmarried; on the 14th of January; 1870。

5。  James Hay; W。S。; Edinburgh; who married Isabella; daughter of James Wedderburn;  Solicitor…General for Scotland; with issue(1) Colin;  W。S。 in Edinburgh; a man of great ability; who had a very large business  connection with many of the most influential families in Scotland。  Colin was born on the 24th of April; 1841; and died; unmarried; at sea; on a  return voyage from America in 1883; (2) James Wedderburn; who died  young in 1844; (3) George Wedderburn; who was born on the 9th of April;  1851; now in Ceylon; (4) Isabella Elizabeth; who married Major…General  Kirkland of Wester Fordel; Perthshire; with issueone daughter; Isabella  Sybella; (5) Alice; who died young; (6) Louisa Helen; (7) Ann Christina;  who married Edward B
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