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history of the mackenzies-第105章

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f Prestonfield; and  Elizabeth; who married Sir John Stuart of Grandtully; with issue。

Sir George Mackenzie of Rosehaugh married; secondly; Margaret; daughter of Haliburton of Pitcur; with issue; (6) James; who died young;  (7) George; who succeeded his father as II。 of Rosehaugh; and married  with issue; an only daughter; who died without issue; (8) Jean; and (9)  Margaret; both of whom died without issue。  From this it will be seen that  the male representation of Sir George Mackenzie of Rosehaugh; eldest son  of the Hon。 Simon Mackenzie of Lochslinn; terminated at the death of his  only son。  We must therefore revert to SIMON  MACKENZIE; the immediate younger brother of Sir  George Mackenzie; and second son of the Hon。 Simon Mackenzie of  Lochslinn; from whom JAMES  FOWLER  MACKENZIE  OF   ALLANGRANGE; present Chief of the Clan; is descended as follows:

SIMON; who died at Lochbroom in 1664; married Jane; daughter  of Alexander Mackenzie; I。 of Ballone; brother of Sir John Mackenzie of  Tarbat and uncle to George; first Earl of Cromarty (marriage contract  1663) with issuean only and posthumous son;

I。  SIMON  MACKENZIE; first of Allangrange; an Advocate at the Scottish Bar。  This property he acquired through his wife in the following  manner。  Alexander Mackenzie; I。 of Kilcoy; third son of Colin; XI。 of  Kintail; had four sons; of whom the youngest; Roderick; obtained the  lands of Kilmuir; in the Black Isle。  He became a successful lawyer;  Sheriff…Depute; and Member of Parliament; and was knighted by Charles  II。  Sir Roderick; at the same time proprietor of Findon; acquired several  other properties by purchase。 He died in 1692; and on the death of his  only son in the following year; without issue; his unentailed estates; which  were not included in the Barony; and which had become very  considerable; and all his moveable property; were divided equally among  his four daughters; as heirs portioners。 Isobel; the third of these ladies; on  the 22nd of August; 1693; married; as his first wife; Simon Mackenzie; the  Advocate; and carried to him in 1699 as her portion; the estate of Allanformerly the property and residence of the Earl of Seaforthwhich has  ever since been known as Allangrange。 By Isobel Mackenzie; daughter of  Sir Roderick Mackenzie of Findon; Simon had issue

1。  Roderick; who died unmarried。

2。  George; who succeeded his father as II。 of Allangrange。

3。  Kenneth; of whom there is no trace。

4。  William; a Captain in the Dutch army。  He married a Miss  Innes; with issue; since proved extinct。

5。  Simon; who died; without issue; in the West Indies。

6。  Lilias; who died unmarried。

7。  Elizabeth; who in 1745 married; as his third wife John  Matheson; V。 of Fernaig; ancestor of Sir Kenneth James Matheson;  Baronet of Lochalsh; with issueone son; Captain Alexander Matheson;  of the 78th Highlanders; who died in India in 1809; without issue。

8。  Eliza; who married Ludovic; son of Roderick Mackenzie; V。 of Redcastle。

9。  Isobel; who married Murdoch Cameron; with issue; at  Allangrange。

Simon married; secondly; on the 28th of August; 1718; Susanna; daughter of Colonel Alexander Fraser of Kinneries; generally known as  〃the Coroner;〃 with issue

10。  Colin; who married a Miss Macdonald in Lochaber; with issueWilliam; who died unmarried in the West Indies; Susanna; who married  a Mr Cameron; with issue; and a daughter; who died unmarried。

11。  Alexander; a Doctor of Medicine; who died without issue; in Jamaica; in 1780。

12。  Margaret; married Dr John Mackenzie of Newton; who died in  1759; with issueDr Simon of Mullet Hall; Jamaica; who there married  Catherine; daughter of Samuel Gregory from Nairn; George; Roderick;  Kenneth; and Isobel。

13。  Frances; who married Lieutenant James Cumming of the  Marines (marriage contract 1752); without issue。

14。  Susanna; and

15。  Janet; both of whom died unmarried。

Simon was drowned in the River Orrin; in February; 1730; while returning home from a visit to a friend in Fairburn; when he was succeeded by his eldest surviving son;

II。  GEORGE  MACKENZIE; second of Allangrange; who in May;  1731; married Margaret; daughter of John and grand…daughter of Sir  Donald Bayne of Tulloch。 They have a retour in 1732。  The male heirs of  the Baynes of Tullochoriginally a sept of Mackays from Sutherlandshire; who settled down in the vicinity of Dingwall early in the  sixteenth centuryhaving terminated in John; this lady's father; she  carried the lineal representation of that old and respectable house to the  family of Allangrange。  By Margaret Bayne; George Mackenzie had issue

1。  Simon; who died young in 1731。

2。  William; a Captain in the 25th Regiment。  He died before his father; unmarried; in 1764。

3。  George; who died young。

4。  Alexander; who died unmarried before his father; in 1765。

5。  John; who succeeded his father in Allangrange。

6。  Margaret; who; as his second wife; married Alexander  Chisholm; XXII。 of Chisholm; with issue; and carried on the succession of that family。

7。  Isobell; who married Simon Mackenzie of Langwell; a Captain in the 4th Regiment (marriage contract 1767); with issue。

8。  Mary; who married Kenneth Chisholm; Fasnakyle; a cadet of Knockfin; with issueMargaret; who married John Chisholm; Comar。 George had six other daughtersAnne; Janet; Susanna; Lilias;  Ann; Barbara; and Elizabeth; all of whom died young or unmarried。

He died in 1773; when he was succeeded by his eldest surviving son;

III。  JOHN  MACKENZIE; third of Allangrange; who at an early  age was appointed Examiner of Customs in Edinburgh。  He married; first; Catherine; eldest daughter and co…heiress of James Falconer of Monkton  (marriage contract 1781); and grand…daughter of the Right Hon。 Lord  Halkerton and the Hon。 Jane Falconer。  By the acquisition of his wife's  fortune John was able to devote himself to his favourite agricultural  pursuits; in which he was eminently successful in his day。  By his wife;  who died in 1790; he left issue

1。  George Falconer; his heir and successor。

2。  Jane Falconer; who married John Gillanders of Highfield; with issue(1) Captain George Gillanders; who died without issue; (2) Captain  John Mackenzie Bowman Gillanders; H。E。I。C。S。; of Highfield; who died;  without issue; in 1852; (3) Alexander Gillanders; (4) James Falconer  Gillanders; of Highfield; who in 1852 married Amy; daughter of the late  Major Charles Robertson of Kindeace; with issueGeorge Francis  Gillanders; late of Highfield; who; on the 21st of December; 1876; married  Geraldine Anne Isabella Mary Jane; daughter of Major James Wardlaw;  Belmaduthy; with issuean only daughter; Frances Geraldine; (5) Frances Williamina Gillanders; who died without issue; (6)  Margaret Mackenzie  Gillanders; (7) Catherine; who married William Inglis; of the H。E。I。C。S。

3。  Margaret Bayne; who died young。

4。  Margaret Bayne; who also died young。

John married; secondly; Barbara; daughter of George Gillanders; first of Highfield; widow of John Bowman; an East India merchant in  London; without issue。  She died in 1823。  He died in 1812; when he was  succeeded by his eldest son;

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