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the heir of redclyffe-第63章

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Laura did not see her sister till luncheon; when Amy came down; with a 

glow on her cheeks that made her so much prettier than usual; that 

Charles wished Guy could have seen her。  She said little; and ran up 

again as soon as she could。  Laura followed her; and the two sisters 

threw their arms fondly round each other; and kissed repeatedly。

'Mamma has told you? said Amy。  'Oh; it has made me so very happy; and 

every one is so kind。'

'Dear; dear Amy!'

'I'm only afraid'

'He has begun so well'

'Oh; nonsense!  You cannot think I could be so foolish as to be afraid 

for him!  Oh no!  But if he should take me for more than I am worth。  0 

Laura; Laura!  What shall I do to be as good and sensible as you!  I 

must not be silly little Amy any more。'

'Perhaps he likes you best as you are?'

'I don't mean cleverness: I can't help that;and he knows how stupid I 

am;but I am afraid he thinks there is more worth in me。  Don't you 

know; he has a sort of sunshine in his eyes and mind; that makes all he 

cares about seem to him brighter and better than it really is。  I am 

afraid he is only dressing me up with that sunshine。'

'It must be strange sunshine that you want to make you better and 

brighter than you are;' said Laura; kissing her。

'I'll tell you what it is;' said Amy folding her hands; and standing 

with her face raised; 'it won't do now; as you told me once; to have no 

bones in my character。  I must learn to be steady and strong; if I can; 

for if this is to be; he will depend on me;  I don't mean; to advise 

him; for he knows better than anybody; but to beyou know whatif 

vexation; or trouble was to come!  And Laura; think if he was to depend 

on me; and I was to fail!  Oh; do help me to have firmness and self…

command; like you!'

'It was a long time ago that we talked of your wanting bones。'

'Yes; before he came; but I never forget it。'

Laura was obliged to go out with Eveleen。  All went their different 

ways; and Amy had the garden to herself to cool her cheeks in。  But 

this was a vain operation; for a fresh access of burning was brought on 

while Laura was helping her to dress for dinner; when her father's 

quick step sounded in the passage。  He knocked at her door; and as she 

opened it; he kissed her on each cheek; and throwing his arm round her; 


'Well; Miss Amy; you have made a fine morning's work of it!  A pretty 

thing; for young ladies to be accepting offers while papa is out of the 

way。  Eh; Laura?'

Amy knew this was a manifestation of extreme delight; but it was not 

very pleasant to Laura。

'So you have made a conquest!' proceeded Mr。 Edmonstone; 'and I 

heartily wish you joy of it; my dear。  He is as amiable and good…

natured a youth as I would wish to see; and I should say the same if he 

had not a shilling in the world。'

Laura's heart bounded; but she knew; whatever her father might fancy; 

the reality would be very different if Guy were as poor as Philip。

'I shall write to him this very evening;' he continued; 'and tell him; 

if he has the bad taste to like such a silly little white thing; I am 

not the man to stand in his way。  Eh; Amy?  Shall I tell him so?'

'Tell him what you please; dear papa。'

'Eh?  What I please?  Suppose I say we can't spare our little one; and 

he may go about his business?'

'I'm not afraid of you; papa。'

'Come; she's a good little thingsha'n't be teased。  Eh; Laura? what 

do you think of it; our beauty; to see your younger sister impertinent 

enough to set up a lover; while your pink cheeks are left in the 


Laura not being wont to make playful repartees; her silence passed 

unnoticed。  Her feelings were mixed; but perhaps the predominant one 

was satisfaction that it was not for her pink cheeks that she was 


It had occurred to Mrs。 Edmonstone that it was a curious thing; after 

her attempt at scheming for Eveleen; to have to announce to her that 

Guy was attached to her own daughter; nay; after the willingness 

Eveleen had manifested to be gratified with any attention Guy showed 

her; it seemed doubtful for a moment whether the intelligence would be 

pleasing to her。  However; Eveleen was just the girl to like men better 

than women; and never to be so happy as when on the verge of flirting; 

it would probably have been the same with any other youth that came in 

her; way; and Guy might fully be acquitted of doing more than paying 

her the civilities which were requisite from him to any young lady 

visitor。  He had; two years ago; when a mere boy; idled; laughed; and 

made fun with her; but his fear of trifling away his time had made him 

draw back; before he had involved himself in what might have led to 

anything further; and during the present visit; no one could doubt that 

he was preoccupied with Amy。  At any rate; it was right that Eveleen 

should know the truth; in confidence; if only to prevent her from 

talking of any surmises she might have。

Mrs。 Edmonstone was set at ease in a moment。  Eveleen was enchanted; 

danced round and round the room; declared they would be the most 

charming couple in the world; she had seen it all along; she was so 

delighted they had come to an understanding at last; poor things; they 

were so miserable all last week; and she must take credit to herself 

for having done it all。  Was not her aunt very  much obliged to her?

'My dear Eva;' exclaimed  Mrs。 Edmonstone; into whose mind the notion 

never entered that any one could boast of such a proceeding as hers 

last night; but the truth was that Eveleen; feeling slightly culpable; 

was delighted that all had turned out so well; and resolved to carry it 

off with a high hand。

'To be sure!  Poor little Amy! when she looked ready to sink into the 

earth; she little knew her obligations to me!  Was not it the cleverest 

thing in the world?  It was just the touch they wantedthe very 


'My dear; I am glad I know that you are sometimes given to talking 

nonsense;' said Mrs。 Edmonstone; laughing。

'And you won't believe me serious?  You won't be grateful to me for my 

lucky hit' said Eveleen; looking comically injured。  'Oh auntie; that 

is very hard; when I shall believe to my dying day that I did it!'

'Why; Eva; if I thought it had been done by design; I should find it 

very hard to forgive you for it at all; rather hard even to accept Guy; 

so you had better not try to disturb my belief that it was only that 

spirit of mischief that makes you now and then a little mad。'

'Oh dear! what a desperate scolding you must have given poor little 

Charlotte!' exclaimed Eveleen; quaintly。

Mrs。 Edmonstone could not help laughing as she confessed that she had 

altogether forgotten Charlotte。

'Then you will。  You'll go on forgetting her;' cried Eveleen。  'She 

only did what she was told; and did not know the malice of it。  There; 
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