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history of the mackenzies-第119章

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he barony and constituted its chief messuage。  He built the  first three stories of the Tower of Kinkell; 〃where his arms and those of his first wife are parted per pale above the mantelpiece of the great hall。〃  'Gairloch MS。'

The son of Roderick  MacAllan 〃Nimhneach〃 of  Gairloch; in the absence of young  MacGillechallum Garbh of Raasay;  who; under the care of the Laird of  Calder escaped the massacre of  Island Isay; possessed himself of  Raasay and took up his quarters in  Castle Brochail; the ancient  residence of the Chiefs of Macleod;  of which the ruins are still to be  seen on the east side of the island。

Seeing this; Donald Mac Neill; who  previously sent young Macleod of  Raasay to the protection of Calder  brought back the rightful heir; and  kept him; in private; until an  opportunity occurred by which he  could obtain possession of the  castle。  This he soon managed by  coming to terms with the  commander of the stronghold; who  preferred the native heir to his  relative of the Gairloch Macleods。

It was arranged that when Mac  Neill should arrive at the castle  with his charge; access should be  given to young Raasay。 The  commander kept his word; and  MacGillechallum Garbh was soon after proclaimed laird。  In 1610 a severe skirmish was fought at Lochan…an…Fheidh; in Glen  Torridon; between the Mackenziesled by Alexander; since his brother's  death in 1601; the apparent heir of Gairlochand the Macleods under  John MacAllan Mhic Rory; then the only surviving direct male  representative of Allan Macleod of Gairloch and grandson probably of  Rory Nimhneach。  John Tolmach; John's uncle was also present; but he  succeeded in effecting his escape; while John MacAllan and seventeen or  eighteen of his followers were taken prisoners。  Many more were killed  and a few who escaped alive with John Tolmach were pursued out of the  district。 The slain were buried where they fell; and the graves can still be seen; the nettles which continue to grow over them at the present day  indicating the position of the last resting…place on the field of battle of  these Macleod warriors; on the west side of the Sgura Dubh; above Glen  Torridon; a little beyond the Gairloch estate march。

Shortly after this  engagement another attempt was  made by the Macleods to regain the  lands of Gairloch; the history of  which is still a prominent and  interesting feature in the local  traditions of the parish。  The affair  is called 〃Latha Leac…na…Saighead。〃

Mr John H。 Dixon gives a good  version of it; as related to him by  Roderick Mackenzie; locally  known as Ruairidh an Torraan intelligent man of about ninety who  only died two years agoin his  interesting book on the history and  traditions of the parish of Gairloch。

According to Roderick's version; as  given by Mr Dixon; many of the  Macleods; after they had been  driven from Gairloch; settled in  Skye。  A considerable number of  the younger men were invited by  their chief to pass Hogmanay night  in the Castle of Dunvegan。 In the  kitchen there was an old woman  known as Mor Bhan; who was usually occupied in carding wool;  and generally supposed to be a witch。  After dinner the men began  to drink; and when they had passed  some time in this occupation; they  sent to the kitchen for Mor Bhan。

She at once joined them in the hall;  and having drunk one or two glasses along with them; she  remarked that it was a very poor  thing for the Macleods to be  deprived of their own lands in  Gairloch; and to have to live in  comparative poverty in Raasay and  the Isle of Skye。  〃But;〃 she said to  them; 〃prepare yourselves and start to…morrow for Gairloch; sail in the  black birlinn; and you shall regain  it。  I shall be a witness of your  success when you return。〃

The men trusted her; believing she had the power of divination。  In the morning they set sail for Gairlochthe black galley was full of the Macleods。  It was evening when they entered the loch。  They were afraid  to land on the mainland; for they remembered that the descendants of  Domhnull Greannach (a celebrated Macrae) were still there; and they  knew the prowess of these men only too well。 The Macleods therefore  turned to the south side of the loch; and fastened their birlinn to the  Fraoch Eilean; in the well…sheltered bay opposite Leac…nan…Saighead;  between Shieldaig and Badachro。 Here they decided to wait until  morning; then disembark; and walk round the head of the loch。

But all their movements had  been well and carefully watched。 Domhnull Odhar Mac lain Leith  and his brother Ian; the celebrated Macrae archers; recognised the  birlinn of the Macleods; and determined to oppose their landing。   They walked round the head of the  loch by Shieldaig and posted  themselves before daylight behind  the Leac; a projecting rock  overlooking the Fraoch Eilean。 The steps on which they stood at  the back of the rock are still pointed out。  Donald Odhar; being  of small stature; took the higher of  the two ledges; and Ian took the  lower。  Standing on these they  crouched down behind the rock;  completely sheltered from the  enemy; but commanding a full  view of the island; while they were  quite invisible to the Macleods;  who lay down on the island。  As  soon as the day dawned the two  Macraes directed their arrows on  the strangers; of whom a number  were killed before their comrades  were even aware of the direction  from which the messengers of  death came。  The Macleods  endeavoured to answer their  arrows; but not being able to see  the foe; their efforts were of no  effect。  In the heat of the fight one  of the Macleods climbed up the  mast of the birlinn to discover the  position of the enemy。  Ian Odhar  observing this; took deadly aim at  him when near the top of the mast。

〃Oh;〃 says Donald; addressing  John; 〃you have sent a pin through his broth。〃  The slaughter  continued; and the remnant of the Macleods hurried aboard their  birlinn。  Cutting the rope; they turned her head seawards。  By this  time only two of their number were  left alive。  In their hurry to escape  they left all the bodies of their slain  companions unburied on the island。

A rumour of the arrival of the  Macleods had during the night spread through the district; and  other warriors; such as Fionnla Dubh na Saighead; and Fear  Shieldaig; were soon at the scene of action; but all they had to do on  their arrival was to assist in the  burial of the dead Macleods。  Pits  were dug; into each of which a  number of the bodies were thrown;  and mounds were raised over them  which remain to this day; as any  one landing on the island may  observe。

In 1611; Murdoch  Mackenzie; second surviving son of  John Roy Mackenze; IV。 of  Gairloch; accompanied by  Alexander Bayne; heir apparent of  Tulloch; and several brave men  from Gairloch; sailed to the Isle of  Skye in a vessel loaded with wine  and provisions。 It is said by some  that Murdoch's intention was to  apprehend John Tolmach; while  others maintain that his object was  to secure in marriage the daughter  and heir of line of Donald Dubh  MacRory。 The latter theory is far  the more probable; and it is the  unbroken tradition in Gairloch。

John Macleod was a prisoner in  Gairloch; was 
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