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lantern; as the night is so dark that I am afraid I might fall into the ditch。' 
    〃'I am very sorry;' answered the Miller; 'but it is my new lantern; and it 
would be a great loss to me if anything happened to it。' 
    〃'Well; never mind; I will do without it;' cried little Hans; and he took 
down his great fur coat; and his warm scarlet cap; and tied a muffler round 
his throat; and started off。 
    〃What a dreadful storm it was! The night was so black that little 
Hans could hardly see; and the wind was so strong that he could scarcely 
stand。 However; he was very courageous; and after he had been walking 
about three hours; he arrived at the Doctor's house; and knocked at the 
    〃'Who is there?' cried the Doctor; putting his head out of his bedroom 
    〃'Little Hans; Doctor。' 
    〃'What do you want; little Hans?' 
    〃'The Miller's son has fallen from a ladder; and has hurt himself; and 
the Miller wants you to e at once。' 
    〃'All right!' said the Doctor; and he ordered his horse; and his big 


                             The Happy Prince and Other Tales 

boots; and his lantern; and came downstairs; and rode off in the direction 
of the Miller's house; little Hans trudging behind him。 
     〃But the storm grew worse and worse; and the rain fell in torrents; and 
little Hans could not see where he was going; or keep up with the horse。 
At last he lost his way; and wandered off on the moor; which was a very 
dangerous place; as it was full of deep holes; and there poor little Hans 
was drowned。 His body was found the next day by some goatherds; 
floating in a great pool of water; and was brought back by them to the 
     〃Everybody went to little Hans' funeral; as he was so popular; and the 
Miller was the chief mourner。 
     〃'As I was his best friend;' said the Miller; 'it is only fair that I should 
have the best place'; so he walked at the head of the procession in a long 
black cloak; and every now and then he wiped his eyes with a big pocket… 
     〃'Little Hans is certainly a great loss to every one;' said the Blacksmith; 
when the funeral was over; and they were all seated fortably in the inn; 
drinking spiced wine and eating sweet cakes。 
     〃'A great loss to me at any rate;' answered the Miller; 'why; I had as 
good as given him my wheelbarrow; and now I really don't know what to 
do with it。 It is very much in my way at home; and it is in such bad 
repair that I could not get anything for it if I sold it。 I will certainly take 
care not to give away anything again。 One always suffers for being 
     〃Well?〃 said the Water…rat; after a long pause。 
     〃Well; that is the end;〃 said the Lin。 
     〃But what became of the Miller?〃 asked the Water…rat。 
     〃Oh! I really don't know;〃 replied the Lin; 〃and I am sure that I 
don't care。〃 
     〃It is quite evident then that you have no sympathy in your nature;〃 
said the Water…rat。 
     〃I am afraid you don't quite see the moral of the story;〃 remarked the 


                            The Happy Prince and Other Tales 

    〃The what?〃 screamed the Water…rat。 
    〃The moral。〃 
    〃Do you mean to say that the story has a moral?〃 
    〃Certainly;〃 said the Lin。 
    〃Well; really;〃 said the Water…rat; in a very angry manner; 〃I think you 
should have told me that before you began。 If you had done so; I 
certainly would not have listened to you; in fact; I should have said 'Pooh;' 
like the critic。 However; I can say it now〃; so he shouted out 〃Pooh〃 at 
the top of his voice; gave a whisk with his tail; and went back into his 
    〃And how do you like the Water…rat?〃 asked the Duck; who came 
paddling up some minutes afterwards。 〃He has a great many good points; 
but for my own part I have a mother's feelings; and I can never look at a 
confirmed bachelor without the tears ing into my eyes。〃 
    〃I am rather afraid that I have annoyed him;〃 answered the Lin。 
〃The fact is; that I told him a story with a moral。〃 〃Ah! that is always a 
very dangerous thing to do;〃 said the Duck。 
    And I quite agree with her。 


                            The Happy Prince and Other Tales 


    The King's son was going to be married; so there were general 
rejoicings。 He had waited a whole year for his bride; and at last she had 
arrived。 She was a Russian Princess; and had driven all the way from 
Finland in a sledge drawn by six reindeer。 The sledge was shaped like a 
great golden swan; and between the swan's wings lay the little Princess 
herself。 Her long ermine…cloak reached right down to her feet; on her 
head was a tiny cap of silver tissue; and she was as pale as the Snow 
Palace in which she had always lived。 So pale was she that as she drove 
through the streets all the people wondered。 〃She is like a white rose!〃 
they cried; and they threw down flowers on her from the balconies。 
    At the gate of the Castle the Prince was waiting to receive her。 He had 
dreamy violet eyes; and his hair was like fine gold。 When he saw her he 
sank upon one knee; and kissed her hand。 
    〃Your picture was beautiful;〃 he murmured; 〃but you are more 
beautiful than your picture〃; and the little Princess blushed。 
    〃She was like a white rose before;〃 said a young Page to his neighbour; 
〃but she is like a red rose now〃; and the whole Court was delighted。 
    For the next three days everybody went about saying; 〃White rose; 
Red rose; Red rose; White rose〃; and the King gave orders that the Page's 
salary was to be doubled。 As he received no salary at all this was not of 
much use to him; but it was considered a great honour; and was duly 
published in the Court Gazette。 
    When the three days were over the marriage was celebrated。 It was a 
magnificent ceremony; and the bride and bridegroom walked hand in hand 
under a canopy of purple velvet embroidered with little pearls。 Then 
there was a State Banquet; which lasted for five hours。 The Prince and 
Princess sat at the top of the Great Hall and drank out of a cup of clear 


                             The Happy Prince and Other Tales 

crystal。 Only true lovers could drink out of this cup; for if false lips 
touched it; it grew grey and dull and cloudy。 
    〃It's quite clear that they love each other;〃 said the little Page; 〃as clear 
as crystal!〃 and the King doubled his salary a second time。 〃What an 
honour!〃 cried all the courtiers。 
    After the banquet there was to be a Ball。 The bride and bridegroom 
were to dance the Rose…dance together; and the King had promised to play 
the flute。 He played very badly; but no one had ever dared to tell him so; 
because he was the King。 Indeed; he knew only two airs; and was never 
quite certain which one he was playing; but it made no matter; for; 
whatever he did; everybody cried out; 〃Charming! charming!〃 
    The last item on the p
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