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history of the mackenzies-第133章

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ion Tower;  Wishaw; on the 26th of November;  1893。  (3) Hugh Munro Mackenzie;  of Distington; Cumberland; who  married Alexa; daughter of the late  Captain Martin Macleod; of  Drynoch; Ontario; Canada; with  issueMartin Edward; Hugh  Munro; Christina; Jeanie; and Kate。  Hugh Munro; of Distington; died  on the 25th of January; 1885。  (4)  Katharine; who married her cousin;  Captain James Robertson…Walker;   R。N。; of Gilgarran; Cumberland。   She died on the 21st of December;  1892; without issue。

4。  Annabella; who married her cousin; James Robertson; Collector of Customs at Stornoway; son of the 〃Ministear Laidir〃 of Lochbroom; with issue; among othersKatharine; who married Lewis Mac Iver; of Gress; representative of the Mac Ivers of Tournaig and Leckmelm; with issue(1) Evander MacIver; now factor for the Duke of Sutherland at  Scourie; who married  Mary; daughter of Donald Macdonald; then of  Skeabost; Isle of Skye; with issue(a) James Robertson; M。D。; who died  in India; unmarried; (b) Donald; factor for Lord Falmouth; who died  unmarried; (c) Duncan Davidson; a settler at Ellisdale; Victoria; who  married Florence Eastwood; Ballarat; with issueEvander and Mary; (d)  Lewis; formerly in the Bank of Madras; and now of Blackburn;  Lancashire; who married Margaret MacAll there; (e) Evander; who died  young; (f) Murdo Robertson; who married; with issuetwo sons; John;  Evander; and two daughters; who; with their mother survive him; (g) John  Macdonald; a settler in the Cape of Good Hope; married; without issue;  and (h) Mary; who married her cousin; Francis Shand Robertson; residing  at Chiswick; with issueEvander Shand; Duncan; and two daughters; (2)  James Robertson MacIver; merchant; Stornoway; married; but died  without male issue; (3) John MacIver; banker at Dingwall; afterwards  Secretary of the Bank of Madras; in India; and now residing at Dover。  He married Eliza Doherty of Coleraine; Ireland; with issue(a) Lewis; late of  the Indian Civil Service; Barrister…at…law; and M。P。 for Torquay during the  short Parliament of 1885…86。  He was born on the 6th of March; 1846; and  married on the 11th of September; 1884; Charlotte Rosalind; daughter of  Nathaniel  Montefiore; F。R。S。; of Coldeast; Hants; a grand…niece of the  late Sir Moses Montefiore; with issue; two daughtersMarjorie Barabel  Ruth and Nathalie Esther; (b) Iver Ian; a squatter in Queensland; who  married a daughter of George Dill; one of the founders of the Melbourne Argus; with issuefour children; the eldest of whom is a boy named Ian; (4) Lewis Maciver; a Liverpool merchant; who married; with issue(a)  James Walker; a Civil Engineer; and (b) another son; (5) William Walker  MacIver; who died at Hong Kong; unmarried; (6) Murdo Robertson  MacIver; who also died unmarried; (7) Alexander MacIver; Agent for the  Peninsular and Oriental Steamship Company; first at Madras and  afterwards at Hong Kong; who married Marjory; daughter of Captain  Hector Gunn; of the Black Watch; with issue(a) Alister; in the London  office of the Peninsular and Oriental Steamship Company; (b) Colin; and  several daughters。  Alexander died in 1892。  (8) Lilias; who married  Roderick Macleod; merchant; Liverpool; with issueone daughter。

5。  Catherine; who married her cousin; Charles; a younger son of the Rev。 James Robertson; and brother of her sister's husband; Collector  James Robertson; of Stornoway; with issue。

6。  Anne; who married John Macintyre; tacksman of Letterewe;  with issue。

John was succeeded by his eldest son;

IV。  MURDO  MACKENZIE; fourth of Letterewe; a Captain in the  78th Highlanders。  He died in India; unmarried; and was succeeded by his  next brother;

V。  ALEXANDER  MACKENZIE; fifth of Letterewe; who married  Catherine; daughter of James Macdonald of Skeabost; with issue

1。  John; his heir and successor。

2。  James; a midshipman; H。E。I。C。S。; who died unmarried。

3。  Murdo; a doctor; H。E。I。C。S。; who also died unmarried。

4。  Hector; who was an  Officer of Customs at the Cape of Good Hope; and afterwards succeeded his brother in the estate of Letterewe。

5。  Donald Alexander; who in early life emigrated to the United States; and of whom presently。

6。  Jessie; who married Donald Macdonald; Lochinver; who  afterwards went to the Cape of Good Hope and died at Southsea in 1888; leaving issue(1) Donald; C。E。; at the Cape; who married; and has issuetwo sons and a daughter。  (2) Alexander James; of Milland; Hants; who; in 1866; married Caroline; daughter of John Heugh; of Port Elizabeth; South  Africa; with issueIone and Thyra。  (3) Murdo; who; in 1869; married  Laura; daughter of J。 Foley; sculptor; London; with issueFlora;  Alexander; Charles; Somerled; and Ronald。  (4) Katherine; who in 1849  married the late James Somers Kirkwood; merchant at Port Elizabeth;  Cape of Good Hope; with issue(1) Donald; who married first; in 1866;  Helen; daughter of Thomas Read; of Trouse; Norwich; with issueDonald  He married; secondly; Cornelia; daughter of R。 Restall; of Uitenhague;  South Africa; with issueHector and Hellen (2) Charles; (3) Alexander; (4) Reginald; (5) Annie; who married Archibald Merilees; Moscow; and (6) Jessie; who married Walter Somerville Lockhart; of Clydesdale; with  issueLawrence。

7。  Katherine; who died unmarried。

8。  Emily; who resided in London; unmarried。

Alexander was succeeded by his eldest son;

VI。  JOHN  MACKENZIE; a Writer to the Signet; in Edinburgh;  where he died unmarried; and was succeeded by his eldest surviving  brother;

VII。  HECTOR  MACKENZIE seventh of Letterewe。  In 1835 he  sold the estate to Meyrick Bankes of Winstanley Hall; Lancashire。  He died; unmarried; in 1860 at Algoa Bay; Cape of Good Hope; when he was  succeeded; as representative of the family; by his youngest and only  surviving brother;

VIII。  DONALD  ALEXANDER  MACKENZIE; a merchant at  Dubuque; Iowa; United States of America; who married; with issue

1。  Charles; who succeeded as representative of the family。

2。  Alexander; a Captain of Engineers in the United States Army; who married in 1872; with issuea son Donald。

Donald Alexander died in 1872; leaving a widow; who  subsequently resided at Dubuque; when he was succeeded as  representative of the family; by his eldest son;

IX。  CHARLES  MACKENZIE; a lawyer; now in good practice in  the United States

The representative of the Mackenzies of Letterewe in this country is John Alexander Mackenzie; of Ardlair; Edinburgh; only son of the late  John Mackenzie of Auchenstewart; who died in 1890。


THIS family is descended from Alexander Mackenzie of Tolly; grandson of Kenneth Mackenzie; VI。 of Gairloch; and third son of Charles Mackenzie of Loggie…Wester; and subsequently I。 of Letterewe; by Anne;  daughter of John Mackenzie; II。 of Applecross。  He married; first;  Annabella; daughter and co…heiress of Sir Donald Bayne of Tulloch; and  their descendants; as representatives of that ancient family; bear its  cognisance on the centre of their shield; a wolf's head proper。  He was a Bailie and afterwards Provost of Dingwall; exercised considerable local  and political  influence; and greatly aided Lord Macleod; son of George  Earl of Cromarty; in his
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