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the heir of redclyffe-第85章

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'Well; well; say no more about it; he is an ungrateful young dog; and I 

am sick of it。  I only wish I could wash my hands of him altogether。  

It was mere folly to expect any of that set could ever come to good。  

There's everything going wrong all at once now; poor little Amy 

breaking her heart after him; and; worse than all; there's poor Charlie 

laid up again;' said Mr。 Edmonstone; one of the most affectionate 

people in the world; but his maundering mood making him speak of 

Charles's illness as if he only regarded it as an additional 

provocation for himself。

'Charles ill!' exclaimed Philip。

'Yes; another; of those formations in the joint。  I hoped and trusted 

that was all over now; but he is as bad as ever;has not been able to 

move for a week; and goodness knows when he will again。'

'Indeed!  I am very sorry。  Is there as much pain as before?'

'Oh; yes。  He has not slept a wink these four nights。  Mayerne talks of 

opium; but he says he won't have it till he has seen you; he is so 

anxious about this unlucky business。  If anything could persuade me to 

have Guy back again it would be that this eternal fretting after him is 

so bad for poor Charlie。'

'It is on Amy's account that it is impossible to have him here;' said 


'Ay!  He shall never set eyes on Amy again unless all this is cleared 

up; which it never will be; as I desire mamma to tell her。  By the bye; 

Philip; Amy said something of your having a slip with Charles on the 


There was very nearly an accident; but I believed he was not hurt。  I 

hope it has nothing to do with this illness?'

'He says it was all his own fault;' said Mr。 Edmonstone; 'and that he 

should have been actually down but for you。'

'But is it really thought it can have caused this attack?'

'I can hardly suppose so; but Thompson fancies there may have been some 

jar。  However; don't distress yourself; I dare say it would have come 

on all the same。'

Philip did not like to be forgiven by Mr。 Edmonstone; and there was 

something very annoying in having this mischance connected with his 

name; though without his fault; nor did he wish Charles to have the 

kind of advantage over him that might be derived from seeming to pass 

over his share in the misfortune。

When they arrived at Hollywell; it was twilight; but no one was in the 

drawing…room; generally so cheerful at that time of day; the fire had 

lately been smothered with coals; and looked gloomy and desolate。  Mr。 

Edmonstone left Philip there; and ran up to see how Charles was; and 

soon after Laura came in; sprang to his side; and held his hand in both 


'You bring no good news?' said she; sadly; as she read the answer in 

his face。  '0! how I wish you had。  It would be such a comfort now。  

You have heard about poor Charlie?'

'Yes; and very sorry I am。  But; Laura; is it really thought that 

accident could have occasioned it?'

'Dr。 Mayerne does not think so; only Mr。 Thompson talked of remote 

causes; when Amy mentioned it。  I don't believe it did any harm; and 

Charlie himself says you saved him from falling down…stairs。'

Philip had begun to give Laura his version of the accident; as he had 

already done to her father; when Mrs。 Edmonstone came down; looking 

harassed and anxious。  She told her nephew that Charles was very 

desirous to see him; and sent him up at once。

There was a fire in the dressing…room; and the door was open into the 

little room; which was only lighted by a lamp on a small table; where 

Amy was sitting at work。  After shaking hands; she went away; leaving 

him alone with Charles; who lay in his narrow bed against the wall; 

fixed in one position; his forehead contracted with pain; his eyelids 

red and heavy from sleeplessness; his eyes very quick and eager; and 

his hands and arms thrown restlessly outside the coverings。

'I am very sorry to find you here;' said Philip; coming up to him; and 

taking; rather than receiving; his hot; limp hand。  'Is the pain very 


'That is a matter of course;' said Charles; in a sharp; quick manner; 

his voice full of suffering。  'I want to hear what you have been doing 

at Oxford and St。 Mildred's。'

'I am sorry I do not bring the tidings you wish。'

'I did not expect you would。  I know you too well; but I want to hear 

what you have been doingwhat he said;' answered Charles; in short; 

impatient sentences。

'It can be of no use; Charlie。  You are not in a state to enter on 

agitating subjects。'

'I tell you I will hear all;' returned Charles; with increased 

asperity。  'I know you will say nothing to his advantage that you can 

help; but still I know you will speak what you think the truth; and I 

want to judge for myself。'

'You speak as if I was not acting for his good。'

'Palaver!' cried Charles; fully sensible of the advantage his illness 

gave him。  'I want the facts。  Begin at the beginning。  Sit down

there's a chair by you。  Now tell me; where did you find him?'

Philip could not set Charles down in his present state; and was obliged 

to submit to a cross…examination; in which he showed no abatement of 

his natural acuteness; and; unsparing as he always was; laid himself 

under no restraint at all。  Philip was compelled to give a full history 

of his researches; and if he had afforded no triumph to Guy; Charles 

revenged him。

'Pray; what did Guy say when he heard the result of this fine voyage of 


'I did not see him again。'

'Not see him! not tell him he was so far justified!'

'I had no timeat least I thought not。  It would have been useless; 

for while these mysteries continue; my opinion is unchanged; and there 

was no benefit in renewing vain disputes。'

'Say no more!' exclaimed Charles。  'You have said all I expected; and 

more too。  I gave you credit for domineering and prejudice; now I see 

it is malignity。'

As he spoke; Laura entered from the dressing…room; and stood aghast at 

the words; and then looked imploringly at her cousin。  Dr。 Mayerne was 

following her; and Charles called out;

'Now; doctor; give me as much opium as you please。  I only want to be 

stupefied till the world has turned round; and then you may wake me。'

Philip shook hands with Dr。 Mayerne; and; without betraying a shade of 

annoyance; wished Charles good night; but Charles had drawn the 

coverings over his head; and would not hear him。

'Poor fellow!' said Philip to Laura; when they were out of the room。  

'He is a very generous partisan; and excitement and suffering make him 

carry his zeal to excess。'

'I knew you could not be angry with him。'

'I could not be angry at this time at far more provocation given by any 

one belonging to you; Laura。'

Laura's heart had that sensation which the French call 〃se serrer〃; as 

she heard him allude to the long separation to which there seemed n
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