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history of the mackenzies-第129章

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of  Fraser of Bught。 Henderson  followed his daughter to Conon; as  tenant of Riverford; where; till very  old; he lived; and then moved to  Conon House; till he died about  1816; loved by all; aged 97。  I think  he is buried in the Chapel…Yard; Inverness。〃' with issue

1。  Francis Alexander; his heir and successor。

2。  William; a merchant in lava; and afterwards in Australia。  He died; unmarried; in 1860; at St。 Omer France。

3。  Hector; who married  Lydia; eldest daughter of General Sir Hugh Fraser of Braelangwell; was Captain in H。E。I。C。S。; and died in India;  without surviving issue。

4。  Dr John; of Eileanach。  He studied for the medical profession; and took his degree of M。D。  He was factor for the trustees of Sir Kenneth;  the present Baronet; during his minority; and afterwards for several years;  Provost of Inverness。  He married; on the 28th of September; 1826; Mary  Jane; only daughter of the Rev。 Dr Inglis of Logan Bank and old  Greyfriars; Edinburgh; Dean of the Chapel Royal; and sister of the late  distinguished Lord Justice…General Inglis; President of the Court of  Session; with issue(1) Colonel Hector; who was born on the 24th of  August; 1828; and went to India in his twentieth year; fought at  Chilianwallah and Goojerat; and was afterwards; until he retired in 1877; in the Civil Service; chiefly as Judicial Commissioner for Central India at  Nagpore。 He married on the 9th of May; 1855; Eliza Ann Theophila;  eldest daughter of General Jamieson; of the H。E。I。C。S。; without issue; (2)  John Inglis; who died in 1843; in the 6th year of his age; (3) Harry  Maxwell; who was born on the 16th of May; 1839; a Colonel in the Royal  Artillery。  He married on the 7th of September; 1872; Caroline Georgina;  eldest daughter of Captain Ponsonby; Indian Staff Corps; Deputy Quarter…Master…General in Scinde; with issue; six sons and four daughtersHector  Ian Maxwell; born on the 14th of June; 1875; Harry Ponsonby; born on the  30th of March; 1877; Kenneth Gordon; born on the 6th of July; 1878 Allan  Stewart; born on the 27th of October; 1881; and died in infancy; Colin  Ray; born on the 7th of May; 1887 Alastair Ponsonby; born on the 25th of  June; 1889 Margaret; Mary; Lillian Kythe; Kythe; and Gladys Georgina。   Colonel Mackenzie; after retiring from the Service; resided at Auld  Castlehill; Inverness; was Inspector for the Science and Art Department in  the North; and died suddenly; at Wick; on the  13th of July; 1891; (4)  Mary; who as his fourth  wife; married Duncan Davidson of Tulloch; with  issueEoin Duncan Reginald; a settler in Queensland; Hector Francis; in New Zealand Alastair Norman; in Queensland; Lucy Eleonora; who; in   1873; married Sir Allan R。 Mackenzie; Baronet of Glenmuick; with issue;  four sons and a daughterAllan James Reginald; born in 1880; Victor  Audley Falconer; born in 1882; Allan Keith; born in 1887; Eric Dighton; born in 1891; and Mary Lucy Victoria。  Tulloch's other daughters were  Mary Macpherson and Victoria Geraldine。  His wife died on the 27th of  October; 1867。  (5) Christina Isabella; who; on the 23rd of November;  1853; married Charles Addington Hanbury of Strathgarve; Ross…shire; and  Belmont; Herts; with issue; four sons and  four daughtersHarold Charles;  of the  Carabineers;  John Mackenzie; Basil; David Theophilus; Florence  Mary; Kithe Agatha; who on the 10th of April; 1877; married Horace  William  Kemble; Hon。 Major 2nd Cameron Highlanders; of Oakmere;  Herts; at present tenant of Knock; Isle of Skye; with issueHorace  Leonard; born on the 22nd of April; 1882; Dorothea Lucinda; Hilda Olive;  and Kythe Louisa Elaine; Isabel; who married Major O。 F。 Annesley; R。A。;  with issuetwo daughters; Daphne and Myrtle; and Marie Frances Lisette (6) Kithe Caroline who on the 12th of April; 1865; married Francis Mackenzie; third son of Thomas Ogilvie of Corriemony; with issue; seven  children; (7) Lisette; who on the 28th of June; 1878; married Frederick  Louis Kindermann; son of Mr Kindermann; founder of the house of Keith  & Co。; London and Liverpool; without issue; (8) Georgina Elizabeth; who  on the 26th of January; 1860; married the late Duncan Henry Caithness  Reay Davidson of Tulloch (who died on the 29th of March; 1889); with  issueDuncan; now of Tulloch; who on the 15th of November; 1887;  married Mary Gwendoline; eldest daughter of William Dalziel Mackenzie  of Fawley Court; Bucks; and of Farr; County of Inverness; John Francis  Barnard Mary; Elizabeth Diana; Adelaide Lucy; Georgianna Veronnica;  and Christina Isabella。 Dr John of Eileanach died on the 18th of  December; 1886。  His widow still survives。

5。  Roderick; a Captain in the army; who sold out and became a settler in Australia; where he died。  He married an Irish lady; Meta Day; sister of the Bishop of Cashel; without issue; and died in 1849。

Sir Hector had also; by his housekeeper; Jean Urquhart; three natural children; which caused his separation from his first wife。 He made  provision for them all。  The first; Catherine; married John Clark; leather  merchant; Inverness; and left issue。  Another daughter married Mr  Murrison; contractor for the Bridge of Conon; who afterwards settled  down; after the death of the last of the Mackenzies of Achilty; on the farm  of Kinkell; with issue; from whom the Stewarts; late Windmill; Inverness。    A son; Kenneth who was for some time in the British Linen Bank;  Inverness; afterwards died in India; in the army; unmarried。

Sir Hector's widow  survived him for about twelve  years; first living with her eldest  son Sir Francis; and after his  marriage at Ballifeary; now  Dunachton; on the banks of the  Ness。  Though he succeeded to the  property under such unfavourable  conditions though his annual rental  was under ?000 per annum; and  though he kept open house  throughout the year both at Conon  and Gairloch; he was able to leave  or pay during his life to each of his  younger sons the handsome sum of  ?000。 When pressed; as he often  was; to go to Parliament he  invariably asked; 〃Who will then  look after my people?〃

He died on the 26th of April; 1826; was buried in the Priory of Beauly; and succeeded by his eldest son;

XII。  SIR  FRANCIS  ALEXANDER  MACKENZIE; fifth Baronet;  who; benefitting by his father's example; and his kindly treatment of his tenants; grew up interested in all county affairs。  He was passionately fond  of all manly sports; shooting; fishing; and hunting。  He resided during the  summer in Gairloch; and for the rest of the year kept open house at Conon。

During the famine of 1836…37 he sent cargoes of meal and seed potatoes  to the Gairloch tenantry; which; with some heavy bill transactions he had entered into to aid an old friend; William Grant of Redcastle; at the time  carrying on the Haugh Brewery; Inverness; involved him in financial  difficulties。  This induced him; in 1841; to get his brother; Dr John  Mackenzie of Eileanach; to take charge of his affairs; going himself along  with his second wife for a few years to Brittany; where his youngest son; Osgood Hanbury Mackenzie; now of Inverewe; was born。  To get clear of  the liability incurred with Grant; Dr John had ultimately to pay down ?000。

In 1836 Sir Francis  published a work o
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