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‘‘You are rather disposed to call his interference officious?''
‘‘I do not see what right Mr。 Darcy had to decide on the propriety of his friend's inclination; or why; upon his own judgment alone; he was to determine and direct in what manner that friend was to be happy。'' ‘‘But;'' she continued; recollecting herself; ‘‘as we know none of the particulars; it is not fair to condemn him。 It is not to be supposed that there was much affection in the case。''
‘‘That is not an unnatural surmise;'' said Fitzwilliam; ‘‘but it is lessening the honour of my cousin's triumph very sadly。''
This was spoken jestingly; but it appeared to her so just a picture of Mr。 Darcy that she would not trust herself with an answer; and; therefore; abruptly changing the conversation; talked on indifferent matters till they reached the parsonage。 There; shut into her own room as soon as their visitor left them; she could think without interruption of all that she had heard。 It was not to be supposed that any other people could be meant than those with whom she was connected。 There could not exist in the world two men over whom Mr。 Darcy could have such boundless influence。 That he had been concerned in the measures taken to separate Mr。 Bingley and Jane; she had never doubted; but she had always attributed to Miss Bingley the principal design and arrangement of them。 If his own vanity; however; did not mislead him; he was the cause; his pride and caprice were the cause; of all that Jane had suffered; and still continued to suffer。 He had ruined for a while every hope of happiness for the most affectionate; generous heart in the world; and no one could say how lasting an evil he might have inflicted。
‘‘There were some very strong objections against the lady;'' were Colonel Fitzwilliam's words; and these strong objections probably were; her having one uncle who was a country attorney; and another who was in business in London。
‘‘To Jane herself;'' she exclaimed; ‘‘there could be no possibility of objection。 All loveliness and goodness as she is! Her understanding excellent; her mind improved; and her manners captivating。 Neither could any thing be urged against my father; who; though with some peculiarities; has abilities which Mr。 Darcy himself need not disdain; and respectability which he will probably never reach。'' When she thought of her mother; indeed; her confidence gave way a little; but she would not allow that any objections there had material weight with Mr。 Darcy; whose pride; she was convinced; would receive a deeper wound from the want of importance in his friend's connections; than from their want of sense; and she was quite decided at last; that he had been partly governed by this worst kind of pride; and partly by the wish of retaining Mr。 Bingley for his sister。
The agitation and tears which the subject occasioned brought on a headache; and it grew so much worse towards the evening that; added to her unwillingness to see Mr。 Darcy; it determined her not to attend her cousins to Rosings; where they were engaged to drink tea。 Mrs。 Collins; seeing that she was really unwell; did not press her to go; and as much as possible prevented her husband from pressing her; but Mr。 Collins could not conceal his apprehension of Lady Catherine's being rather displeased by her staying at home。伊丽莎白在花园里散步的时候,曾经好多次出乎意料地碰见达西先生。别人不来的地方 他偏偏会来,这真是不幸,她觉得好象是命运在故意跟她闹别扭。她第一次就对他说,她喜 欢独自一人到这地方来溜达,当时的用意就是不让以后再有这种事情发生。如果会有第二 次,那才叫怪呢。然而毕竟有了第二次,甚至还会有第三次,看上去他好象是故意跟她过不 去,否则就是有心要来赔罪;因为这几次他既不是跟她敷衍几句就哑口无言,也不是稍隔一 会儿就走开,而是当真掉过头来跟她一块儿走走。他从来不多说话,她也懒得多讲,懒得多 听;可是第三次见面的时候,他问她住在汉斯福快活不快活,问她为什么喜欢孤单单一个人 散步,又问起她是不是觉得柯林斯夫妇很幸福。谈起罗新斯,她说她对于那家人家不大了 解,他倒好象希望她以后每逢有机会再到肯特来,也会去那儿小住一阵,从他的出言吐语里 面听得出他有这层意思。难道他在替费茨威廉上校转念头吗?她想,如果他当真话里有音, 那他一定暗示那个人对她有些动心。她觉得有些痛苦,她在已经走到牧师住宅对过的围墙门 口,因此又觉得很高兴。
有一天,她正在一面散步,一面重新读着吉英上一次的来信,把吉英心灰意冷时所写的 那几段仔细咀嚼着,这时候又让人吓了一跳,可是抬头一看,只见这次并不是达西,而是费 茨威廉上校正在迎面走来。她立刻收起了那封信,勉强做出一副笑脸,说道:
“没想到你也会到这儿来。”费茨威廉回答道:“我每年都是这样,临走以前总得要到 花园里各处去兜一圈,最后上牧师家来拜望。你还要往前走吗?”
“即使不能顺着他自己的意思去摆布,至少也要顺着他自己意思去选择一下。我从来没 有看见过哪一个人,象达西先生这样喜欢当权作主,为所欲为。”
“他太任性了,”费茨威廉上校回答道。“可是我们全都如此。只不过他比一般人有条 件,可以那么做,因为他有钱,一般人穷。我是说的真心话。你知道,一个小儿子可就不得 不克制自己,仰仗别人。”
“在我看来,一个伯爵的小儿子,对这两件事简直就一点儿不懂。再说,我倒要问你一 句正经话,你又懂得什么叫做克制自己和仰仗别人呢?我有没有哪一次因为没有钱,想去什 么地方去不成,爱买一样东西买不成?”
“你问得好,或许我在这方面也是不知艰苦。可是遇到重大问题,我可能就会因为没有 钱而吃苦了。小儿子往往有了意中人而不能结婚。”
“我们花钱花惯了,因此不得不依赖别人,象我这样身份的人,结起婚来能够不讲钱, 那可数不出几个了。”
“这些话都是对我说的吗?”伊丽莎白想到这里,不禁脸红;可是她立刻恢复了常态, 用一种很活泼的声调说道:“请问一个伯爵的小儿子,通常值多少身价?我想,除非哥哥身 体太坏,你讨起价来总不能超过五万镑。”
他也用同样的口吻回答了她,这事便不再提。可是她又怕这样沉默下去,他会以为她是 听了刚才那番话心里难受,因此隔了一会儿,她便说道:
“我想,你表兄把你带来待在他身边,主要就是为了要有个人听他摆布。我不懂他为什 么还不结婚,结了婚不就是可以有个人一辈子听他摆布了吗?不过,目前他有个妹妹也许就 行了;既然现在由他一个人照管她,那他就可以爱怎么对待她就怎么对待她了。”
“你真的是吗?请问,你这位保护人当得怎么样?你们这位小姐相当难待候吧?象她那 样年纪的小姐,有时候真不大容易对付;假若她的脾气也和达西一模一样,她自然也会样样 事都凭她自己高兴。”
她说这话的时候,只见他在情恳意切望着她。他马上就问她说,为什么她会想到达西小 姐可能使他们感到棘手。她看他问这句话的神态,就愈发断定自己果真猜得很接近事实。她 立刻回答道:“你不必慌张。我从来没有听到过她有什么坏处;而且我敢说,她是世界上最 听话的一位姑娘。我的女朋友们中有几个人,譬如赫斯脱太太和彬格莱小姐,都喜欢得她了 不得。我好象听你说过,你也认识她们的。”
“噢,是呀,”伊丽莎白冷冷地说:“达西先生待彬格莱先生特别好,也照顾得他十二 万分周到。”
“照顾他!是的,我的确相信,凡是他拿不出办法的事情,达西先生总会替他想出办 法。我们到这儿来,路上他告诉了我一些事情,我听了以后,便相信彬格莱先生确实多亏他 帮了些忙。可是我得请他原谅,我没有权利猜想他所说的那个人就是彬格莱。那完全是瞎猜 罢了。”
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