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history of the mackenzies-第102章

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 had issue

I。  Keith William Stewart; her heir and successor。

II。  Francis Pelham Proby; Lieutenant 71st Highlanders。 He died unmarried in 1844。

III。  George Augustus Frederick Wellington; who; born in 1824; married in November; 1850; Maria Louisa; daughter of General Thomas Marriot; H。E。IC。S。; and died; without issue; in 1852。

IV。  Mary Frances; who married; in 1838; the Hon。 Philip  Anstruther; Colonial Secretary of Ceylon; with issue。

V。  Caroline Susan; who; in 1844; married John Berney Petre; and died in 1867。

VI。  Louisa Caroline; who; on the 17th of November; 1858;  married; as his second  wife; William Bingham second Lord Ashburton;  who died on the 23rd of March; 1864; with issue; an only daughter; Mary Florence; who; in 1884; married the Hon。 William George Spencer Scott;  Earl Compton; M。P。; eldest surviving son and heir of William Douglas  Compton; fourth Marquis of Northampton; born in 1851; with issueWilliam Bingham Lord Wilmington; born in 1885; and Lady Margaret  Louisa Lizzie。

Mrs Stewart Mackenzie and her husband; on her death on the 28th  of November; 1862; were succeeded in the estates by their eldest son;


Born on the 9th of May; 1818。  He was an officer in the 90th Regiment  and subsequently Colonel…Commandant of the Ross…shire Highland Rifle  Volunteers。  He sold what remained of Kintail in 1869。  He married first; on the 17th of May; 1844; Hannah Charlotte; daughter of James Joseph  Hope Vere of Craigie Hall and Blackwood; Midlothian; with issue

I。  James Alexander Francis Humberston; his heir。

II。  Susan Mary Elizabeth; who on the 15th of August; 1871;  married; first; the Hon。 John Constantine Stanley; Colonel Grenadier  Guards; second son of the Right Hon。 Edward Lord Stanley of Alderley。   He was born on the 30th of September; 1837; and died on the 27th of April; 1878; leaving issue…two daughters。 She married; secondly; the Right  Hon。 Sir Francis Henry Jeune; Q。C。; President of the Probate; Divorce; and  Admiralty Division of the High Court of Justice; with issueone son。

III。  Julia Charlotte Sophia; who on the 8th of October; 1873; married; as his second wife; the Right Hon。 Arthur; ninth Marquis of Tweeddale; who died in 1878; without issue。  In 1887 she married; secondly; as his second wife; the Right Hon。 Sir John Rose; Baronet; G。C。M。G。; of Queensgate; London; who died in 1888; without issue。 In  1892 she married; thirdly; Captain William Evans Gordon; without issue。

IV。  Georgina Henrietta; who died young; on the 15th of October; 1868。

His first wife died in June; 1868。  He married; secondly; on the 2nd  of June; 1871; Alicia Almeira Bell; with issueone daughter。

Keith Stewart Mackenzie died in June; 1881; when he was  succeeded by his only son;


Who was born on the 9th of October; 1847; Lieutenant…Colonel  Commanding the 9th Lancers; and now of Seaforth。  He is still unmarried。


It has been shown at p。 343 that the male line of Colonel Alexander  Mackenzie of Assynt; fourth son of Kenneth Mor; third Earl of Seaforth;  became extinct on the death; in 1815; of Francis Humberston Mackenzie;  who survived all his male issue。  It has also been proved that the male line  of George; second Earl of Seaforth; who died in 1651; terminated in  Kenneth; XIX。 of Kintail and sixth Earl of Seaforth; whose only child;  Lady Caroline Mackenzie; formed an irregular union with Lewis  Drummond; Count Melfort; a French nobleman。 It was shown earlier; at p。  246; that the lineal representation of the original line of Kintail was  diverted from heirs male in the person of Anna; Countess of Balcarres;  eldest daughter of Colin; first Earl of Seaforth; who had no surviving male  issue; and the male line of Colonel Mackenzie of Assynt having  terminated in 〃The Last of the Seaforths;〃 who died in 1815; we must go  back beyond all these to an earlier collateral branch to pick up the  legitimate male succession; and for ever dispose of the various unfounded claims hitherto made to the Chiefship of the clan。

Before the appearance of the former edition of this work there had been several claimants to this highly honourable position; and this is not  to be wondered at; for whoever proves his right to the Chiefship of the  Mackenzies establishes at the same time his right to the ancient honours of  the house and Barons of Kintail。 In an earlier part of the work; at p。  316;  it is shown that the original title of Lord Mackenzie of Kintail did not  come under the attainder of William; the fifth Earl; for the part which he  took in the Rising of 1715; and therefore the Chief of the Mackenzies; as heir male of the first  Lord  Mackenzie of Kintail; is; in virtue of that position; we believe; entitled to assume that ancient title。

The first formal claim to the Chiefship is one by a Captain Murdoch Mackenzie; 〃of London;〃 who claimed 〃the titles; honours; and  dignities of Earl of Seaforth and Baron Mackenzie of Kintail;〃 in virtue of  a pretended descent and pedigree from the Hon。 John Mackenzie of  Assynt; second son of Kenneth Mor; third Earl of Seaforth。  This pedigree and claim is before us。  According to that document the Hon。 John  Mackenzie of Assynt had a son 〃Murdoch Mackenzie of Lochbroom; who;  having shown a disposition of enterprise like his kinsman Earl William;  left his native parish in 1729 or 1730; first for Aberdeen and afterwards for Northumberland; where; in consequence of the unsettled state of  Scotland; he resided with his family。〃  This Murdoch had a son; John  Mackenzie; 〃born in Beadnall; parish of Bamborough; county of  Northumberland; in 1738; who married Miss Isabella Davidson in 1762;  and died in 1780; in his forty…second year。〃  John had a son; 〃Captain  Murdoch Mackenzie; the claimant; who was born at Beadnall; county of Northumberland; in 1763; and married in 1781; Miss Eleanor Brown of  the same place; and has issue。  He commanded the ship Essex; transport  81; of London; during the late war。  Being desirous to see his clan in the  North; in 1790 he visited the late Francis Lord Seaforth; who in the true spirit of Scotch sincerity; hospitality; and nobility received him with  demonstrations of pleasure。  After talking over family matters his Lordship candidly said that Captain Murdoch ought to have been the peer in  point of primogeniture。〃 A short account of the family accompanies the  pedigree and claim; which concludes in these terms〃In consequence of  the death of the last peer it has been discovered in Scotland that the titles and family estates have devolved upon Captain Murdoch Mackenzie of  London。  This gentleman is naturally anxious to establish his rights; but being unable to prosecute so important a claim without the aid of  sufficient funds he has been advised to solicit the aid of some individuals  whose public spirit and liberal feelings may prompt them to assist him on the principle that such timely assistance and support will be gratefully and  liberally rewarded。 Captain Mackenzie hereby offers to give his bond for ?00 (or more if required) for every ?00 that may be lent him to prosecute his 
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