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history of the mackenzies-第13章

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ncient powerful native Gaelic tribes of which the Earls of Ross were the chiefs。

It has been shown that Kenneth; from whom the Mackenzies  take their name; was  closely  allied  by marriage with William; second Earl of  Ross; the latter having married Kenneth's maternal aunt。 This fact by  itself would be sufficient to establish the high position; which even at that  early period; was occupied by Kenneth; who was already very closely  connected with the O'Beolan Earls of Ross by blood and marriage。

Kenneth himself married Morna or Morba; daughter of Alexander Macdougall; styled; 〃De Ergedia;〃 Lord of Lorn by a daughter of John; the first Red Comyn; Lord of Badenoch; who died in 1273。 Kenneth's wife  was thus a sister of John; the Black Comyn; who died about 1299; having  married Marjory; daughter of John Baliol; by whom he had John; the  second Red Comyn; one of the competitors for the Scottish Crown; killed  by Robert the Bruce in the Church of Dumfries in 1306。 Kenneth's issue  by Morna or Morba of Lorn was John Mackenzie; II。 of Kintail; who was  thus; through his mother; third In descent from John; the first Red Comyn;  who died in 1273; and sixth from the great Somerled of the Isles; Thane of  Argyle; progenitor of the Macdougalls of Lorn and of all the Macdonalds; who died in 1164。

John made even a more illustrious alliance than his father; by which at that early date he introduced the Royal blood of Scotland and  England into the family of Kintail。  He married his relative; Margaret;  sister of David; twelfth Earl of Atholl; slain in 1335; and daughter of  David; the eleventh Earl; who died in 1327 (whose estates were forfeited  by Edward I。); by Joan Comyn (died  1323); daughter of the Red Comyn  killed by Robert the Bruce; and great granddaughter of John Baliol。

Margaret's father; David; eleventh Earl of Atholl who died in  1327; was  the oldest son of John de Strathbogie; tenth Earl; hanged by Edward I。   Earl John's mother was the Countess Isabel de Dover; who died at a very  old age in 1292; daughter of Richard Fitzroy de Chillam (died 1216); a  natural son of King John of England。

Kenneth Mackenzie; III of Kintail; the issue of this marriage; was sixth in descent from John Baliol of the Royal line of Scotland and sixth from King John of England。

The Norwegian blood of the Kings of Man was brought into the  family by the marriage of this Kenneth to Finguala; daughter of Torquil Macleod; I。 of Lewis; who was the grandson of Olave the Black; Norwegian King of Man; who died about 1237; by his wife Christina; daughter of Ferquhard 〃Mac an t'Sagairt;〃 first O'Beolan Earl of Ross。

The Royal blood of the Bruce was introduced by the marriage of Murdoch Mackenzie; V。 of Kintail; to Finguala; daughter of Malcolm Macleod; III。 of Harris  (who has a charter in  1343); by Martha; daughter  of David; twelfth Earl of Mar; son of Gratney; eleventh Earl (whose sister  Isabel married Robert the Bruce) by his wife Christina; daughter of Robert  Bruce; Earl of Carrick; and sister of King Robert the Bruce。

The Plantaganet blood…royal of England was introduced later by  the marriage of Kenneth Mackenzie; X。 of Kintail; to Lady Elizabeth Stewart; daughter of John; second Earl of Atholl; fourth in descent from  John of Gaunt; Duke of Lancaster; son of Edward III。; and father of Henry IV。 of England; and this strain was strengthened and continued by the  marriage of Kenneth's son; Colin Cam Mackenzie; XI。 of Kintail; to his  cousin Barbara; daughter of John Grant of Grant by Lady Marjory Stewart;  daughter of John; third Earl of Atholl。 It scarcely needs to be pointed out  that; through these inter…marriages; the Mackenzies are also descended  from the ancient Celtic MacAlpine line of Scottish Kings; from the  original Anglo…Saxon Kings of England; and from the oldest  Scandinavian; Charlemagne; and Capetian lines; as far back as the  beginning of the ninth century。

The origin of the O'Beolan Earls of Ross and the Mackenzies from the same source is strikingly illustrated by their inter…marriages into the  same families and with each other's kindred。  Both the O'Beolans and the  Mackenzies made alliances with the Comyns of Badenoch; with the  MacDougalls of Lorn; and subsequently with the Macleods of Lewis and  Harris; thus forming a network of cousinship which ultimately included all  the leading families in the Highlands; every one of which; through these  alliances; have the Royal blood of all the English; Scottish; and  Scandinavian Kings; and many of the earlier foreign monarchs; coursing  in their veins。

Surely this is a sufficiently ancient and illustrious origin and much  more satisfactory to every patriotic clansman than an Irish adventurer like  the reputed Colin Fitzgerald; who; if he ever existed; had not and never  could have had any connection with the real origin of the Mackenzies;  which was as purely native of the Highlands as it was possible for any  Scoto…Celtic family in those days to be。  The various genealogical steps  and marriage alliances already referred to will be confirmed in each  individual case as we proceed with the succession and history of the  respective chiefs of the family; beginning with the first of the line;


Who gave his name to the clan。  His is the fourth ascending name in the  manuscript genealogy of 1467; which begins with  Murdoch of the Cave。

Murdoch died in 1375; and was thus almost contemporaneous with the author of the Gaelic genealogy; which; translated; proceeds up to this  Kenneth as follows:Murdoch; son of Kenneth; son of John; son of  Kenneth; and so on; as already given at page 39 to Gilleoin of the Aird。

At this interesting stage it may be well to explain how the name Mackenzie came to be pronounced and written as it now is。  John; the son  of this Kenneth; would be called in the original native Gaelic; 〃Ian Mac  Choinnich;〃 John; son of Kenneth。  In that form it was unpronounceable to those unacquainted with the native tongue。 The nearest approach the  foreigner could get to its correct enunciation would be Mac Coinni or Mac Kenny; which ultimately came to be spelt Mac Kenzie; Z in those days  having exactly the same value and sound as the letter V; and the name;  although spelt with a Z instead of a Y would be pronounced Mac Kenny;  as indeed we pronounce in our own day; in Scotland; such names as  Menzies; Macfadzean; and several others; as if they were still written with the letter Y。  The two letters being thus of the same value; after a time came to be used indiscriminately in  the word Kenny or Kenzie; and the  letter z having subsequently acquired a different value and sound of its  own; more allied to the letter S than to the original Y; the name is  pronounced as if it were written Mackensie。

Kenneth was the son and heir of Angus; the direct representative of  a long line of ancestors up to Gilleoin na li'Airde; the common progenitor  of the O'Beolan Earls of Ross; the Clann Ghille…Andrais; who about the  end of the fourteenth century called themselves Rosses; and of the  Mackenzies。  The close connection by blood and marriage between the  O'Beolan Earls of Ross and Kenneth's family before and after thi
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