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and; after a time; he fell asleep。 
    And when the Moon shone in the heavens the Nightingale flew to the 
Rose…tree; and set her breast against the thorn。 All night long she sang 
with her breast against the thorn; and the cold crystal Moon leaned down 
and listened。 All night long she sang; and the thorn went deeper and 
deeper into her breast; and her life…blood ebbed away from her。 
    She sang first of the birth of love in the heart of a boy and a girl。 And 
on the top…most spray of the Rose…tree there blossomed a marvellous rose; 
petal following petal; as song followed song。 Pale was it; at first; as the 
mist that hangs over the river … pale as the feet of the morning; and silver 
as the wings of the dawn。 As the shadow of a rose in a mirror of silver; as 
the shadow of a rose in a water…pool; so was the rose that blossomed on 
the topmost spray of the Tree。 
    But the Tree cried to the Nightingale to press closer against the thorn。 
〃Press closer; little Nightingale;〃 cried the Tree; 〃or the Day will e 
before the rose is finished。〃 
    So the Nightingale pressed closer against the thorn; and louder and 
louder grew her song; for she sang of the birth of passion in the soul of a 
man and a maid。 
    And a delicate flush of pink came into the leaves of the rose; like the 
flush in the face of the bridegroom when he kisses the lips of the bride。 
But the thorn had not yet reached her heart; so the rose's heart remained 
white; for only a Nightingale's heart's…blood can crimson the heart of a 
    And the Tree cried to the Nightingale to press closer against the thorn。 
〃Press closer; little Nightingale;〃 cried the Tree; 〃or the Day will e 
before the rose is finished。〃 
    So the Nightingale pressed closer against the thorn; and the thorn 
touched her heart; and a fierce pang of pain shot through her。 Bitter; bitter 


                             The Happy Prince and Other Tales 

was the pain; and wilder and wilder grew her song; for she sang of the 
Love that is perfected by Death; of the Love that dies not in the tomb。 
    And the marvellous rose became crimson; like the rose of the eastern 
sky。 Crimson was the girdle of petals; and crimson as a ruby was the 
    But the Nightingale's voice grew fainter; and her little wings began to 
beat; and a film came over her eyes。 Fainter and fainter grew her song; 
and she felt something choking her in her throat。 
    Then she gave one last burst of music。 The white Moon heard it; and 
she forgot the dawn; and lingered on in the sky。 The red rose heard it; 
and it trembled all over with ecstasy; and opened its petals to the cold 
morning air。 Echo bore it to her purple cavern in the hills; and woke the 
sleeping shepherds from their dreams。 It floated through the reeds of the 
river; and they carried its message to the sea。 
    〃Look; look!〃 cried the Tree; 〃the rose is finished now〃; but the 
Nightingale made no answer; for she was lying dead in the long grass; 
with the thorn in her heart。 
    And at noon the Student opened his window and looked out。 
    〃Why; what a wonderful piece of luck!〃 he cried; 〃here is a red rose! 
I have never seen any rose like it in all my life。 It is so beautiful that I 
am sure it has a long Latin name〃; and he leaned down and plucked it。 
    Then he put on his hat; and ran up to the Professor's house with the 
rose in his hand。 
    The daughter of the Professor was sitting in the doorway winding blue 
silk on a reel; and her little dog was lying at her feet。 
    〃You said that you would dance with me if I brought you a red rose;〃 
cried the Student。 〃Here is the reddest rose in all the world。 You will 
wear it to…night next your heart; and as we dance together it will tell you 
how I love you。〃 
    But the girl frowned。 
    〃I am afraid it will not go with my dress;〃 she answered; 〃and; besides; 
the Chamberlain's nephew has sent me some real jewels; and everybody 


                          The Happy Prince and Other Tales 

knows that jewels cost far more than flowers。〃 
    〃Well; upon my word; you are very ungrateful;〃 said the Student 
angrily; and he threw the rose into the street; where it fell into the gutter; 
and a cart…wheel went over it。 
    〃Ungrateful!〃 said the girl。 〃I tell you what; you are very rude; and; 
after all; who are you? Only a Student。 Why; I don't believe you have 
even got silver buckles to your shoes as the Chamberlain's nephew has〃; 
and she got up from her chair and went into the house。 
    〃What I a silly thing Love is;〃 said the Student as he walked away。 〃It 
is not half as useful as Logic; for it does not prove anything; and it is 
always telling one of things that are not going to happen; and making one 
believe things that are not true。 In fact; it is quite unpractical; and; as in 
this age to be practical is everything; I shall go back to Philosophy and 
study Metaphysics。〃 
    So he returned to his room and pulled out a great dusty book; and 
began to read。 


                           The Happy Prince and Other Tales 

                THE SELFISH GIANT 

    Every afternoon; as they were ing from school; the children used 
to go and play in the Giant's garden。 
    It was a large lovely garden; with soft green grass。 Here and there 
over the grass stood beautiful flowers like stars; and there were twelve 
peach…trees that in the spring…time broke out into delicate blossoms of pink 
and pearl; and in the autumn bore rich fruit。 The birds sat on the trees 
and sang so sweetly that the children used to stop their games in order to 
listen to them。 〃How happy we are here!〃 they cried to each other。 
    One day the Giant came back。 He had been to visit his friend the 
Cornish ogre; and had stayed with him for seven years。 After the seven 
years were over he had said all that he had to say; for his conversation was 
limited; and he determined to return to his own castle。         When he arrived 
he saw the children playing in the garden。 
    〃What are you doing here?〃 he cried in a very gruff voice; and the 
children ran away。 
    〃My own garden is my own garden;〃 said the Giant; 〃any one can 
understand that; and I will allow nobody to play in it but myself。〃 So he 
built a high wall all round it; and put up a notice…board。 
     He was a very selfish Giant。 
    The poor children had now nowhere to play。 They tried to play on 
the road; but the road was very dusty and full of hard stones; and they did 
not like it。 They used to wander round the high wall when their lessons 
were over; and talk about the beautiful garden inside。          〃How happy we 
were there;〃 they said to each other。 
    Then the Spring came; and all over the country there were little 
blossoms and little birds。 Only in the garden of the Selfish Giant it was 


                            The Happy Prince and Other Tales 

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