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the heir of redclyffe-第80章

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was too far above him; and though he had; beyond his hopes; been 

allowed to aspire to the thought of her; it was on trial; and his 

failure; his return to his old evil passions; had sunk him beneath her。  

He shuddered to think of her being united to anything so unlike 

herself; and which might cause her so much misery; it was wretchedness 

to think that even now she might he suffering for him; and yet not for 

worlds would he have lost the belief that she was so feeling; or the 

remembrance of the looks which had shone on him so sweetly and timidly 

as she sat at her mother's feet; though that remembrance was only 

another form of misery。  But Amy would be tranquil; pure and good; 

whatever became of him; and he should always be able to think of her; 

looking like one of those peaceful spirits; with bending head; folded 

hands; and a star on its brow; in the 〃Paradiso〃 of Flaxman。  Her 

serenity would be untouched; and though she might be lost to him; he 

could still be content while he could look up at it through his turbid 

life。  Better she were lost to him than that her peace should be 


He still; of course; earnestly longed to prove his innocence; though 

his hopes lessened; for as long as the evidence was withheld; he had no 

chance。  After writing as strongly as he could; he could do no more; 

except watch for something that might unravel the mystery; and 

Charles's warm sympathy and readiness to assist him were a great 


He had not seen his uncle again; perhaps Sebastian was ashamed to meet 

him after their last encounter; and was still absent on his engagement; 

but the wife and child were still at St。 Mildred's; and one afternoon; 

when Guy had rather unwillingly gone thither with Mr。 Wellwood; he saw 

Mrs。 Dixon sitting on one of the benches which were placed on the paths 

cut out on the side of the hill; looking very smart and smiling; among 

several persons of her own class。

To be ashamed to recognise her was a weakness beneath him; he spoke to 

her; and was leaving her; pluming herself on his notice; when he saw 

little Marianne's blue eyes fixed wistfully upon him; and held out his 

hand to her。  She ran up to him joyfully; and he led her a few steps 

from her mother's party。  'Well; little one; how are you?  I have your 

piece of spar quite safe。  Have you said how d'ye do to Bustle?'

'Bustle!  Bustle!' called the soft voice but it needed a whistle from 

his master to bring him to be caressed by the little girl。

'Have you been taking any more pleasant walks?'

'Oh yes。  We have been all round these pretty paths。  And I should like 

to go to the top of this great high hill; and see all round; but mamma 

says she has got a bone in her leg; and cannot go。'

'Do you think mamma would give you leave to go up with me?  Should you 

like it?'

She coloured all over; too happy even to thank him。

'Then;' said Guy to his tutor; 'I will meet you here when you have done 

your business in the town; in an hour or so。  Poor little thing; she 

has not many pleasures。'

Mrs。 Dixon made no difficulty; and was so profuse in thanks that Guy 

got out of her way as fast as he could; and was soon on the soft thymy 

grass of the hill…side; the little girl frisking about him in great 

delight; playing with Bustle; and chattering merrily。

Little Marianne was a delicate child; and her frolic did not last long。  

As the ascent became steeper; her breath grew shorter; and she toiled 

on in a resolute uncomplaining manner after his long; vigorous steps; 

till he looked round; and seeing her panting far behind; turned to help 

her; lead her; and carry her; till the top was achieved; and the little 

girl stood on the topmost stone; gazing round at the broad sunny 

landscape; with the soft green meadows; the harvest fields; the woods 

in their gorgeous autumn raiment; and the moorland on the other side; 

with its other peaks and cairns; brown with withered bracken; and 

shadowed in moving patches by the floating clouds。  The exhilarating 

wind brought a colour into her pale cheeks; and her flossy curls were 

blowing over her face。

He watched her in silence; pleased and curious to observe how beautiful 

a scene struck the childish eye of the little Londoner。  The first 

thing she said; after three or four minutes' contemplationa long time 

for such a childwas; 'Oh! I never saw anything so pretty!' then 

presently after; 'Oh! I wish little brother Felix was here!'

'This is a pleasant place to think about your little brother;' said 

Guy; kindly; and she looked up in his face; and exclaimed; 'Oh! do you 

know about Felix?'

'You shall tell me' said Guy。  'Here; sit on my knee; and rest after 

your scramble。'

'Mamma never lets me talk of Felix; because it makes her cry;' said 

Marianne; but I wish it sometimes。'

Her little heart was soon open。  It appeared that Felix was the last 

who had died; the nearest in age to Marianne; and her favourite 

playfellow。  She told of some of their sports in their London home; 

speaking of them with eagerness and fondness that showed what joys they 

had been; though to Guy they seemed but the very proof of dreariness 

and dinginess。  She talked of walks to school; when Felix would tell 

what he would do when he was a man; and how he took care of her at the 

crossings; and how rude boys used to drive them; and how they would 

look in at the shop windows and settle what they would buy if they were 

rich。  Then she talked of his being illill so very long; how he sat 

in his little chair; and could not play; and then always lay in bed; 

and she liked to sit by him; there; but at last he died; and they 

carried him away in a great black coffin; and he would never come back 

again。  But it was so dull now; there was no one to play with her。

Though the little girl did not cry; she looked very mournful; and Guy 

tried to comfort her; but she did not understand him。  'Going to 

heaven' only conveyed to her a notion of death and separation; and this 

phrase; together with a vague idea who had made her; and that she ought 

to be good; seemed to be the extent of the poor child's religious 

knowledge。  She hardly ever had been at church and though she had read 

one or two Bible stories; it seemed to have been from their having been 

used as lessons at school。  She had a dim notion that good people read 

the Bible; and there was one on the little table at home; with the 

shell…turkey…cock standing upon it; and mamma read it when Felix died; 

but it was a big book; and the shell…turkey…cock always stood upon it; 

in short; it seemed only connected with mamma's tears; and the loss of 

her brother。

Guy was very much shocked; and so deep in thought that he could hardly 

talk to the child in their progress down the hill; but she was just so 

tired as to be inclined to silence; and quite happy clinging to his 

hand; till he delivered her ove
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