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the heir of redclyffe-第76章

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and moderate。

They had been so busy; and Mr; Edmonstone so excited; that Philip 

thought it best to accept the offer of tea being sent them in the 

dining…room; and it was not till nearly midnight that their conference 

broke up; when Mr。 Edmonstone found his wife sitting up by the 

dressing…room fire; having shut Charles's door; sorely against his 


'There;' began Mr。 Edmonstone; 'you may tell Amy she may give him up; 

and a lucky escape she has had。  But this is what comes of settling 

matters in my absence。' So he proceeded with the narration; mixing the 

facts undistinguishably with his own surmises; and overwhelming his 

wife with dismay。  If a quarter of this was true; defence of Guy was 

out of the question; and it was still more impossible to wish Amy's 

attachment to him to continue; and though much was incredible; it was 

no time to say so。  She could only hope morning would soften her 

husband's anger; and make matters explicable。

Morning failed to bring her comfort。  Mr。 Edmonstone repeated that Amy 

must be ordered to give up all thoughts of Guy; and she perceived that 

the words ascribed to him stood on evidence which could not be doubted。  

She could believe he might have spoken them in the first shock of an 

unjust imputation; and she thought he might have been drawn into some 

scrape to serve a friend; but she could never suppose him capable of 

all Mr。 Edmonstone imagined。

The first attempt to plead his cause; however; brought on her an angry 

reply; for Philip; by a hint; that she never saw a fault in Guy; had 

put it into his uncle's head that she would try to lead him; and made 

him particularly inaccessible to her influence。

There was no help for it; then; poor little Amy must hear the worst; 

and it was not long before Mrs。 Edmonstone found her waiting in the 

dressing…room。  Between obedience to her husband; her conviction of 

Guy's innocence; and her tenderness to her daughter; Mrs。 Edmonstone 

had a hard task; and she could scarcely check her tears as Amy nestled 

up for her morning kiss。

'0 mamma! what is it?'

'Dearest; I told you a cloud was coming。  Try to bear it。  Your papa is 

not satisfied with Guy's answer; and it seems he spoke some hasty words 

of papa and Philip; they have displeased papa very much; and; my dear 

child; you must try to bear it; he has written to tell Guy he must not 

think any more of you。'

'He has spoken hasty words of papa!' repeated Amy; as if she had not 

heard the rest。 'How sorry he must be!'

As she spoke; Charles's door was pushed open; and in he came; half 

dressed; scrambling on; with but one crutch; to the chair near which 

she stood; with drooping head and clasped hands。

'Never mind; little Amy; he said; 'I'll lay my life 'tis only some 

monstrous figment of Mrs。 Henley's。  Trust my word; it will right 

itself; it is only a rock to keep true love from running too smooth。  

Come; don't cry; as her tears began to flow fast; 'I only meant to 

cheer you up。'

'I am afraid; Charlie; said his mother; putting a force on her own 

feeling; 'it is not the best or kindest way to do her good by telling 

her to dwell on hopes of him。'

'Mamma one of Philip's faction!' exclaimed Charles。

'Of no faction at all; Charles; but I am afraid it is a bad case;' and 

Mrs; Edmonstone related what she knew; glad to address herself to any 

one but Amy; who stood still; meanwhile; her hands folded on the back 

of her brother's chair。

Charles loudly protested that the charges were absurd and preposterous; 

and would be proved so in no time。  He would finish dressing instantly; 

go to speak to his father; and show him the sense of the thing。  Amy 

heard and hoped; and his mother; who had great confidence in his clear 

sight; was so cheered as almost to expect that today's post might carry 

a conciliatory letter。

Meantime; Laura and Philip met in the breakfast…room; and in answer to 

her anxious inquiry; he had given her an account of Guy; which; though 

harsh enough; was far more comprehensible than what the rest had been 

able to gather。

She was inexpressibly shocked; 'My poor dear little Amy!' she 

exclaimed。  'O Philip; now I see all you thought to save me from!'

'It is an unhappy business that it ever was permitted!'

'Poor little dear!  She was so happy; so very happy and sweet in her 

humility and her love。  Do you know; Philip; I was almost jealous for a 

moment that all should be so easy for them; and I blamed poverty; but 

oh! there are worse things than poverty!'

He did not speak; but his dark blue eye softened with the tender look 

known only to her; and it was one of the precious moments for which she 

lived。  She was happy till the rest came down; and then a heavy cloud 

seemed to hang on them at breakfast time。

'Charles; who found anxiety on Guy's account more exciting; though 

considerably less agreeable; than he had once expected; would not go 

away with the womankind; but as soon as the door was shut; exclaimed;

'Now then; Philip; let me know the true grounds of your persecution。'

It was not a conciliating commencement。  His father was offended; and 

poured out a confused torrent of Guy's imagined misdeeds; while Philip 

explained and modified his exaggerations。

'So the fact is;' said Charles; at length; 'that Guy has asked for his 

own money; and when in lieu of it he received a letter full of unjust 

charges; he declared Philip was a meddling coxcomb。  I advise you not 

to justify his opinion。'

Philip disdained to reply; and after a few more of Mr。 Edmonstone's 

exclamations Charles proceeded;

'This is the great sum total。'

'No;' said Philip; 'I have proof of his gambling。'

'What is it?'

'I have shown it to your father; and he is satisfied。'

'Is it not proof enough that he is lost to all sense of propriety; that 

he should go and speak in that fashion of us; and to Philip's own 

sister?' cried Mr。 Edmonstone。  'What would you have more?'

'That little epithet applied to Captain Morville is hardly; to my mind; 

proof sufficient that a man is capable of every vice;' said Charles; 

who; in the pleasure of galling his cousin; did not perceive the harm 

he did his friend's cause; by recalling the affront which his father; 

at least; felt most deeply。  Mr。 Edmonstone grew angry with him for 

disregarding the insulting term applied to himself; and Charles; who; 

though improved in many points; still sometimes showed the effects of 

early habits of disrespect to his father; answered hastily; that no one 

could wonder at Guy's resenting such suspicions; he deserved no blame 

at all; and would have been a blockhead to bear it tamely。

This was more than Charles meant; but his temper was fairly roused; and 

he said much more than was right or judicious; so that his advocacy 

only injured the cause。  He had many representations to make on th
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