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history of the mackenzies-第111章

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6。  Johanna; who married Dr Millar; Stornoway。

7。  Una; who died unmarried。

8。  Beatrice; who married Peter Hay; a Bailie of Dingwall。

9。  Isabella; who died unmarried; and

10。  Jean; who married the Rev。 Colin Mackenzie; Stornoway。

Rev。 Colin Mackenzie was succeeded by his eldest son;

II。  RODERICK  MACKENZIE; second of Glack。  He married  first; Margaret; daughter of Sir Alexander Mackenzie; X。 of Gairloch; Baronet; without issue; and secondly; Christina; daughter of John Niven;  Peebles; with issue

1。  Harry; who died unmarried; in 1828。

2。  John; who succeeded as III。 of Glack。

3。  Roderick of Thornton; Aberdeenshire; who died unmarried; in 1858。

4。  James; a Major in the 72nd Highlanders; who died unmarried in India; in 1857。

5。  Mary; who married the late General Sir Alexander Leith;  K。C。B。; of Freefield and Glenkindie; without issue。

6。  Rachael; who died unmarried。

7。  Christina of Foveran; who died unmarried。

8。  Jane Forbes Unice; who also died unmarried。

Roderick was succeeded by his eldest surviving son;

III。  JOHN  MACKENZIE; third of Glack。  He was born in 1810; succeeded his father in 1842; inherited his brother Roderick's estate in  1857; and Foveran; on her death; from his sister Christina。 He acquired  Inveramsay by purchase。  He died。 unmarried; in 1877; when he was  succeeded by his cousin; the second son of his uncle; the Rev。 Donald;  minister of Fodderty;

IV。  JOHN  MACKENZIE; fourth of Glack。  He was born on the  21st of March; 1795; and married first; in 1817; at Malta; Anne; daughter of Thomas MacGill; without issue; and secondly; on the 21st of October;  1822; Margaret Campbell; daughter of John Pendrill; M。D。; Bath; with  issue

1。  The Rev。 Duncan Campbell; rector of Shephall;  Hertfordshire; his heir。

2。  John Pendrill; M。A。 of Oxford; who was born on the 7th  of February; 1825; and married first; on the 20th of October; 1859; Lucy Adelaide; daughter of Henry Thornton; with issueLucy Eleanor and Margaret Pendrill。  She died in 1870; and he married; secondly; on the  25th of July; 1878; Caroline Maria; daughter of J。 H。 Wottur of Hamburg。

3。  The Rev。 Roderick Bain; M。A。 of Exeter College;  Oxford; Rector of Ludbrooke; county of Lincoln。  He was born on the 14th  of September; 1834; and married on the 10th of November; 1868; Josepha Peyton; eldest daughter of Colonel Richard Ignatius Robertson of Portland Place; London; without issue。

4。  Margaret Campbell Pendrill; and

5。  Mary; both unmarried。

His second wife died at Sorrento; Naples; on the 7th of June; 1855。

He is succeeded as representative of the family by his eldest son;

V。  THE REV。  DUNCAN  CAMPBELL  MACKENZIE; Vicar of Shephall; Herts; who was born on the 6th of January; 1824; and  married on the 31st of January; 1854; Louisa; daughter  of the late  Lieutenant…Colonel Nicolls; of Chichester; with issue

1。  Donald; an officer in the Marines。

2。  Allan; an officer in the Ross…shire Militia。

3。  Malcolm; 4; Helen; 5; Edith; 6; Lilian; and 7; Amy。


THE representative of this family; if alive; would succeed to the Chiefship  after the male representative of the family of Glack; but there is no trace  of any heir male of Loggie for two centuries。 Before the Chiefship could come into this family; the descendants of Kenneth of Inverinate; third son  of John Mackenzie of Brea; and immediate younger brother of Alexander;  XI。 of Hilton would have to be disposed of。  Thomas; the eldest son of  Inverinate; succeeded in terms of a disposition by John Mackenzie; VII。  of  Applecross; and in right of his mother; to the Applecross estates; but not to  the male representation of that family。  But the last male representative of  this family failed; a few years ago; in the person of his third and last  surviving son; Thomas Mackenzie; W。S。; Edinburgh; who died unmarried。  It will be remembered that Allan Mackenzie; II。 of Hilton and   Loggie; married a daughter of Alexander Dunbar of Conzie and  Kilbuyack; third son of the Sheriff of Moray; with issue(1) Murdoch;  who succeeded as III。 of Hilton; and (2) John; who was served heir to and afterwards designated;

I。  JOHN  MACKENZIE; first of Loggie; a barony situated in the  old parish of that name; but now forming the western portion of the modern parish of Urquhart。  John married a daughter of John Glassich Mackenzie; II。 of Gairloch; with issue; one son; who succeeded him as

II。  ALLAN  MACKENZIE; second of Loggie。  He married a  daughter of Hector; sixth son of Murdoch Mackenzie; III。 of Achilty; with issue

1。  Donald; his heir and successor。

2。  Murdoch; who was married and left one daughter; Margaret;  who in 1634 married Murdoch Mackenzie; I。 of Little Findon; third son of  Alexander Mackenzie; II。 of Killichrist; with issuea son; John; who  succeeded his father。  Allan was succeeded by his eldest son;

III。  DONALD  MACKENZIE; third of Loggie; who married first;  in 1636; Catherine; daughter of Murdoch Mackenzie; II。 of Redcastle; with issue

1。  Colin; a doctor of  medicine; educated at the University of Aberdeen; and afterwards under the most celebrated professors of the day  at Leyden; Paris; and Rheims; at the last…named of which he took his  degree of M。D。  He adopted extravagant theological views; in  consequence of which 〃and his immoral conduct in his youth〃 he was  disinherited by his father; whereupon he re…visited the Continent and  remained there for several years。  He subsequently returned to Inverness; where he practised his profession with considerable success; and had a  yearly pension settled upon him by his father; until his death there;  unmarried; in 1708。

Donald married; secondly; Annabella; eldest daughter of  Alexander Mackenzie; V。 of Gairloch; with issue

2。  Alexander; who succeeded his father。

3。  John; who was educated for the ministry at the University of  Aberdeen; and was for several years Chaplain to Major…General Mackay's  Regiment。  After the Revolution he was appointed minister of Kirkliston;  near Edinburgh; but soon removed to London; where he died unmarried;  before his brother Alexander; and was buried in St。 Martin's Church;  Westminster。

4。  Murdoch; who succeeded as V。 of Loggie。

5。  Margaret; who married first; in 1663; Roderick Mackenzie; V。 of Fairburn; with issue; and secondly; the Rev。 Hector Mackenzie of Bishop…Kinkell; second son of Kenneth Mackenzie; VI。 of Gairloch; with  issue。

6。  Christian; who married John Mackenzie; I。 of Gruinard; with issue; and

7。  Annabella; who married Mackenzie of Loggie in Lochbroom;  with issue。

He married; thirdly; Anne; daughter of the Rev。 Donald Morison; minister in the Lewis (sasine to her in 1666); with issuean only daughter;  Anne; who married the Rev。 Angus Morison; minister of Contin。  Donald had also a natural son; Roderick; a Captain in the Confederate army under King William; who died in Holland; unmarried。

He was succeeded by his eldest surviving son;

IV。  ALEXANDER  MACKENZIE; fourth of Loggie; who married  first; in 1667; Jane; daughter of Alexander Mackenzie; J。 of Ballone;  widow of Simon; second son of the Hon。 Simon Mackenzie of Lochslinn; w
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